Telerik RadDatePicker error related to DbSelectedDate - telerik

I'm using Telerik in one project and I have some troubles with it.
Specifically, I want to use a RadDatePicker, and I defined it as below:
<%# Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %>
<telerik:RadDatePicker ID="txtEndDate" runat="server" Width="140px" Skin="Windows7"
DateInput-EmptyMessage="End Date" MinDate="01/01/2000" MaxDate="01/01/2050">
<telerik:RadCalendarDay Repeatable="Today" ItemStyle-CssClass="rcToday">
And in code behind I use:
txtStartDate.DbSelectedDate = Date.Today.AddDays(-7).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
But when I build I get the following error
Error 62 ...: error BC30456: 'DbSelectedDate' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'.
Any idea what can be?
In another page I have the RadDatePicker defined the same way and it works there

Actually, this error seems to be a side effect.
It occured in one application which was converted from Website-type project to webapp type project. After initial importing files, there were about 2000 errors (most caused by missing / wrong references or namespaces).
I ignored that error and fixed other, and the suddenly the error dissapeared.


Unable to get property 'getRandomValues' of undefined or null reference

I'm facing issue with Skype Web Control's sdk.min.js because of which bot doesn't work on IE.
<span class="skype-button bubble " data-bot-id="vdasdsadsadyapzK5k-C7Zw9acGTpVddH9CCj8" data-color="#1C57D9"></span>
<span class="skype-chat" data-color-message="#27D1F0"></span>
<script src=""></script>
The code works fine in Google Chrome, but not on IE.
Error captured in console: Unable to get property 'getRandomValues' of undefined or null reference
Here is similar fix reported but then we can not change sdk.min.js
I've been informed by the SWC team that Microsoft is aware of the issue and is investigating. This could take a long time.

Sonar update to 5.4 cannot display project list

Upgraded SonarQube to 5.4 with an oracle 12c database back end. Upgrade went exactly as the steps in the documentation outlines and with no errors.
On the project list screen I get the following error:
An error occurred while trying to display the widget "measure_filter_list". Please contact the administrator.
This is identical to the following issue rasied previously for 5.1 only the solution here has not resolved my issue. I have re-ran analysis and can view that in Sonar but still the list screen does not work.
Sonar update 5.0.1 to 5.1: "Can not render widget measure_filter_list" on "Projects" dashboard
The following is the extract from the sonar.log:
2016.03.25 11:57:42 ERROR web[rails] Can not render widget measure_filter_list:
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `to_date' for nil:NilClass) on line #208 of app/views/measures/_display_list.html.erb:
<% end %>
<% filter.display.columns.each do |column| %>
<td class="<%= column.align -%> <%= column.row_css -%>">
<%= list_cell_html(column, row) -%>
<% end %>
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:118:in `human_short_date'
Any help greatly appreciated.
Eventually found out what the issue was.
On initial install the person who set it up used the oracle driver. Switched to the 11g driver and we are working away.

Master page throws error when code is inserted

I have a master page that throws an error on content pages when the following line of code is inserted into the master page. It will not let me enter design mode.
<script src='<%= CacheHelper.Fingerprint("/assets/scripts/app.min.js") %>' />
However, the following line of code doesn't throw an error. I've tweaked the quotes, added a type etc, but it still refuses to play ball.
<link rel="stylesheet" href='<%= CacheHelper.Fingerprint("/assets/styles/app.min.css") %>' />
I'm using VS2010.
After trawling, trying and testing for a few hours I can categorically say that 99% of the answers to similar questions do not work.
The answer I found that did work was to replace the end tag '/> with '></script>' - after this Visual Studio started behaving.

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: "" when carriage return present in ajax render attribute

I have this line of code in my application:
<f:ajax event="click"
fundstable btnModify btnSave"
The section of code is in a h:commandButton in an .xhtml file.
When I run the code locally and click on the button I get this error message showing up in my console in Eclipse :
SEVERE: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ""
and the buttons which are supposed to update (become enabled) don't.
I've narrowed down the problem to the line wrapping in the render attribute:
fundstable btnModify btnSave"
If this is all on one line (no carriage return between #{ULInvestmentPatternUI.premiumForm} and fundstable) then the SEVERE: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: "" message is not displayed in the console. The relevent buttons on the page still do not update though.
I'm new to the development team that I am in. All the other developers in the team are using the same code and it is working fine for them. I've checked to make sure that my environment is set up the same as everyone else in the team, and everything seems exactly the same.
Can anyone suggest anything please ?

Internet Explorer Error

The main error shown in IE is : ' Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101.'
The error is displayed when the ExtJS framework tries to load a page containing a Ext grid component through an ajax request.
It works without problems in Firefox and Chrome.
Another error which is shown by IE is 'Expected identifier, string or number' which points to the line containing HTML inline style definition which is perfectly valid. I am not sure why this error is shown. I feel IE is pointing this error to the wrong place.
Could anyone please help me out on this?
"Could not complete the operation" errors in IE are usually caused by trying to modify the DOM before it is ready.
Move the JS so it fires in (for example) the onload event, or a JS library's ondomready event.
If you are loading a page using ajax and it has a inline script file like below add // before
the open comment tag
<script type="text/javascript">
// <!--
// -->
