Sonar update to 5.4 cannot display project list - sonarqube

Upgraded SonarQube to 5.4 with an oracle 12c database back end. Upgrade went exactly as the steps in the documentation outlines and with no errors.
On the project list screen I get the following error:
An error occurred while trying to display the widget "measure_filter_list". Please contact the administrator.
This is identical to the following issue rasied previously for 5.1 only the solution here has not resolved my issue. I have re-ran analysis and can view that in Sonar but still the list screen does not work.
Sonar update 5.0.1 to 5.1: "Can not render widget measure_filter_list" on "Projects" dashboard
The following is the extract from the sonar.log:
2016.03.25 11:57:42 ERROR web[rails] Can not render widget measure_filter_list:
ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `to_date' for nil:NilClass) on line #208 of app/views/measures/_display_list.html.erb:
<% end %>
<% filter.display.columns.each do |column| %>
<td class="<%= column.align -%> <%= column.row_css -%>">
<%= list_cell_html(column, row) -%>
<% end %>
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:118:in `human_short_date'
Any help greatly appreciated.

Eventually found out what the issue was.
On initial install the person who set it up used the oracle driver. Switched to the 11g driver and we are working away.


Spring Boot Application not changing

I've done a project before. ( Now I wanted to go through it. When I add a html file into resources/templates, I can see the page. And in that page I'm trying to get data from mysql database. Meanwhile I tried to use same ajax/get method but faced 404 no messages found error. And I'm sure that Im using right RequestMapping and Thymeleaf iterations. Already I've used before so I did same things but just from different table. I could not understand 'why'!? ...
Then I've tried changing the RequestMapping method(findAll) that was working before. AND NOTHING CHANGED. Method still running as old way ! I'm trying to broke it, but no, nothing happens. How it can be possible ?!
Note : I've tried to open project Spring Tool Suite and Netbeans. After facing tousands of error, successfuly opened project with STS but look at it. I can not change its original form.
Is this about war/jar files ?! What should I do ?
findAll method (Working)
#RequestMapping(value = "/findAll", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void findAll() {
mavIndex.addObject("allRecords", personService.findAll());
mavIndex.addObject("mod", "VIEW_RECORDS");
with this ;
<div class="row" id="getResultDiv" th:switch="${mod}">
<div th:case="VIEW_RECORDS">
<tr th:each="result : ${allRecords}">
<td th:text="${}" id="tid"></td>
<td th:text="${}" id="tname"></td>
<td th:text="${result.surname}" id="tsurname"></td>
But when I do that;
#RequestMapping(value = "/lists", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void findAllLists() {
mavIndex2.addObject("allLists", listsService.findAllLists());
mavIndex2.addObject("mod2", "VIEW_LISTS");
with this ;
<tr th:each="res : ${allLists}">
<td th:text="${res.listname}"></td>
Also I'm sure that Services and Repositories are same.
As I mentioned above, when I change /findAll method nothing changing and my /lists method not working.
What must I do ?
I'm neither a Netbeans nor an STS expert but to rule out any problems which come from your IDEs you could try the following:
A complete rebuild and start of your project, so that any changes in Java or resource files have a chance to be reflected in your next server start:
mvn clean spring-boot:run
Please make sure that you stop all running servers you started earlier.

Unable to generate results with allure / ruby cucumber

I have been working on a new auto framework in ruby, but I am unable to get allure reporting results created, I have tried various different things but ultimately end up with the following errors:
DevTools listening on ws://
WARNING: The formatter AllureCucumber::Formatter is using the deprecated formatter API which will be removed in v4.0 of Cucumber.
undefined method 'name' for #<Cucumber::Core::Test::Step:0x00000000059673a0> (No MethodError)
C:/Ruby24-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/allure-cucumber-0.5.8/lib/allure-cucumber/formatter.rb:121:in 'after_test_step'
C:/Ruby24-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/cucumber-3.1.0/lib/cucumber/formatter/ignore_missing_messages.rb:11:in 'method_missing'
C:/Ruby24-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/cucumber-3.1.0/lib/cucumber/formatter/legacy_api/adapter.rb:32:in 'block in initialize'
I have followed the documentation and have good experience using the reporting with java, is it likely my version of cucumber is unsupported? At best I can get an empty results directory created but the cucumber tests always error out with the above message.
This post is 8 months old so hopefully you got it worked out, but incase anyone else lands here, you can patch the cucumber-ruby gem with the following to get your tests to pass:
class Cucumber::Core::Test::Step
def name
return text if self.text == 'Before hook'
return text if self.text == 'After hook'
The warning about API depreciation past 4.0 will remain, though. Hopefully it will be fixed before then:

IIS 8.5 Windows 2012 R2 64 bit executing partial asp/vbscript statements

Hi I have a asp page which has following statements
response.write("My ASP Page")
Application("name")="Test Page"
response.write("Your App Name is " & Application("name"))
when I try to run this page under IIS 8.5 it is showing below
My ASP Page
Error '8002801c'
/test.asp line 7
I am using a 32-bit enabled .Net 2.0 Classic application pool.
I am struggling to get rid of this error. Any help on this would be highly appreciated.
I was able to resolve this by setting my application pool 32-bit flag to false.

Somebody wrote a messages on tomcat Console

I've an application deployed on Tomcat 7, and this morning I noticed two messages on Tomcat console:
Did you see me on the stderr window?
Did you see me on the browser window as well?
Somebody managed to write remotely these messages. Do I have to be worried ? did somebody hack my website ?
This is produced by a example jsp (webapps/examples/jsp/foo.jsp) with the following lines:
Did you see me on the stderr window?
It looks that is a standard Tomcat output message.
When you're running tomcat and go in the localhost:8080/manager/html, there's a site called /examples containing the following
Apache Tomcat Examples
Servlets examples
JSP Examples
WebSocket Examples
In the JSP Examples, if you go in the Custom tag example, a page will pop up with the following rendered in the browser:
Radio stations that rock:
107.7 Did you see me on the browser window as well?
The source code for this shows it's writing a log with a taglib prefix "eg" in the console:
<%# taglib uri="" prefix="eg"%>
Radio stations that rock:
<eg:foo att1="98.5" att2="92.3" att3="107.7">
<li><%= member %></li>
Did you see me on the stderr window?
<eg:log toBrowser="true">
Did you see me on the browser window as well?

Telerik RadDatePicker error related to DbSelectedDate

I'm using Telerik in one project and I have some troubles with it.
Specifically, I want to use a RadDatePicker, and I defined it as below:
<%# Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %>
<telerik:RadDatePicker ID="txtEndDate" runat="server" Width="140px" Skin="Windows7"
DateInput-EmptyMessage="End Date" MinDate="01/01/2000" MaxDate="01/01/2050">
<telerik:RadCalendarDay Repeatable="Today" ItemStyle-CssClass="rcToday">
And in code behind I use:
txtStartDate.DbSelectedDate = Date.Today.AddDays(-7).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")
But when I build I get the following error
Error 62 ...: error BC30456: 'DbSelectedDate' is not a member of 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'.
Any idea what can be?
In another page I have the RadDatePicker defined the same way and it works there
Actually, this error seems to be a side effect.
It occured in one application which was converted from Website-type project to webapp type project. After initial importing files, there were about 2000 errors (most caused by missing / wrong references or namespaces).
I ignored that error and fixed other, and the suddenly the error dissapeared.
