Text orientation in a label - birt

I would like to know if there's a way to rotate of 90° the text in a label of a Birt report.
I didn't find any option in the advanced properties.
Do I have to add some script in the onRender part?
I am using Eclipse BIRT Designer Version 2.5.2.

This is not supported in BIRT. Although you can write a plugin for that.


Is it possible to draw a report without using birt report designer?

I have a big issue with birt report recently. We all know that we can use birt report designer to draw a report by drag some report elements from palette. But,my leader have a point that if we can draw a simple report without using birt report designer?
You can use Excel as a data source and then use the API to pull information out of that or build a report. As mentioned earlier, you can also create the XML that defines the report outside of the designer as well. You could also write JavaScript or other client side code to take the Excel file and extract data from that to use in a report.

BIRT Incosistent rendering

I'm having a very odd behavior rendering PDFs between BIRT Designer and Runtime. (Image attached)
The left image was generated by the BIRT designer and the right by BIRT runtime. I want to generate the left image using the runtime.
I'm using BIRT 3.7.2 for the runtime and designer
Are there any properties that I have to set somewhere?

Add toolbar to dynamically generated BIRT report

I am using IReportEngine to open a template report and IReportRunnable to created the elements of the report. Then IRunAndRenderTask to display the report and return it as HTML. what I don't know is how to add the Birt toolbar and the navigation bar to the generated report. Any idea or suggestion ?
Both toolbar and pagination are components of the webviewer, not components of the BIRT engine API. If reports are generated with the report engine API, as far a i know there is no way to display these elements out-of-the-box: you need to implement your own toolbar and pagination widget.

how to display color palette in ckeditor

Pardon if this is very basic thing but since I am new to it and could not find any thing about it, so I am asking.
I have integrated ckeditor in my textarea but ckeditor is not showing palette to change font color. How can I display it in ckeditor options?
Did you download a full build of CKEditor?
What you're looking for is the colorbutton plugin. Basic/standard builds of CKE don't have this plugin.

Text over an image in an rdlc in VS2010

In VS2010, I've created an rdlc report that I want to view using the reportviewer. On the report, I want to use a scanned image underneath all the text (since it must look like the agency's letterhead), and this image must take up the whole page. The problem is that the text boxes on the report are all bumped down beneath the image. Can someone help me figure out how to make this work?
Right click the image, select Layout, Send to Back.
I'm doing this in VS 2012 now, but I think it's the same in VS 2010.
Right click the body of your report (in design mode),
Select "Body Properties..." and from there you can specify a Background Image.
You can place text above the image at design time. When ReportViewer display the report, it will look bad, but if you export the report in PDF format will look the same as you wish.
I know my answer does not resolve the problem. After working a lot on the subject, it is all I could get.
I have now tried in VS2013. No change.
