ipad storyboard in xcode cannot drag button - xcode

I'm running xcode 4.5.2 to write an iOS app for both iphone & ipad ("universal" app).
I'm able to use the iphone storyboard to drag & drop buttons, labels, etc onto it. In fact I have functioning code on the iphone side.
However, since the beginning, I have not been able to drag & drop anything onto the ipad storyboard. When I try to do so the buttons, labels, etc just "bounce off".
Is there a way to reset the iPad storyboard so that I can get a clean start? It potentially could be that I had mistakenly (this is my very first iOS app) dragged a view or view controller onto the ipad story board. I tried deleting it but the whole ipad storyboard disappears after that.
It is probably something very simple but I'm very new to this. Thanks.

You can only drag & drop items into a view if you are in the most "zoomed-in" way of viewing it. Try pressing the "=" in the bottom right corner when you bring up your iPad storyboard (this will toggle between the most zoomed-in and the most previous zoom out). Once it zooms you in all the way, try dropping something onto your view again.
EDIT: Per Xcode 8 Release Notes, Interface Builder should now allow editing at all zoom levels.


How to convert manual view controller to storyboard as a launch screen

New iOS requirements need Apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later and use an Xcode storyboard to provide the app’s launch screen.
But my project is very old and has never used Storyboards. All UI elements are created dynamically using ViewControllers.
I managed to create a storyboard file and set it as a launcher but it has no scenes and I do not know how to proceed. I would like to:
Create a scene where I place only the original launch image inside (hoping that apple still accepts this branding)
If it is possible to just connect my main ViewController with the scene (if that works with dynamical ViewControllers)
If nothing helps than I would need to create a simple scene which has just a bottom bar like my ViewController
I had this exact issue, here's what I did:
Create LaunchScreen.storyboard and set to use it as launch screen
Using the + button in the top-right (this was not an obvious step), add a View Controller into the storyboard
Untick "Use Safe Area Layout Guides" on the right panel if you're getting that error
Tick "Is Initial View Controller"
Then clean and run, for me it just worked. I did have trouble seeing it update though, as discussed here: Launch Screen storyboard not displaying image

iPad Simulator does not launch application

If I start my app on any iPad, my app does not run. It just shows a white screen and nothing happens.
The app runs perfectly fine on an iPhone simulator.
I tried closing/opening Xcode and erasing all simulators, but nothing seem to work.
Im on Xcode 11 stable release
If it is a SwiftUI application, then by default, the navigation style is set to Double Columns.
It consists of a Master View and a Detail View, side by side.
If you try running it in simulator in landscape mode, you will see your view on the left
I will assume that you only have the Master View.
So add the modifiier .navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle()) AFTER the closing brace of Navigation View.
NavigationView {

How do you reposition a Storyboard with Xcode 6 and Yosemite?

I installed the latest Xcode and Yosemite betas several days ago and have noticed a feature of Yosemite seems to be its not possible (by design or bug?) to click on a a scroll bar and drag.
This was an irritation but now I'm trying to navigate within a storyboard and there's no apparent way of moving around - there's no navigation bars, there's no arrows, pressing arrows on a MacBook keyboard does nothing, its not possible to click within the story board and move it around, there's no zoom/de-zoom button to expand/collape the Storyboard.
I've been scratching my head then getting increasingly irritated, I just can't see any way of repositioning a storyboard with Xcode and thus I can't do a thing at the moment - there are view controllers in my Storyboard not displayed on screen and I just can't get to them!
Moving around the Storyboard works the same way that it has always worked: drag with two fingers on the trackpad or click and drag the scroll bars.
If neither of those are working for you, it's a bug and you need to report it. Also consider reinstalling Yosemite and/or Xcode because I am unable to reproduce this issue.

How to make an iOS app support landscape orientation in XCode?

How to make an iOS app support landscape orientation?
How do you make it support both landscape and portrait, where you can just press a button to activate it.
for any new people reading this old post just go to main.storyboard->click on the view controller click on simulated metrics (the fourth icon that pops up, looks kind of like a pentagon belt buckle)
then orientation->Landscape this is for Xcode 5

How do i rotate a window in xCode 4 interface builder tool thing?

I can't seem to find it. I know xCode 3 had a button to rotate on the view. I want to make the App Landscape. Any idea how?
Open the Attributes inspector from utilities sidebar (Cmd+Alt+4). You'll see the "Orientation" setting there.
You mean the iPhone simulator?
if so, click anywhere on the simulator, the see the menu, select device, you'll see rotate to left, rotate to right.
I am not using an English simulator, so I am not sure about the name of the menu item, but i'm sure you'll be easy to find it.
