Character Set Issues when Upgrading from Symfony 2.0.* to Symfony 2.1.*? - utf-8

I have recently upgraded my staging test site to the latest version of Symfony and updated all the vendors using composer as instructed in the upgrade document that comes with the download.
Everything has all updated fine, but I have noticed now that some bits of HTML are not displaying in the Twig templates.
I did a comparison with the current live site and it appears to be a character set issue. As an example I had a drop down list that had the following value in:
Kitchen Ducting > Ducting Kits > Ducting Kit 4” / 100mm
In the updated site the drop-down list item just appeared blank. When I used Twig's raw function it then displayed the item again, but with the dreaded question mark in a black diamond.
Kitchen Ducting > Ducting Kits > Ducting Kit 4� / 100mm
Things that you should know that may help:
The staging test site and live site are both on the same server.
In my httpd.conf file I have 'AddDefaultCharset utf-8'.
In my php.ini file I have 'default_charset = "utf-8"'.
The HTML file served has the Content-Type meta tag 'content="text/html; charset=utf-8"'
My database is InnoDB and uses 'utf8' as the default character set and 'utf8_general_ci' as default collation. All tables in the database also use the defaults.
I looked into BOM with UTF8, but could not work out if that was a problem or not?

I managed to resolve the issue by editing the MySql config file on the server (/etc/my.cnf) and adding:
That sorted it out for me. I'm not sure if it was something that had changed in Twig or Doctrine due to the upgrade to Symfony, but something in the upgrade caused the default charset to not work. The changes I made to the MySQL configuration meant that it will always fall back to UTF-8.


Xpages - New version of CkEditor not load

Recently I decide to migrate my application from version 8.5.3 Lotus Notes to version 9.0.1. When doing this I needed to change the version of CkEditor from 4.4.7 to 4.5.3, so I changed the file in the \data \ domino\html\ckeditor folder, however when re-building my application I received the following error in browser console:
The file xsp/.ibmxspres/domino/ckeditor/plugins/ibmspellchecker/plugin.js not exists in the new version of ckEditor.
I realized this is because the application tries to fetch the javascripts files from the old version of CkEditor, as if it were cached.
I've tried everything specified here: but nothing worked.
Does anyone have any ideas?
From what I understand: you are upgrading CKEditor by yourself instead of using the default version that is installed and doing this by installing a version of CKEditor that you have obtained from CKEditor directly.
If so, the problem may be that the xpages inputRichText control uses some CKEditor plugins that are provided by IBM e.g. ibmspellchecker, ibmxspimage and these won't be provided in the standard CKEditor distribution.
If these plugins are not present in your new CKEditor installation then the editor will not load properly.
You have 2 options
Ensure these IBM plugins are put back in the html/ckeditor/plugins directory (and hope they are still compatible with the CKEditor version)
Tell the inputRichText control not to load any of the ibm plugins. (but this means you will not be able to upload images)
To remove plugins from the editor config use the dojoAttribute 'removePlugins'
<xp:inputRichText id="inputRichText1">
<xp:dojoAttribute name="removePlugins" value="ibmspellchecker,etc"></xp:dojoAttribute>

How to install CKeditor on MediaWiki

I've installed
-Wysiwyg 1.5.6_0 [B551+09.02.2017], CKEditor 4.5.9 (revision a35abfe),
unto my server whose versions are
I've followed the instructions by
uploading the WYSIWYG folder into the extensions
replaced WikiEditor/modules/ext.wikiEditor.toolbar.js in the appropriate folder
Made sure the Preferences are correct
added all code that starts with "#02.07.16-> ,#Enable WYSIWYG- extension, MW >= 1.25....." to my LocalSettings.php without any changes
checked the versions and found that it was installed
When i want to edit the page, i dont see the WYSIWYG, is there something wrong with the installation steps?

Different domain causes issue in joomla module

I have a strange issue. When added a new domain to my site, "latest news enhaced" module started to appear truncated, it does not show the calendar and has a different style. For your reference : original installation
addon domain
I have tried to uninstall and install from new domain, but again it doesn't work properly in It obviously has to do with a path somewhere?
Any ideas?
Thank you.
This has happened to me before. What fixed the problem for me was to turn "Search Engine Friendly URLs and Use URL Rewriting" off.
Navigate the site on the frontend, to the area affected.
Then turn "Search Engine Friendly URLs and Use URL Rewriting" on.
The issue is related to this stylesheets, one for each module:
Removing them from the original install removes the css rules that handle calendar date and position of the green text (like the new install). So check this files in the new install and you will find the problem.

Joomla 3 modifying < and > when I save articles - breaks php

I'm running the current JCK as the default editor on Joomla 3.2 with PHPCode 2.5 and I have the JCK option to convert HTML entities turned off as well as the option to force simple '&' turned on.
In this configuration I can create and edit articles and custom HTML modules containing PHP just fine... the syntax highlighting, etc., all works as expected. I can switch back and forth between WYSIWYG editing mode and SOURCE editing mode and everything remains as I edited it.
However, whenever I save the article/module the '<' and '>' characters in the PHP code have all been converted to their corresponding '<' and '>' HTML entities and the PHP code won't run when loaded on the site (for the obvious reasons).
I have searched high and low and can't figure out what setting I'm missing, or what extension I need, to be able to fix this so I can execute custom PHP in my articles/modules.
I presume the same would be true of javascript since it, too, uses these symbols in the source.
EDIT: For the record, I was able to switch to the RokPad editor and save the PHP that way without it breaking. However, I know I should be able to do this directly inside JCK. I used to be able to do this in Joomla 1.6, I just can't seem to make it work in Joomla 3.
Try this,
Check this extension this may help or another methods you can check
How to include html or php codes into joomla article
Hope its helps..

odd issue with funny characters in Joomla/ Jomsocial

I hope someone can help me with this issue.
For a few months (since last August) there has been an ongoing issue on my site with strange characters appearing all over the place - especially in user generated content.
I have searched and searched for answers but nothing ever seems to work, although the most pressing (in the blog component) has been resolved by setting JCE to validate HTML - which is does fine in the Blogging component (EasyBlog) but doesn't anywhere else (where it is less critical but still an issue).
Here is what I have done so far:
Checked the site from multiple machines, multiple browsers - no difference.
Checked the MySQL database and table collation - which are utf8_general_ci
Added AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 and AddCharset UTF-8 .php to the .htaccess files. I played about with these for ages and these two seemed to be the only combination which didn't crash the site.
Have checked the HTML headers and they definitely have the correct content encoding types (set to UTF-8)
I have tried different WSIWIG editors to no avail. Besides it is often in the code output where the characters appear - typically a A next to a »
I have tried a hack to force the connection script to UTF-8 but this causes the site to crash.
If anyone has any ideas at all as to what I can do still ... I'm all ears (please)
Many thanks in advance
If your server is running PHP 5.4+ I would suggest that you try the following solution described in the JCE forums:
In the Editor Global Configuration, set "Entity Encoding" to "UTF-8"
In the "Custom Configuration Variables" field, add:
The keep an eye out for the JCE 2.3.2 release which will address this issue.
Things to note:
anywhere the spurious â or  is occurring will have to be edited to remove the characters (once the changes above have been applied to JCE).
the problem is Joomla! 2.5.x's use of get_html_translation_table() which relies on default values and PHP 5.4 changed the default encoding parameter to UTF-8. Previously it defaulted to ISO-8859-1
For the core you could try and modify _decode() in /libraries/joomla/filter/input.php, look for the line (around 644):
$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
and change it to:
$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES, ENT_COMPAT, 'ISO-8859-1');
