I was trying to call a Concurrent Program from OA Framework. And here is the code. But I am getting following error:
cannot find symbol symbol : method getDBTransaction() location: class _myclass OADBTransaction tx = (OADBTransaction)getDBTransaction();
Here is the method:
public int submitCPRequest(String headerId) {
try {
OADBTransaction tx = (OADBTransaction)getOADBTransaction();
java.sql.Connection pConncection = tx.getJdbcConnection();
ConcurrentRequest cr = new ConcurrentRequest(pConncection);
String applnName = "PO"; //Application that contains the concurrent program
String cpName = "XXMY Concurrent program name "; //Concurrent program name
String cpDesc = "Concurrent Program Description"; // concurrent Program description
// Pass the Arguments using vector
// Here i have added my parameter headerId to the vector and passed the vector to the concurrent program
Vector cpArgs = new Vector();
// Calling the Concurrent Program
int requestId = cr.submitRequest(applnName, cpName, cpDesc, null, false, cpArgs);
return requestId;
} catch (RequestSubmissionException e) {
OAException oe = new OAException(e.getMessage());
throw oe;
Instead of
OADBTransaction tx = (OADBTransaction)getOADBTransaction();
java.sql.Connection pConncection = tx.getJdbcConnection();
I have tried
OracleConnection pConncection = null;
pConncection = (OracleConnection)TransactionScope.getConnection();
And Worked. It may help someone.
Trying to convert java resultSet data to data.frame in R. Up to 5 rows no issue. But when more than 5 records are converting then getting the error "syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL, expecting ','"
public static void main(String[] args) throws ScriptException, FileNotFoundException {
RenjinScriptEngineFactory factory = new RenjinScriptEngineFactory();
ScriptEngine engine = factory.getScriptEngine();
public static ListVector getData() {
Connection connection = null;
PreparedStatement statement = null;
ResultSet resultSet = null;
StringArrayVector.Builder userid = new StringArrayVector.Builder();
StringArrayVector.Builder defaultCC = new StringArrayVector.Builder();
StringArrayVector.Builder typeId = new StringArrayVector.Builder();
StringArrayVector.Builder amount = new StringArrayVector.Builder();
StringArrayVector.Builder cc = new StringArrayVector.Builder();
StringArrayVector.Builder activity = new StringArrayVector.Builder();
String query = "select top 6 wi.owner_user_id as userId, u.cost_center_id as defaultCC, li.expense_type_id typeId, wi.doc_specific_amount as amount, al.cost_center_id as cc,wi.activity_id as activity from alwf_work_item wi, alco_user u, aler_expense_line_item li,aler_line_allocation al where u.user_id = wi.owner_user_id and wi.business_object_id=li.parent_id and li.exp_line_item_id=al.exp_line_item_id";
connection = getConnection();
statement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
resultSet = statement.executeQuery();
while(resultSet.next()) {
}catch (Exception e) {
ListVector.NamedBuilder myDf = new ListVector.NamedBuilder();
myDf.setAttribute(Symbols.CLASS, StringVector.valueOf("data.frame"));
myDf.setAttribute(Symbols.ROW_NAMES, new RowNamesVector(userid.length()));
myDf.add("userId", userid.build());
myDf.add("defaultCC", defaultCC.build());
myDf.add("typeId", typeId.build());
myDf.add("amount", amount.build());
myDf.add("cc", cc.build());
myDf.add("activity", activity.build());
return myDf.build();
R Script
workflow.predict <- function(abc) {
print(data.frame(lapply(abc, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
dataset = data.frame(lapply(abc, as.character), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
classifier = randomForest(x = dataset[-6], y = as.factor(dataset$activity))
y_pred = predict(classifier, newdata = new.data)
Below are the errors while running the script with top 6 records. But for top 5 records it is running without any error. Thanks in advance.
Exception in thread "main" org.renjin.parser.ParseException: Syntax error at 1 68 1 70 68 70: syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL, expecting ','
at org.renjin.parser.RParser.parseAll(RParser.java:146)
at org.renjin.parser.RParser.parseSource(RParser.java:69)
at org.renjin.parser.RParser.parseSource(RParser.java:122)
at org.renjin.parser.RParser.parseSource(RParser.java:129)
at org.renjin.script.RenjinScriptEngine.eval(RenjinScriptEngine.java:127)
at RTest.main(RTest.java:27)
Sample Data of the resultset is here
By using Builder userid = new ListVector.Builder() instead of StringArrayVector.Builder userid = new StringArrayVector.Builder() it is accepting more records without any error. I am not sure why StringArrayVector it is restricting to 5 records only.
I have an encryption task that receives an input file and an output file along with the key to perform encryption against. The strange thing is that when I try in extract a method that performs a line encryption and receives it as an argument, I get the next error: Could not find method encryptLine() for arguments [PK] on task ':presentation:encryptScenarios' of type EncryptionTask..
When I inline this method - it works ok.
Here is a code of the inlined variant:
void encryptFile() {
final FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)
inputFile.eachLine { String line ->
final byte[] inputBytes = line.getBytes()
final byte[] secretBytes = key.getBytes()
final byte[] outputBytes = new byte[inputBytes.length]
int spos = 0
for (int pos = 0; pos < inputBytes.length; ++pos) {
outputBytes[pos] = (byte) (inputBytes[pos] ^ secretBytes[spos])
spos += 1
if (spos >= secretBytes.length) {
spos = 0
And here is the code of the extracted method variant:
void encryptFile() {
final FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)
inputFile.eachLine { String line ->
byte[] outputBytes = encryptLine(line)
private byte[] encryptLine(String line) {
final byte[] inputBytes = line.getBytes()
final byte[] secretBytes = key.getBytes()
final byte[] outputBytes = new byte[inputBytes.length]
int spos = 0
for (int pos = 0; pos < inputBytes.length; ++pos) {
outputBytes[pos] = (byte) (inputBytes[pos] ^ secretBytes[spos])
spos += 1
if (spos >= secretBytes.length) {
spos = 0
How to resolve this issue using this private method that encrypts a line?
This error seems to be connected to a Groovy issue referenced here : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GROOVY-7797
You are trying to call a private method from a closure within the same class and it looks like this is not supported.
Please try to remove the private modifier from encryptLine method definition, and you should get rid of this error.
I'm sort of having a hard time with this one. Well ok, I have two different solutions (solution1 has a WebApplication Project; solution2 has a Website Project). Inside the two solutions, there's a WCF service structure. I have the exact same code in both services (in their respective solutions). My code compiles just fine. From the service I do a simple call to a procedure that returns a cursor. When I execute the service from the WebApplication it works just fine; when I do the same from the Website I get error: "wrong number or types of arguments". They both call the same procedure, in the same DB. And I triple check my code, and is the same in both services. Any ideas or suggestions? My code is as follows in both solutions:
public List<A1001310> SearchClient_A1001310()
DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
dataTable = DataManager.SearchClient();
List<A1001310> list = new List<A1001310>();
list = (from DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows
select new A1001310()
Id = Convert.ToInt32(dr["CLIENT_ID"]),
//ClientName = dr["NOM_CLIENTE"].ToString()
return list;
public static DataTable SearchClient()
using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(packetName + ".select_A1001310"))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlManager sqlManager = new SqlManager();
return sqlManager.GetDataTable(cmd);
catch (Exception ex)
//TODO; Handle exception
return null;
The call to DataTable is:
public DataTable GetDataTable(OleDbCommand cmd)
using (DataSet ds = GetDataSet(cmd))
return ((ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) ? ds.Tables[0] : null);
public DataSet GetDataSet(OleDbCommand cmd)
using (DataSet ds = new DataSet())
using (OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(cmd.Connection == null ? _dbConnection : cmd.Connection.ConnectionString))
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandTimeout = _connTimeout;
using (OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd))
return ds;
The procedure is as follow:
PROCEDURE select_A1001310(io_cursor OUT lcursor_data)
OPEN io_cursor FOR
SELECT client_id
FROM a1001310
WHERE status = 'A'
IF io_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
CLOSE io_cursor;
END select_A1001310;
So if it helps anyone, I resolved my issue by specifying the OUT parameter declared in the procedure. This resulted in me changing from Oledb to OracleClient as follow:
public static DataTable SearchClient()
string connection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DBConnection_Oracle"].ToString();
string procedure = packetName + ".p_search_client";
OracleParameter[] parameters = new OracleParameter[1];
parameters[0] = new OracleParameter("io_cursor", OracleType.Cursor, 4000, ParameterDirection.Output, true, 0, 0, "", DataRowVersion.Current, String.Empty);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = DataManager_Oracle.GetDataTable_(connection, procedure, parameters);
return dt;
It seems that on the Website environment it didn't like leaving out the OUT parameter; whereas on the WebApplication I did not specify it, and it worked just fine... If some one know the why , PLEASE let me know :)
I would like to know how to transform a Protobuf Any Type to the original Protobuf message type and vice versa. In Java from Message to Any is easy:
Any.Builder anyBuilder = Any.newBuilder().mergeFrom(protoMess.build());
But how can I parse that Any back to the originial message (e.g. to the type of "protoMess")? I could probably parse everything on a stream just to read it back in, but that's not what I want. I want to have some transformation like this:
ProtoMess.MessData.Builder protoMessBuilder = (ProtoMess.MessData.Builder) transformToMessageBuilder(anyBuilder)
How can I achieve that? Is it already implemented for Java? The Protobuf Language Guide says there were pack and unpack methods, but there are none in Java.
Thank you in Advance :)
The answer might be a bit late but maybe this still helps someone.
In the current version of Protocol Buffers 3 pack and unpack are available in Java.
In your example packing can be done like:
Any anyMessage = Any.pack(protoMess.build()));
And unpacking like:
ProtoMess protoMess = anyMessage.unpack(ProtoMess.class);
Here is also a full example for handling Protocol Buffers messages with nested Any messages:
ProtocolBuffers Files
A simple Protocol Buffers file with a nested Any message could look like:
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
message ParentMessage {
string text = 1;
google.protobuf.Any childMessage = 2;
A possible nested message could then be:
syntax = "proto3";
message ChildMessage {
string text = 1;
To build the full message the following function can be used:
public ParentMessage createMessage() {
// Create child message
ChildMessage.Builder childMessageBuilder = ChildMessage.newBuilder();
childMessageBuilder.setText("Child Text");
// Create parent message
ParentMessage.Builder parentMessageBuilder = ParentMessage.newBuilder();
parentMessageBuilder.setText("Parent Text");
// Return message
return parentMessageBuilder.build();
To read the child message from the parent message the following function can be used:
public ChildMessage readChildMessage(ParentMessage parentMessage) {
try {
return parentMessage.getChildMessage().unpack(ChildMessage.class);
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
return null;
If your packed messages can have different Types, you can read out the typeUrl and use reflection to unpack the message. Assuming you have the child messages ChildMessage1 and ChildMessage2 you can do the following:
public Message readChildMessage(ParentMessage parentMessage) {
try {
Any childMessage = parentMessage.getChildMessage();
String clazzName = childMessage.getTypeUrl().split("/")[1];
String clazzPackage = String.format("package.%s", clazzName);
Class<Message> clazz = (Class<Message>) Class.forName(clazzPackage);
return childMessage.unpack(clazz);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
return null;
For further processing, you could determine the type of the message with instanceof, which is not very efficient. If you want to get a message of a certain type, you should compare the typeUrl directly:
public ChildMessage1 readChildMessage(ParentMessage parentMessage) {
try {
Any childMessage = parentMessage.getChildMessage();
String clazzName = childMessage.getTypeUrl().split("/")[1];
if (clazzName.equals("ChildMessage1")) {
return childMessage.unpack("ChildMessage1.class");
return null
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
return null;
Just to add information in case someone has the same problem ... Currently to unpack you have to do (c# .netcore 3.1 Google.Protobuf 3.11.4)
Foo myobject = anyMessage.Unpack<Foo>();
I know this question is very old, but it still came up when I was looking for the answer. Using #sundance answer I had to answer do this a little differently. The problem being that the actual message was a subclass of the actual class. So it required a $.
for(Any x : in.getDetailsList()){
String clazzName = x.getTypeUrl().split("/")[1];
String[] split_name = clazzName.split("\\.");
String nameClass = String.join(".", Arrays.copyOfRange(split_name, 0, split_name.length - 1)) + "$" + split_name[split_name.length-1];
Class<Message> clazz = (Class<Message>) Class.forName(nameClass);
} catch (Exception e){
With this being the definition of my proto messages
syntax = "proto3";
package cb_grpc.msg.Main;
service QueryService {
rpc anyService (AnyID) returns (QueryResponse) {}
enum Buckets {
main = 0;
txn = 1;
hxn = 2;
message QueryResponse{
string content = 1;
string code = 2;
message AnyID {
Buckets bucket = 1;
string docID = 2;
repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 3;
syntax = "proto3";
package org.querc.cb_grpc.msg.database;
option java_package = "org.querc.cb_grpc.msg";
option java_outer_classname = "database";
message TxnLog {
string doc_id = 1;
repeated string changes = 2;
I'm looking at the Microsoft-provided sample "Process Tasks as they Finish" and adapting that TPL sample for Azure Storage.
The problem I have is marked below where the variable domainData reports the errors in the compiler: Unknown method Select(?) of TableQuerySegment<DynamicTableEntity> (fully qualified namespace removed)
I also get the following error DynamicTableEntity domainData \n\r Unknown type of variable domainData
/// if you have the necessary references the following most likely should compile and give you same error
CloudStorageAccount acct = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount;
CloudTableClient client = acct.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable tableSymmetricKeys = client.GetTableReference("SymmetricKeys5");
TableContinuationToken token = new TableContinuationToken() { };
TableRequestOptions opt = new TableRequestOptions() { };
OperationContext ctx = new OperationContext() { ClientRequestID = "ID" };
CancellationToken cancelToken = new CancellationToken();
List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
var task2 = tableSymmetricKeys.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(cancelToken);
int depth = 3;
while (true)
Task<TableQuerySegment<DynamicTableEntity>> task3 = tableSymmetricKeys.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, token, opt, ctx, cancelToken);
// Run the method
Console.WriteLine("Records retrieved in this attempt = " + task3.Result.Count());// + " | Total records retrieved = " + state.TotalEntitiesRetrieved);
// HELP! This is where I'm doing something the compiler doesn't like
IEnumerable<Task<int>> getTrustDataQuery =
from domainData in task3.Result select QueryPartnerForData(domainData, "yea, search for this.", client, cancelToken);
// Prepare for next iteration or quit
if (token == null)
token = task3.Result.ContinuationToken;
// todo: persist token token.WriteXml()
private static object QueryPartnerForData(DynamicTableEntity domainData, string p, CloudTableClient client, CancellationToken cancelToken)
throw new NotImplementedException();
Your code is missing a query. In order to test the code I created the following query:
TableQuery<DynamicTableEntity> query = new TableQuery<DynamicTableEntity>()
.Where(TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, "temp"));
I also added the method QueryPartnerForData which doesn't do anything (simply returns null) and everything works fine. So maybe it's an issue with the QueryPartnerForData method? The best way to find the actual error is by setting a breakpoint here and there.
A StackOverflowException often means you are stuck in an endless loop. Run through the breakpoints a few times and see where your code is stuck. Could it be that QueryPartnerForData calls the other method and that the other method calls QueryPartnerForData again?