Multi-module maven build : different result from parent and from module - maven

I am migrating an application from ant build to maven 3 build.
This app is composed by :
A parent project specifying all the modules to build
A project generating classes with jaxb and building a jar with them
A project building an ejb project
3 projects building war modules
1 project building an ear
Here is an extract from my parent pom :
<module>../PValidationJaxb</module> <-- jar
<module>../PValidation</module> <-- ejb
<module>../PImport</module> <-- war
<module>../PTerminal</module> <-- war
<module>../PWebService</module> <-- war
<module>../PEAR</module> <-- ear
I have several problems which I think have the same origin, probably a dependency management issue that I cannot figure out :
The generated modules are different depending on if I build from the parent pom or a single module. Typically if I build PImport only, the generated war is similar to what I had with my ant build and if I build from the parent pom, my war took 20MB, a lot of dependencies from other modules had been added. Both wars are running well.
My project PWebService has unit tests to be executed during the build. It is using mock-ejb which has cglib as dependency. Having a problem of ClassNotFound with this one, I had to exclude it and add a dependency to cglib-nodep (see last pom extract). If I then build only this module, it is working well. But if I build from the parent project, it fails because other dependencies in other modules also had an implicit dependency on cglib. I had to exclude it in every modules pom and add the dependency to cglib-nodep everywhere to make it run.
Do I miss something important in my configuration ?
The PValidation pom extract :
It is creating a jar containing an ejb with interfaces generated by xdoclet, as well as a client jar.
[other libs]
The PImport pom extract :
It depends on both Jaxb generated jar and the ejb client jar.
[other libs]
The PWebService pom extract :
[other libs]
Many thanks
Solution after modification of the configuration :
When I got the projects already mavenized, it didnt respect the folder layout convention, but as it was declared in the pom where to find the sources, I thought it would be working.
Anyway, i changed it to match the recommended structure.
To build a single module I was executing mvn clean install directly at its level. It is this way I obtained a different result (which is in fact the one I wanted).
Anyway, my problem is solved, I put all the dependencies of the PValidation project as provided, as I am only including the generated client in other modules and they dont require all what is needed for the implementation.
But still I dont get why I had different result for the same configuration.

The first important thing is you should create the structure of your project appropriate to the modules structure which means having the following folder structure:
+-- parent
+-- PValidationJaxb
+-- PValidation
+-- PImport
+-- PTerminal
+-- PWebService
+-- PEAR
This means having a pom.xml which contains the modules definition in the parent folder.
if you follow the above recommendation you can simplify the modules list to the following:
<module>PValidationJaxb</module> <-- jar
<module>PValidation</module> <-- ejb
<module>PImport</module> <-- war
<module>PTerminal</module> <-- war
<module>PWebService</module> <-- war
<module>PEAR</module> <-- ear
Furthermore a best practice in Maven is to use lowercase artifacts which mean in your case pvalidationjaxb instead of PValidationJaxb.
An other important thing is your version which does NOT follow the Maven conventions. Furthermore your version will be from the Maven point of view a release which is not the case you are doing development on this. In Maven you should use a so called SNAPSHOT for such purposes like 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
I hope you have followed the folder layout recommendation of Maven which says to put production code (which will be packaged into the resulting jar) into src/main/java whereas test code into src/test/java.
The problem you described having different dependencies sounds weired. The question is how have you tried to build a single moduel? This can usualy be achieved by using the following from the parent location:
mvn -pl module clean package
The problem with your unit tests sounds like a missing dependencies etc. but here is the questions how have you tried to run the unit tests and have you configured maven-surefire-plugin ? Or do you have integration tests? This is only a guess cause i don't see any configuration of Maven plugins in your poms.


Maven POM packaging with dependencies

I'm trying to construct a codebase where subsystems can be developed as maven modules, without the importing POM needing to concern itself with the internal structure of the maven module.
The "importing" pom
The "imported" pom
This does seem to work, at least partially; the generated JARs appear to be on the classpath during mvn package. IntelliJ shows the application has a dependency on submodule-1 and transitively on api and implementation. However, mvn dependency:tree fails while building submodule-1 saying
Could not resolve dependencies for project submodule-1:pom:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact api:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
I'm trying to determine if this is a valid pattern, that of having packaging of pom, with defined dependencies which are also defined modules in the POM.
Have I stumbled upon a working-but-not-supported edge case, or is the dependency plugin broken in some way, or I'm breaking it in some way, or something else?

Excluding some 3rd party jar in ear using maven

I am building an ear using maven <packaging>ear</packaging> tag.
One of the declared dependencies is adding it's transitive dependency to the generated ear. Is there any way to exclude this in the generated ear?
That is, my EAR pom has a dependency on module_A, this somewhere along the tree has a dependency on module_X which is getting packaged in the generated ear.
Is there any way not to include this(module_X) in the ear?
Directly adding an excludes tag for module_X in my pom did not work.
Everything is possible with maven. You just have to simly add a tag exclusions in the pom of your ear, something like that :
If the dependency is scoped as compile in the parent POM and you need it to be provided within your EAR, you can use dependency management within the child POM where you need to change its scope:

Maven modules are trying to use parent dependencies

I have a maven project where the parent module has a lib directory containing various jars that are necessary for compilation, but aren't included in the final product. When I try to get the children modules to build it fails. It says "The following artifacts could not be resolved" then eventually says "Could not find artifact local_dependency at C:\path\to\project\modules\module_name\lib\local_dependency.jar".
The children modules do not depend on the libraries that the parent uses, however it still wants to include them. Is there an option I need to set to prevent this?
Parent Pom snippet:
Child pom snippet:
<groupId>com.project</groupId> <!-- The child depends on the parent for the parent's API-->
So from this, the child pom will attempt to include from project_base/modules/module_name/lib/local_dependency.jar but it doesn't exist and doesn't need to exist.
You can exclude specific transitive dependencies in the dependency declaration. In your case, the following change in the child pom's dependency on the parent should get the build working:
<groupId>com.project</groupId> <!-- The child depends on the parent for the parent's API-->
The child inherits the parent's dependencies, whether or not you include the dependency explicitly. Two possible ways to resolve the issue are:
Don't build any jar artifact in the parent - create a sub-module for this and use the sub-module as a dependency in its siblings.
Use a fixed path (not relative to ${basedir}, since this changes in each module build, which tries to resolve the location anew). If you always build from the parent's directory, you could use ${user.dir}.

Building project with maven containing other projects

I have a web-project A dependent on project B,
Project B dependent on JAR C
the problem:
When I package the web-project A, there is a jar for b (expected), but their is no reference to jar c
So, when I run my web-project A and access function the project B do I got class NotFoundException because jar C is not included
Any help how can I include jar C in parent project A without writing it myself in project A pom.xml
web-project pom.xml
<project ....>
<!--Local Projects -->
<artifactId>project B</artifactId>
project B pom.xml
<project ....>
As your configuration, Maven is just responsible for the compilation, that is to say a jar won't take any of its dependencies with itself. If you need to wrap up the dependencies all together, you should use the Assembly plugin, see:here
Have a read at the Maven Dependency Mechanism
import (only available in Maven 2.0.9 or later)
This scope is only used on a dependency of type pom in the <dependencyManagement> section. It indicates that the specified POM should be replaced with the dependencies in that POM's <dependencyManagement> section. Since they are replaced, dependencies with a scope of import do not actually participate in limiting the transitivity of a dependency.
So Basically, try this
web-project pom.xml
<project ....>
<!--Local Projects -->
<artifactId>project B</artifactId>

How to properly link two Maven projects?

I have two projects:
Project-Core POM.xml:
Project-Source POM.xml:
<type>pom</type> (have tried leaving it out)
I've done mvn clean install on Project-core, which installed the artifact in the local maven repository.
I am able to CD to Project-source and use mvn clean install (this installs Project-Source in the local maven repo as well), but I'm having trouble with NetBeans not finding the classes I need (from Project-Core) inside Project-Source.
What's a proper way of linking multiple projects? Since Project-Core produces a jar and that jar is installed in the local repository, it looks logical to only have to list that jar as a dependency on my Project-Source project. Is anything else needed?
You specified that the dependency "project-core" is of type "pom", but from the declaration it has packaging "jar" ?
I've created a simple test project which worked just fine to use in Netbeand 7.0.1. Take a look and see if it gives you any hints.Code snippet
