Compiler error when combining Linq + "RangeVariables" + TPL + DynamicTableEntity - linq

I'm looking at the Microsoft-provided sample "Process Tasks as they Finish" and adapting that TPL sample for Azure Storage.
The problem I have is marked below where the variable domainData reports the errors in the compiler: Unknown method Select(?) of TableQuerySegment<DynamicTableEntity> (fully qualified namespace removed)
I also get the following error DynamicTableEntity domainData \n\r Unknown type of variable domainData
/// if you have the necessary references the following most likely should compile and give you same error
CloudStorageAccount acct = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount;
CloudTableClient client = acct.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable tableSymmetricKeys = client.GetTableReference("SymmetricKeys5");
TableContinuationToken token = new TableContinuationToken() { };
TableRequestOptions opt = new TableRequestOptions() { };
OperationContext ctx = new OperationContext() { ClientRequestID = "ID" };
CancellationToken cancelToken = new CancellationToken();
List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
var task2 = tableSymmetricKeys.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(cancelToken);
int depth = 3;
while (true)
Task<TableQuerySegment<DynamicTableEntity>> task3 = tableSymmetricKeys.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, token, opt, ctx, cancelToken);
// Run the method
Console.WriteLine("Records retrieved in this attempt = " + task3.Result.Count());// + " | Total records retrieved = " + state.TotalEntitiesRetrieved);
// HELP! This is where I'm doing something the compiler doesn't like
IEnumerable<Task<int>> getTrustDataQuery =
from domainData in task3.Result select QueryPartnerForData(domainData, "yea, search for this.", client, cancelToken);
// Prepare for next iteration or quit
if (token == null)
token = task3.Result.ContinuationToken;
// todo: persist token token.WriteXml()
private static object QueryPartnerForData(DynamicTableEntity domainData, string p, CloudTableClient client, CancellationToken cancelToken)
throw new NotImplementedException();

Your code is missing a query. In order to test the code I created the following query:
TableQuery<DynamicTableEntity> query = new TableQuery<DynamicTableEntity>()
.Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, "temp"));
I also added the method QueryPartnerForData which doesn't do anything (simply returns null) and everything works fine. So maybe it's an issue with the QueryPartnerForData method? The best way to find the actual error is by setting a breakpoint here and there.
A StackOverflowException often means you are stuck in an endless loop. Run through the breakpoints a few times and see where your code is stuck. Could it be that QueryPartnerForData calls the other method and that the other method calls QueryPartnerForData again?


get workflow malfunction exception with java api

Does anyone know how to get a workflow malfunction error message using the java pe api? I am running the QueueSample java code provided by IBM and it is not clear to me how to do this. Any help would be appreciated!
I found the malfunction error message for my workflow in the VWParticipantHistory.getLogFields() array. I modified the example code from the Developing Applications with IBM FileNet P8 APIs redbook:
// Create session object and log onto Process Engine
// Get the specific work item
// Get VWProcess object from work object
VWProcess process = stepElement.fetchProcess();
// Get workflow definitions from the VWProcess
VWWorkflowDefinition workflowDefinition =
// Get maps for each workflow definition
VWMapDefinition[] workflowMaps = workflowDefinition.getMaps();
// Iterate through each map in the workflow Definition
for (int i = 0; i < workflowMaps.length; i++) {
// Get map ID and map name for each map definition
int mapID = workflowMaps[i].getMapId();
String mapName = workflowMaps[i].getName();
// Get workflow history information for each map
VWWorkflowHistory workflowHistory = process.fetchWorkflowHistory(mapID);
String workflowOriginator = workflowHistory.getOriginator();
// Iterate through each item in the Workflow History
while (workflowHistory.hasNext()) {
// Get step history objects for each workflow history
VWStepHistory stepHistory =;
String stepName = stepHistory.getStepName();
System.out.println("step history name = " + stepName);
// Iterate through each item in the Step History
while (stepHistory.hasNext()) {
// Get step occurrence history
// objects for each step history object
VWStepOccurrenceHistory stepOccurenceHistory =;
Date stepOcurrenceDateReceived = stepOccurenceHistory.getDateReceived();
Date stepOcurrenceDateCompleted = stepOccurenceHistory.getCompletionDate();
while (stepOccurenceHistory.hasNext()) {
// Get step work object information
// for each step occurrence
VWStepWorkObjectHistory stepWorkObjectHistory =;
// Get participant information for each work object
while (stepWorkObjectHistory.hasNext()) {
VWParticipantHistory participantHistory =;
String opName = participantHistory.getOperationName();
System.out.println("operation name = " + opName);
Date participantDateReceived = participantHistory.getDateReceived();
String participantComments = participantHistory.getComments();
String participantUser = participantHistory.getUserName();
String participantName = participantHistory.getParticipantName();
VWDataField[] logFields = participantHistory.getLogFields();
System.out.println("** start get log fields **");
for (int index=0; index<logFields.length; index++){
VWDataField dataField = logFields[index];
String name = dataField.getName();
String val = dataField.getStringValue();
System.out.println("name = " + name + " , value = " + val);
System.out.println("** end get log fields **");
} // while stepWorkObjectHistory
} // while stepOccurenceHistory
} // while stepHistory
} // while workflowHistory
} // for workflow maps

Running async function in parallel using LINQ's AsParallel()

I have a Document DB repository class that has one get method like below:
private static DocumentClient client;
public async Task<TEntity> Get(string id, string partitionKey = null)
RequestOptions requestOptions = null;
if (partitionKey != null)
requestOptions = new RequestOptions { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(partitionKey) };
var result = await client.ReadDocumentAsync(
UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(DatabaseId, CollectionId, id),
return (TEntity)(dynamic)result.Resource;
catch (DocumentClientException e)
// Have logic for different exceptions actually
I have two collections - Collection1 and Collection2. Collection1 is non-partitioned whereas Collection2 is partitioned.
On the client side, I create two repository objects, one for each collection.
private static DocumentDBRepository<Collection1Item> collection1Repository = new DocumentDBRepository<Collection1Item>("Collection1");
private static DocumentDBRepository<Collection2Item> collection2Repository = new DocumentDBRepository<Collection2Item>("Collection2");
List<Collection1Item> collection1Items = await collection1Repository.GetItemsFromCollection1(); // Selects first forty documents based on time
List<UIItem> uiItems = new List<UIItem>();
foreach (var item in collection1Items)
var collection2Item = await storageRepository.Get(item.Collection2Reference, item.TargetId); // TargetId is my partition key for Collection2
uiItems.Add(new UIItem
ItemId = item.ItemId,
Collection1Reference = item.Id,
TargetId = item.TargetId,
Collection2Reference = item.Collection2Reference,
Value = collection2Item.Value
This works fine. But since it is happening sequentially with foreach, I wanted to do those Get calls in parallel. When I do it in parallel as below:
ConcurrentBag<UIItem> uiItems = new ConcurrentBag<UIItem>();
collection1Items.AsParallel().ForAll(async item => {
var collection2Item = await storageRepository.Get(item.Collection2Reference, item.TargetId); // TargetId is my partition key for Collection2
uiItems.Add(new UIItem
ItemId = item.ItemId,
Collection1Reference = item.Id,
TargetId = item.TargetId,
Collection2Reference = item.Collection2Reference,
Value = collection2Item.Value
It doesn't work and uiItems is always empty.
You don't need Parallel.For to run async operations concurrently. If they are truly asynchronous they already run concurrently.
You could collect the task returned from each operation and simply call await Task.WhenAll() on all the tasks. If you modify your lambda to create and return a UIItem, the result of await Task.WhenAll() will be a collection of UIItems. No need to modify global state from inside the concurrent operations.
For example:
var itemTasks = collection1Items.Select(async item =>
var collection2Item = await storageRepository.Get(item.Collection2Reference, item.TargetId);
return new UIItem
ItemId = item.ItemId,
Collection1Reference = item.Id,
TargetId = item.TargetId,
Collection2Reference = item.Collection2Reference,
Value = collection2Item.Value
var results= await Task.WhenAll(itemTasks);
A word of caution though - this will fire all Get operations concurrently. That may not be what you want, especially when calling a service with rate limiting.
Try simply starting tasks and waiting for all of them at the end. That would result in parallel execution.
var tasks = collection1Items.Select(async item =>
//var collection2Item = await storageRepository.Get...
return new UIItem
var uiItems = await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
PLINQ is useful when working with in-memory constructs and using as many threads as possible, but if used with the async-await technique (which is for releasing threads while accessing external resources), you can end up with strange results.
I would like to share a solution for an issue i saw in some comments.
If you're scared about thread rate limit, and you want to limit this by yourself, you can do something like this, using SemaphoreSlim.
var nbCores = Environment.ProcessorCount;
var semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(nbCores, nbCores);
var processTasks = items.Select(async x =>
await semaphore.WaitAsync();
await ProcessAsync();
await Task.WhenAll(processTasks);
In this example, i called concurrently my "ProcessAsync" but limited to {processor number} concurrent processes.
Hope that's help someone.
NB : You could set the "nbCores" variable as a proper value that satisfy your code condition, of course.
NB 2 : This example is for some use cases, not all of them. I would highly suggest with a big load of task to refer to TPL programming

CRM SDK 2013 Activity doesn't exist just after creating it

I have a custom comment activity which I'm updating in code and this used to work but has started failing recently. It creates the activity but when I try to retrieve it or execute SetStateResponse on it, I get "tk_comment With Id = 9a1686d1-7d9d-e611-80e3-00155d001104 Does Not Exist" - which doesn't make sense as I've just created it! The activity record shows up against the account but I can't click on it there or do anything (Record is unavailable - The requested record was not found or you do not have sufficient permissions to view it.).
This is the code I'm using. I'd love you to tell me I've made some simple mistake :)
using (_serviceProxy = ServerConnection.GetOrganizationProxy(serverConfig))
tk_comment comment = new tk_comment();
int maxLength = 190; //subject has a max length of 200 characters
if (subject.Length > maxLength)
comment.Subject = subject.Substring(0, maxLength);
comment.Description = subject.Substring(maxLength, subject.Length - maxLength);
comment.Subject = subject;
comment.RegardingObjectId = entity.ToEntityReference();
comment.ActualStart = CommentDate;
comment.ActualEnd = CommentDate;
comment.ScheduledStart = CommentDate;
comment.ScheduledEnd = CommentDate;
Guid commentID = _serviceProxy.Create(comment);
tk_comment aComment = (tk_comment)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(tk_comment.EntityLogicalName, commentID, new ColumnSet(allColumns: true));
catch (Exception ex)
SingletonLogger.Instance.Error("Always an error here " + ex.Message);
Account test = (Account) _serviceProxy.Retrieve(Account.EntityLogicalName, entity.Id, new ColumnSet(allColumns: true));
// tk_comment newComment = (tk_comment)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(tk_comment.EntityLogicalName, commentID, new ColumnSet(allColumns: true));
SetStateRequest request = new SetStateRequest();
request.EntityMoniker = new EntityReference(tk_comment.EntityLogicalName, commentID);
request.State = new OptionSetValue((int) tk_commentState.Completed); //completed
request.Status = new OptionSetValue(2); //completed
SetStateResponse response = (SetStateResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(request); //always an error here too
Appreciate any suggestions
Cheers, Mick
It seems like you don't have proper read permission of this custom activity entity.
OR You need to validate all the permissions of this custom entity.

cannot find symbol symbol : method getDBTransaction()

I was trying to call a Concurrent Program from OA Framework. And here is the code. But I am getting following error:
cannot find symbol symbol : method getDBTransaction() location: class _myclass OADBTransaction tx = (OADBTransaction)getDBTransaction();
Here is the method:
public int submitCPRequest(String headerId) {
try {
OADBTransaction tx = (OADBTransaction)getOADBTransaction();
java.sql.Connection pConncection = tx.getJdbcConnection();
ConcurrentRequest cr = new ConcurrentRequest(pConncection);
String applnName = "PO"; //Application that contains the concurrent program
String cpName = "XXMY Concurrent program name "; //Concurrent program name
String cpDesc = "Concurrent Program Description"; // concurrent Program description
// Pass the Arguments using vector
// Here i have added my parameter headerId to the vector and passed the vector to the concurrent program
Vector cpArgs = new Vector();
// Calling the Concurrent Program
int requestId = cr.submitRequest(applnName, cpName, cpDesc, null, false, cpArgs);
return requestId;
} catch (RequestSubmissionException e) {
OAException oe = new OAException(e.getMessage());
throw oe;
Instead of
OADBTransaction tx = (OADBTransaction)getOADBTransaction();
java.sql.Connection pConncection = tx.getJdbcConnection();
I have tried
OracleConnection pConncection = null;
pConncection = (OracleConnection)TransactionScope.getConnection();
And Worked. It may help someone.

LINQ to Entities Select New

public static object ExecuteScalar(string SQL)
var A = new EGModel.EGEntity().Connection;
var command = ((EntityConnection)(A)).StoreConnection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
command.CommandText = SQL;
if (((EntityConnection)(A)).StoreConnection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)
return command.ExecuteScalar();
catch { return null; }
public object MFICHE(int ID)
var i = from b in IConnection.EGEntity().fiche
where (m.ID== ID)
select new { b.Date, m.Name, Addresss = IConnection.ExecuteScalar("SELECT main.F_ADDRESS(4588)") };
return i;
I am getting error:
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Object ExecuteScalar(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
Why i am getting error?
But Addresss = "ASASAS" is runing?
The problem is that the expression tree generated from your query includes a call to your ExecuteScalar method - which the Entity Framework expression parser doesn't know anything about. It doesn't look inside that method to see what it's doing - it just knows that the call exists, and fails because it can't translate it.
You wouldn't normally want to execute a separate SQL statement for each result returned from a query? You've got an obvious "N+1 selects" problem.
If you know you've only got a single result (due to the ID constraint) you could fetch the relevant data into an object and then execute the second query:
public object MFICHE(int ID)
var query = from b in IConnection.EGEntity().fiche
where b.ID == ID
select new { b.Date, b.Name };
// You only expect a single result, right?
var result = query.Single();
// Shouldn't this be using something to do with the result?
var address = IConnection.ExecuteScalar("SELECT main.F_ADDRESS(4588)");
return new { result.Date, result.Name, Address = address };
As an aside, it's very odd to have static methods in a type beginning with I, which would usually be an interface. Additionally, this code:
catch { return null; }
is horrible - you should catch specific exceptions, log them, and normally rethrow them. It's almost never appropriate to just carry on as if nothing had gone wrong.
