Joomla 1.5 - Displaying an content in a modal popup? - joomla

I would like to place a link to an article that contains some HTML and have that appear in a modal popup.
Modal pop-ups are maybe not already enabled on my web site. How I can enable them?
Many JOOMLA templates turn the modal behavior ON. If not add this to main index <head></head>
<?php JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); ?>
On an article (HTML editor) use class="modal". Format your link like:
<a class="modal" href="terms/tou.html" rel="{handler:'iframe',size:{x:700,y:600}}">TOU</a>


How in joomla with API with AJAX get field "Editor" for form?

Insert this $code in module,
<form ...>
<?= JEditor::getInstance($name_editor)->display($namefield, $valuefield, '100%', 'auto', 10, 4, TRUE, $idfield, NULL, NULL,$paramsEditor); ?>
<input .../>
<input type="submit"/>
I’ll paste this code into the Joomla module, everything works fine, the WYSIWYG editor is loaded on the site. It has everything, a panel, buttons for boldness, size, indentation, etc.
But when the module works in AJAX mode, then when loading the form into the page, instead of the WYSIWYG editor, the usual <TEXTAREA> is displayed, next to the button is "Turn off editor". If you click on the "Turn Off Editor" button, nothing happens.
In my module there is a setting for choosing the type of editors "TynyEditor", "CodeMirror", "ArkEditor" . After choosing the type of editor and saving the settings, before the editor worked fine "JEditor::getInstance($name_editor)->displays()" without AJAX. But how to use Joomla API to display the Editor through Ajax page?

N2CMS: how to add popup conent

I have a news-type website that I am looking to create using N2CMS, but besides the regular operations (being able to see a calendar, viewing lists of news, viewing news details etc.), part of the content in the website is displayed in "modal" popups (similar to the ModalPopupExtender from the AjaxToolkit) inside the page (for example if you click Login, a popup panel appears with the login controls).
My question is: is there a way of adding a handler for a link, and displaying a "modal" popup when the link is clicked? If so, can this be done from the template GUI editor (and how)?
Thank you
N2CMS doesn't have any built-in handlers to create modal pop-ups for links. However, N2CMS does ship with the Jquery JavaScript library. My suggestion would be to use JavaScript in your site template to select and format the desired links with modal dialogs -- but that can't be done from the GUI editor, you'd need to do it in the template code directly.

Joomla 3 slider

I have put an image slider in Joomla 3.0 that is ARI image slider, it was the best reveiwed slider in all I found for Joomla 3.
That slider is working well in Joomla 2.5 as I tested it there as well but when I use it in Joomla 3 the slider has a dotted panel above it. Also the slider closes after the first slideshow and the panel remains. I am attaching the screen shot:
I'm including the template in the command by:
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="position-9" />
Is there any other slider that will work well for Joomla 3.0?
I just used anythingslider and inserted the <ul id="slider"></ul> in the default.php in my own custom component /com_slider/views/sliders/tmpl/default.php
wrapped in <?php if($this->items) : ?>
seems to work ok.

joomla 2.5 - removing frontpage content block for joomlaxtc website

I have tried to look around all over the place to edit the joomla frontpage. Im using a template from joomlaxtc which is another reason why I believe im having trouble as the coding is a little different.
What I'm trying to achieve is remove the component or article area for my Joomla 2.5 front page.
here is the website
as you can see the 'coming soon' white text box I want to remove however I only want to remove it for the front page not the rest of the pages.
I can't get your site to come up, but the home page of a joomla site is generally determined by the default item on your main menu.
From the admin Control Panel:
Choose Menu->Main Menu
Locate the menu item on the list that has a star in the "Home" column
Click on the menu item, and from what you see, determine what the article is
Go to that article, and edit there.
This presumes that your home page is an article, as is the case in a standard Joomla site, and doesn't account for anything your template may do in terms of features or settings,
Simply go to the template manager and go to the advanced parameters and see the show component on home page and select NONE
If you want to remove the "coming soon" bit, then go to the module that holds the "coming soon" bit. On the left, you should see "Module assignment." Click that, and choose "no" for Home Page: assign to.
This video may also be helpful.
Your template may have configuration to hide main content block from frontpage but if not then it can be hidden by using code block below on index.php or your php file which will define template layout.
<?php if (JRequest::getVar('view') != 'featured'): ?>
<div id="maincontentdiv"><jdoc:include type="component" /></div>
<?php endif; ?>

How to get theme essentials with custom content

I am trying to create a Wordpress plugin that creates an "About the author" page.
I've pretty much finished it except for the part where I need to make it compatible with themes that have a left sidebar and a right sidebar.
In my code to override the author.php page, I just used these functions:
//author info and html go here
I am using the function:
add_filter( 'author_template', 'wp_about_author_template' );
to replace the theme right now.
Now this covers those themes that generates the sidebars dynamically.
My problem comes with themes that hardcode their sidebars into their files. So when I try testing out the page, I only get the header, footer, right sidebar and my main content.
My queston is: can I get the parts of themes that keep them together and just inject the needed author info into it? How?
Thanks for the help!
