BIRT Incosistent rendering - birt

I'm having a very odd behavior rendering PDFs between BIRT Designer and Runtime. (Image attached)
The left image was generated by the BIRT designer and the right by BIRT runtime. I want to generate the left image using the runtime.
I'm using BIRT 3.7.2 for the runtime and designer
Are there any properties that I have to set somewhere?


Is it possible to draw a report without using birt report designer?

I have a big issue with birt report recently. We all know that we can use birt report designer to draw a report by drag some report elements from palette. But,my leader have a point that if we can draw a simple report without using birt report designer?
You can use Excel as a data source and then use the API to pull information out of that or build a report. As mentioned earlier, you can also create the XML that defines the report outside of the designer as well. You could also write JavaScript or other client side code to take the Excel file and extract data from that to use in a report.

Dynamic image in a report SSRS (Visual Studio 2013 Report Designer)

I'm building a report in the report designer from Visual Studio 2013. There is a section in the report where I need to add an image, this image has to be data-bound (I already achieved this). The only problem is, that sometime this image has a null value, so no image is been rendered. If that happen I supposed to display an image that says "Coming Soon", the only problem is this image is not in the data base, so I have to add it from the archive directly.
My question is:
Is there a way to change how I add an image to a report during execution?
I mean, Can I have an expression to set a different source instead of a Database, either Embedded or External?
I will appreciate any help.
Ultimately you are looking for a dynamic image; I recommend setting to External and in the image source field, create an expression with an IsNothing check against your image source path (assuming it is the path you are supplying and not the image itself).
For example: Iif(IsNothing(Fields!ImageSource.Value), "ComingSoonImagePathOrName", Fields!ImageSource.Value)
A similar question and solution was presented here: Want to show dynamic image in SSRS report

Add toolbar to dynamically generated BIRT report

I am using IReportEngine to open a template report and IReportRunnable to created the elements of the report. Then IRunAndRenderTask to display the report and return it as HTML. what I don't know is how to add the Birt toolbar and the navigation bar to the generated report. Any idea or suggestion ?
Both toolbar and pagination are components of the webviewer, not components of the BIRT engine API. If reports are generated with the report engine API, as far a i know there is no way to display these elements out-of-the-box: you need to implement your own toolbar and pagination widget.

Text orientation in a label

I would like to know if there's a way to rotate of 90° the text in a label of a Birt report.
I didn't find any option in the advanced properties.
Do I have to add some script in the onRender part?
I am using Eclipse BIRT Designer Version 2.5.2.
This is not supported in BIRT. Although you can write a plugin for that.

Examples of custom BIRT report items other than in BIRT Controls

When looking for examples of custom BIRT report items, there are a few versions of RotatedText/RotatedLabel around, and DotBar (only in BIRT Controls Library). Any others?
