Link within a page not working in Windows phone webbrowser - windows-phone-7

I am using Web browser Control in Windows phone 7 and I want to navigate within page as
Section 1
Section 2
then i use
<a name="chapter-1_xhtml" id="chapter-1_xhtml"></a>
...............The Div and other code..............
<a name="chapter-2_xhtml" id="chapter-2_xhtml"></a>
...............The Div and other code..............
It works perfectly in Desktop browsers but when i run the same code in Windows phone emulator its not working and after a jerk it stays there.
Thanx in advance.

By Adding the Function to Html
function ScrollTo(Id) {
and Calling the Following code on button click achieved my Goal.
this.webBrowser.InvokeScript("ScrollTo", "chapter-1_xhtml");


How to use FontAwesome in a Dynamics 365 Portal?

We have a website, which has been built up from the default Dynamics 365 portal; the header menu (primary navigation) has an item for 'home', when edited has a URL as .fa.fa-home an image derived from FontAwesome
We want to add another menu item, that also uses this style of image, but using other values, such as .fa.fa-cloud-download doesn't display anything. Have tried a few different names from the W3Schools - FA4 list
and none seem to work.
If the default for the Dynamics portals, is to use 'images', any idea where these images are hidden?
It is Font Awesome, however the Portal uses a lot of out-of-date resources, so depending on the version that your icon was introduced, it may not be possible.
Try using an older icon (e.g. fa fa-save)
You can also see your options here /css/glyphicons-font-awesome-migrate.min.css
I just checked my portal and the fa-cloud-download icon is working, so make sure you're applying the icon correctly.
<li role="none" class="weblink ">
<a role="menuitem" aria-label="Home" href="/dashboard/" title="Home">
<span class="fa fa-cloud-download" aria-hidden="true"></span>

Article loads in same position the link is and not the whole page

I'm using Joomla 3.7
I have a link in the home page that redirects to an article. But when i click it, it redirects to same home page and the article loads in the position where the link is. I noticed that this is happening when the article doesn't have a menu item.
Any idea how to solve this?
Thank you in advance
Edit: Same thing is happening again using DJ-Image Slider. Now using the solution below doesn't work.
I got the solution to my answer.
It was a problem of href property on a tag.
In order to redirect to an article, i'm using the Article Button located at the TinyMCE Joomla Editor.
I just entered into code editor, and changed this:
<a class="btn btn-primary" style="border-radius: 10px;" href="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&catid=2">Asociarse</a>
To this:
<a class="btn btn-primary" style="border-radius: 10px;" href="?option=com_content&view=article&id=19&catid=2">Asociarse</a>
And it worked.

Code that allows a keyboard to navigate internal page links with OSX?

I have the following code on my Mac:
Skip navigation
<div id="content">Lots of code here, with more links.</div>
In OSX Chrome and Safari, I can tab to the top link, press enter, and the screen scrolls down to the <div id="content">. However, when I press the tab button again, it turns out the first link is still active, and I end up tabbing through the navigation.
In Windows, this code works as expected (i.e. I use the link to successfully avoid having to tab through the navigation at the top of the page).
Can anyone tell me what code I need to make the page's internal links properly navigable with a keyboard on OSX?
Okay, here is the answer, after a flash of inspiration.
You need to have an href="#" on the target <a id="content">. This will make it correctly navigable-to using a Mac's keyboard.
Skip navigation
<a id="content" href="#"></a>
<div>Lots of code here, with more links.</div>
Obviously, this is not ideal, as it introduces extra mark-up, but it is the only way I could find to get it working.

Issues with popup window in IE8

We have a catalog browser for products were the user can click and it opens a window to show the product details, this works fine in Chrome, but when tried on IE8 the popup window close button is not showing, i still can click on it, but it is not visible.
Here is my code:
<div class="k-window-titlebar k-header" style="margin-top: -32px;"> <span class="k-window-title" id="productView_wnd_title" style="right: 30px;"></span><div class="k-window-actions"><a role="button" href="#" class="k-window-action k-link"><span role="presentation" class="k-icon k-i-close">Close</span></a></div></div>
We are using .net asp mvc and kendoui.
Any ideas on what to do for fixing it?
Edit: found a reference to similar issue on kendo forums: window-widget-problems-on-ie8
Already found the issue, the bundle for css had missing the kendo version on path.

Joomla 1.5 - Displaying an content in a modal popup?

I would like to place a link to an article that contains some HTML and have that appear in a modal popup.
Modal pop-ups are maybe not already enabled on my web site. How I can enable them?
Many JOOMLA templates turn the modal behavior ON. If not add this to main index <head></head>
<?php JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); ?>
On an article (HTML editor) use class="modal". Format your link like:
<a class="modal" href="terms/tou.html" rel="{handler:'iframe',size:{x:700,y:600}}">TOU</a>
