I have an application that already deals with the generating of tooltips. I am modifying a CWnd derived class that has a parent frame. It doesn't implement tooltips.
From this, I can get tooltips to show up by adding the following code:
BOOL CMyWindow::OnToolTipNotify(UINT id, NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
// need to handle both ANSI and UNICODE versions of the message
CStringA strTipText;
UINT_PTR nID = pNMHDR->idFrom;
if (pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA && (pTTTA->uFlags & TTF_IDISHWND) ||
// idFrom is actually the HWND of the tool
nID = ::GetDlgCtrlID((HWND)nID);
if (nID != 0) // will be zero on a separator
strTipText.Format("Control ID = %d", nID);
if (pNMHDR->code == TTN_NEEDTEXTA)
strncpy_s(pTTTA->szText, sizeof(pTTTA->szText), strTipText,
strTipText.GetLength() + 1);
::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, strTipText, strTipText.GetLength() + 1,
pTTTW->szText, sizeof(pTTTW->szText) / (sizeof pTTTW->szText[0]));
return TRUE; // message was handled
I can use GetParentFrame() to get the frame window, so I'd like to leverage the tooltip code that is already in place so that I get a consistent look. Is there some way that I can forward the TTN_NEEDTEXT message so that it gets handled by the frame window?
In your message map, you use ON_NOTIFY_whatever, which should hint that the message that TTN_NEEDTEXT uses is WM_NOTIFY — and indeed this is the case. So you can just produce the WM_NOTIFY yourself and send it to the parent.
The documentation for WM_NOTIFY says wParam is the control's identifier and lParam is the NMHDR pointer. There's an example on the bottom of the page that shows wParam is just the idFrom member of the NMHDR, so you have everything you need to reconstruct the message:
LRESULT lr = this->GetParentFrame()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, pNMHDR->idFrom, (LPARAM) pNMHDR);
When you should issue this call is up to what you need to do. In this case, you would probably want to make it the first call, override your string, and return TRUE. I'm not fully sure, though.
Note: if MFC provides a function to do this, I don't know it; I personally don't use MFC, but the concepts are the same.
So what about the return value from that SendMessage()? Well, you can return it via pResult (for instance, if you're just tweaking the parent's alterations slightly), or you can ignore it and return a custom value. But for TTN_NEEDTEXT, it won't matter; TTN_NEEDTEXT doesn't care what the LRESULT is.
I gave an English explanation of my problem below but it is a visual issue so if you don't want to read it all just look at the picture at the bottom).
I'm working on building a reverse polish notation calculator for my class and I just completed having the button controls on my GUI be able to append their values to the edit control which works fine, but the caret is doing something weird and I can't find any information on it.
I send a custom message to the edit control in which it finds the length of the current text in the control and then places the caret at the end of the text so I can then add what text needs to be added (it is right aligned with ES_RIGHT), which again works just fine, but when the caret is in the right most place it can be, it is placed practically right through the middle of most any number.
This only seems to happen in the right most place the caret can be (i.e. anywhere else the caret sits directly to the right of the preceding char, as it should) and I have tried replacing the caret all the way to the right using code, placing it using my keyboard/mouse, and tried adjusting the dimensions of the window in hopes that it was just an offset of the width I defined for it that caused the last place to be off slightly, but the problem persists and it makes it hard to read the last char in the text field.
Relevant Code:
LRESULT CALLBACK EditBoxClass::WinProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
switch( msg )
/* Get current length of text in the box */
index = new int( GetWindowTextLength (hWnd) );
SetFocus( hWnd );
/* Set the caret to the end of the text in the box */
SendMessage( hWnd, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)index, (LPARAM)index );
/* "Replace" the selection (the selection is actually targeting
nothing and just sits at the end of the text in the box)
with the passed in TCHAR* from the button control that
sent the WM_APPEND_EDIT message */
SendMessage( hWnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, lParam );
return CallWindowProc( EditClassStruct.GetOldProc(), hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
Picture of problem:
After facing the same problem and presenting my first approach in this answer, I'll now provide two well working solutions. I think there is no other way to fix this glitch properly (unless you're a Microsoft programmer who is responsible for this part of the WinAPI).
I was wondering how to fix this problem on edit controls created with ES_MULTILINE but this glitch seems to be only a problem on single-line edit controls (tested on Windows 7 64-bit). Enabling Visual Styles is also helpful but the problem still remains (the offset is at least not so obvious).
Normally, when the caret is at the farthest right position it's x value (provided by GetCaretPos ()) should be equal to the rect.right value provided by EM_GETRECT (when the edit control was created with ES_RIGHT). Due to unknown reasons this is not the case. So you have to check if the caret position is at least in the near of the rect.right value (but not farther away than the last letter is wide). So you have two possibilities to fulfill this task:
You must calculate the width of the outer right character using GetTextExtentPoint32 (), subtract it from the rect.right value provided by calling SendMessage () with EM_GETRECT and check whether the x position of the caret is bigger than the result or not OR
You must calculate the margin between the rect.right value and the outer right caret position (3 in my case) and use this value as a hardcoded offset to do a simple check.
After those steps (regardless which one you have chosen) you have to reposition the caret when necessary.
1. Approach (recommended)
TrackMouseEvent (&tme);
DefSubclassProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
DWORD end;
SendMessage (hwnd, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM) NULL, (LPARAM) &end);
int len = GetWindowTextLength (hwnd);
if (end < len || len <= 0)
return TRUE;
wchar_t *buffer = new wchar_t[len + 1];
GetWindowText (hwnd, buffer, len + 1);
wchar_t lastChar[] = {buffer[len - 1], '\0'};
delete[] buffer;
SIZE size;
HDC hdc = GetDC (hwnd);
if (hdc == NULL)
return TRUE;
GetTextExtentPoint32 (hdc, lastChar, 1, &size);
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc);
RECT rect;
GetCaretPos (&pt);
SendMessage (hwnd, EM_GETRECT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) &rect);
if ((rect.right - <= pt.x)
SetCaretPos (rect.right, pt.y);
return TRUE;
2. Approach (improved original version)
TrackMouseEvent (&tme);
DefSubclassProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
RECT rect;
GetCaretPos (&pt);
SendMessage (hwnd, EM_GETRECT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) &rect);
if ((rect.right - pt.x) <= 3)
SetCaretPos (rect.right, pt.y);
return TRUE;
You have to subclass the edit controls. Then use this code in their window procedures and enjoy.
In both cases, tracking the mouse event is not absolutely necessary but recommended to completly avoid this glitch. Calling DefSubclassProc () will ensure that the cursor is changed on mouse over.
This may or may not be the cause, but you are misusing EM_SETSEL. You are dynamically allocating (and leaking) an int on the heap and passing a pointer to it as the message parameters, but EM_SETSEL does not expect or use pointers to begin with. So get rid of the dynamic allocation.
Also, the default window proc is not going to know how to handle your WM_APPEND_EDIT message, so there is no point in passing the message to CallWindowProc().
Try this instead:
/* Get current length of text in the box */
int index = GetWindowTextLength( hWnd );
SetFocus( hWnd );
/* Set the caret to the end of the text in the box */
SendMessage( hWnd, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)index, (LPARAM)index );
/* "Replace" the selection (the selection is actually targeting
nothing and just sits at the end of the text in the box)
with the passed in TCHAR* from the button control that
sent the WM_APPEND_EDIT message */
SendMessage( hWnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, lParam );
return 0;
That being said, try using EM_GETRECT/EM_SETRECT to expand the right edge of the edit control's formatting rectangle by a few pixels. That should give the caret some extra room to work with.
I'm using checkbox buttons and I want to make the button expand in width when I click it using LBUTTONDOWN
Would this involve using something like AppendMenu()? If so, how would I do it?
This is what I have so far for my button proc:
LRESULT CALLBACK ButtonWndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){
static int x,y,btnwidth, btnheight;
switch (message){
case WM_USER:
return 0;
btnwidth *= 2;
You can expand the button by calling MoveWindow. You probably will want to first call GetWindowRect to get the current size and position, and then ScreenToClient to convert the rect to client coordinates. Then you can adjust the client coordinates as you wish and pass them to MoveWindow.
What is wrong with the following code? Why does PrintWindow return 0?
HWND hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();
HDC hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd);
if (hdc)
HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
if (hdcMem)
RECT rc;
CHK(GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc));
HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, rc.right-rc.left,;
if (hbitmap)
SelectObject(hdcMem, hbitmap);
CHK(PrintWindow(hwnd, hdcMem, 0)); //HERE return 0
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
PrintWindow is a fairly thin operation. What it really does is post a WM_PRINTmessage to the queue for the window in question, in this case the desktop, and hopes that that window will respond to WM_PRINT correctly if at all (see here and here).
I repro'd your behavior but I'm not 100% sure why it's failing either. Perhaps you cannot call PrintWindow on an HWND that your process does not own, or perhaps the desktop does not respond to WM_PRINT messages.
The second link above includes a comment about using BitBlt instead:
Try getting a handle (HWND) to the
desktop window - and use BitBlt to
capture all the contents. Mind you -
you'll only capture what is visible on
the screen.
Maybe this helps.
It looks like GetDesktopWindow() returns a virtual HWND whose value is universally 0x0010010 on all Windows machines. This virtual HWND does not conform to usual PrintWindow behavior so the PrintWindow() returns FALSE, and GetLastError() reports no error code on this PrintWindow call.
To make PrintWindow() work, you can instead use the HWND from GetShellWindow(), which has the title "Program Manager" from the WinSpy++ figure below.
HWND hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();
HWND hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();
hwnd = FindWindowEx( hwnd, 0, _T("Progman"), _T("Program Manager") );
I'm not sure whether this gets what you want though. If you want to take a screenshot of the entire current desktop (including whatever top level windows are visible) then BitBlt is the route you want to take.
If you want to get the taskbar as well, you can still use this method but you'll have to take 2 screenshots and stitch the results together.
I'm developing for Windows Mobile in C++, and I'm running into a problem - I added my window
class, and in it I the keyboard input with my WndProc implementation. The problem is
that I'm getting the wrong codes, and identifying keys such as the func key incorrectly, and to make it worse, the values I'm getting (the wParam of the WM_KEYDOWN message) as different values between the two phones I have here for testing - who knows what will happen on other phones.
After playing around with it for ages, I found out that if I only create a window from the
predefined "EDIT" class, I actually do get the input correctly (in terms of letters/keys).
So the problem must not be in the phone, but rather the modes of getting messages (a bit of a newbie in win32, excuse me for lack of knowledge). I tried playing around with input modes, but sending a message to my window using EM_NUMBERS and the such, always failed.
So what I would want to do (though I'm open for suggestions), is somehow just get the characters from some hidden EDIT window, and forward them to my window. (Though I still need my window to have the focus so it would react correctly to messages different from WM_KEYDOWN and the like)
Is there any way to do this?
This is the 3'rd time I'm asking regarding this issue, i am eternally grateful to everyone who tried to help so far (though would be even more grateful if i had managed to solve my problem)
Here are the relevant code excerpts:
Class registration :
wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
wc.hInstance = hInstance;
wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ROADMAP));
wc.hCursor = 0;
wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
wc.lpszMenuName = 0;
wc.lpszClassName = szWindowClass;
window creation
if (width == -1) width = CW_USEDEFAULT;
if (height == -1) height = CW_USEDEFAULT;
RoadMapMainWindow = CreateWindow(g_szWindowClass, szTitle, OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
NULL, NULL, g_hInst, NULL);
// Main message loop:
while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg))
WNDPROC excerpt :
WORD Code = (WORD)wParam;
int iRepeatTimes = (lParam & 0x0000FFFF);
int iScanCode = (lParam & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
BOOL bALT_IsDown = (lParam & 0x20000000)? TRUE: FALSE;
BOOL bAlreadyPressed= (lParam & 0x40000000)? TRUE: FALSE;
BOOL bNowReleased = (lParam & 0x80000000)? TRUE: FALSE;
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
The wParam of WM_KEYDOWN is a virtual key code that is not really constrained to be an ascii (or unicode) character - its simply a code that uniquely identifies the key on the platform.
If you want the 'text' - you want to wait for the WM_CHAR message - the wParam of WM_CHAR will be the actual character value that the user entered.
More Info - in your application loop - where you call TranslateMessage - it is actually the job of TranslateMessage to spot WM_KEYDOWN messages and synthesize and post the corresponding WM_CHAR messages.
TranslateAccelerator seems to be the only thing that can interfere with posted messages.
Of course, sometimes very unusual behaviour can manifest if the windows message proc is (or is not) handing messages to DefWindowProc at the wrong time. Why for example do you have an explicit call to DefWindowProc in your WM_KEYDOWN handler? The easiest way to handle that correctly is to have DefWindowProc as the last thing your window proc does so that all messages, handled and unhandled, go there by default. the exceptional case would be messages where you want to prevent DefWindowProc getting the message (WM_PAINT if you handle it for example).
You also keep mentioning trying to use Edit_SetInputMode - Edit_SetInputMode sends a message to the window: EM_SETINPUTMODE - which is a message only understood by EDIT controls. As you have registered your own window class, 'EM_SETINPUTMODE` is going to do nothing.
I've not had any problems like you describe, so I'd really like to see a bare-bones set of code that repros this. It is known that some phones get spurrious user-range messages but these shouldn't be affecting you at the level you're at. The fact that you're getting wrong codes for something so basic indicates to me that you must have something wrong in your window creation or message handling code.
I am just guessing, but maybe your app is an Ansi app? That could maybe explain that different codepages give you different keycodes. So have you tried to make it all Unicode in the project settings, and define the string constants accordingly? And did you try ctacke's suggestion to make a really basic app?