Edge detection : Any performance evaluation technique? - performance

I am working on edge detection in images and would like to evaluate the performance of algorithm, if any any one could give me a reference or method on how to proceed it will be really helpful. :)
I do not have ground truth and data set includes color as well as gray images.
Thank you.

Create a synthetic data set with known edges, for example by 3D rendering, by compositing 2D images with precise masks (as may be obtained in royalty free photosets), or by introducing edges directly (thin/faint lines). Remember to add some confounding non-edges that look like edges, of a type appropriate for what you're tuning for.
Use your (non-synthetic) data set. Run the reference algorithms that you want to compare against. Also produce combinations of the reference algorithms, for example by voting (majority, at least K out of N, etc). Calculate stats on your algo vs reference algo performance, in terms of (a) number of points your algo classifies as edge which each reference algo, or the combination, does not classify as edge (false positive), or (b) number of points which the reference algo classifies as edge that your algo does not (false negative). You can also calculate a rank correlation-type number for algos by looking at each point and looking at which algos do (or don't) classify that as an edge.
Create ground truth manually. Use reference edge-finding algos as a starting point, then fix up by hand. Probably valuable to do for a small number of images in any case.
Good luck!

For comparisons, quantitative measures like what #Alex I explained is best. To do so, you need to define what is "correct" with a ground truth set and a way to consistently determine if a given image is correct or on a more granular level, how correct (some number like a percentage) it is. #Alex I gave a way to do that.
Another option that is often used in graphics research where there is no ground truth is user studies. Usually less desirable as they are time consuming and often more costly. However, if it is a qualitative improvement that you are after or if a quantitative measurement is just too hard to do, a user study is an appropriate solution.
When I mean user study I mean to poll people on how well a result is given the input image. You could give them a scale to rate things on and randomly give them samples from both your results and the results of another algorithm
And of course, if you still want more ideas, be sure to check out edge detection papers to see how they measured their results (I'd actually look here first as they've already gone through this same process and determined what was best for them: google scholar).


Finding an optimum learning rule for an ANN

How do you find an optimum learning rule for a given problem, say a multiple category classification?
I was thinking of using Genetic Algorithms, but I know there are issues surrounding performance. I am looking for real world examples where you have not used the textbook learning rules, and how you found those learning rules.
Nice question BTW.
classification algorithms can be classified using many Characteristics like:
What does the algorithm strongly prefer (or what type of data that is most suitable for this algorithm).
training overhead. (does it take a lot of time to be trained)
When is it effective. ( large data - medium data - small amount of data ).
the complexity of analyses it can deliver.
Therefore, for your problem classifying multiple categories I will use Online Logistic Regression (FROM SGD) because it's perfect with small to medium data size (less than tens of millions of training examples) and it's really fast.
Another Example:
let's say that you have to classify a large amount of text data. then Naive Bayes is your baby. because it strongly prefers text analysis. even that SVM and SGD are faster, and as I experienced easier to train. but these rules "SVM and SGD" can be applied when the data size is considered as medium or small and not large.
In general any data mining person will ask him self the four afomentioned points when he wants to start any ML or Simple mining project.
After that you have to measure its AUC, or any relevant, to see what have you done. because you might use more than just one classifier in one project. or sometimes when you think that you have found your perfect classifier, the results appear to be not good using some measurement techniques. so you'll start to check your questions again to find where you went wrong.
Hope that I helped.
When you input a vector x to the net, the net will give an output depend on all the weights (vector w). There would be an error between the output and the true answer. The average error (e) is a function of the w, let's say e = F(w). Suppose you have one-layer-two-dimension network, then the image of F may look like this:
When we talk about training, we are actually talking about finding the w which makes the minimal e. In another word, we are searching the minimum of a function. To train is to search.
So, you question is how to choose the method to search. My suggestion would be: It depends on how the surface of F(w) looks like. The wavier it is, the more randomized method should be used, because the simple method based on gradient descending would have bigger chance to guide you trapped by a local minimum - so you lose the chance to find the global minimum. On the another side, if the suface of F(w) looks like a big pit, then forget the genetic algorithm. A simple back propagation or anything based on gradient descending would be very good in this case.
You may ask that how can I know how the surface look like? That's a skill of experience. Or you might want to randomly sample some w, and calculate F(w) to get an intuitive view of the surface.

Neural Network Basics

I'm a computer science student and for this years project, I need to create and apply a Genetic Algorithm to something. I think Neural Networks would be a good thing to apply it to, but I'm having trouble understanding them. I fully understand the concepts but none of the websites out there really explain the following which is blocking my understanding:
How the decision is made for how many nodes there are.
What the nodes actually represent and do.
What part the weights and bias actually play in classification.
Could someone please shed some light on this for me?
Also, I'd really appreciate it if you have any similar ideas for what I could apply a GA to.
Thanks very much! :)
Your question is quite complex and I don't think a small answer will fully satisfy you. Let me try, nonetheless.
First of all, there must be at least three layers in your neural network (assuming a simple feedforward one). The first is the input layer and there will be one neuron per input. The third layer is the output one and there will be one neuron per output value (if you are classifying, there might be more than one f you want to assign a "belong to" meaning to each neuron).. The remaining layer is the hidden one, which will stand between the input and output. Determining its size is a complex task as you can see in the following references:
comp.ai faq
a post on stack exchange
Nevertheless, the best way to proceed would be for you to state your problem more clearly (as weel as industrial secrecy might allow) and let us think a little more on your context.
The number of input and output nodes is determined by the number of inputs and outputs you have. The number of intermediate nodes is up to you. There is no "right" number.
Imagine a simple network: inputs( age, sex, country, married ) outputs( chance of death this year ). Your network might have a 2 "hidden values", one depending on age and sex, the other depending on country and married. You put weights on each. For example, Hidden1 = age * weight1 + sex * weight2. Hidden2 = country * weight3 + married * weight4. You then make another set of weights, Hidden3 and Hidden4 connecting to the output variable.
Then you get a data from, say the census, and run through your neural network to find out what weights best match the data. You can use genetic algorithms to test different sets of weights. This is useful if you have so many edges you could not try every possible weighting. You need to find good weights without exhaustively trying every possible set of weights, so GA lets you "evolve" a good set of weights.
Then you test your weights on data from a different census to see how well it worked.
... my major barrier to understanding this though is understanding how the hidden layer actually works; I don't really understand how a neuron functions and what the weights are for...
Every node in the middle layer is a "feature detector" -- it will (hopefully) "light up" (i.e., be strongly activated) in response to some important feature in the input. The weights are what emphasize an aspect of the previous layer; that is, the set of input weights to a neuron correspond to what nodes in the previous layer are important for that feature.
If a weight connecting myInputNode to myMiddleLayerNode is 0, then you can tell that myInputNode is not important to whatever feature myMiddleLayerNode is detecting. If, though, the weight connecting myInputNode to myMiddleLayerNode is very large (either positive or negative), you know that myInputNode is quite important (if it's very negative it means "No, this feature is almost certainly not there", while if it's very positive it means "Yes, this feature is almost certainly there").
So a corollary of this is that you want the number of your middle-layer nodes to have a correspondence to how many features are needed to classify the input: too few middle-layer nodes and it will be hard to converge during training (since every middle-layer node will have to "double up" on its feature-detection) while too many middle-layer nodes may over-fit your data.
So... a possible use of a genetic algorithm would be to design the architecture of your network! That is, use a GA to set the number of middle-layer nodes and initial weights. Some instances of the population will converge faster and be more robust -- these could be selected for future generations. (Personally, I've never felt this was a great use of GAs since I think it's often faster just to trial-and-error your way into a decent NN architecture, but using GAs this way is not uncommon.)
You might find this wikipedia page on NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) interesting. NEAT is one example of applying genetic algorithms to create the neural network topology.
The best way to explain an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is to provide the biological process that it attempts to simulate - a neural network. The best example of one is the human brain. So how does the brain work (highly simplified for CS)?
The functional unit (for our purposes) of the brain is the neuron. It is a potential accumulator and "disperser". What that means is that after a certain amount of electric potential (think filling a balloon with air) has been reached, it "fires" (balloon pops). It fires electric signals down any connections it has.
How are neurons connected? Synapses. These synapses can have various weights (in real life due to stronger/weaker synapses from thicker/thinner connections). These weights allow a certain amount of a fired signal to pass through.
You thus have a large collection of neurons connected by synapses - the base representation for your ANN. Note that the input/output structures described by the others are an artifact of the type of problem to which ANNs are applied. Theoretically, any neuron can accept input as well. It serves little purpose in computational tasks however.
So now on to ANNs.
NEURONS: Neurons in an ANN are very similar to their biological counterpart. They are modeled either as step functions (that signal out "1" after a certain combined input signal, or "0" at all other times), or slightly more sophisticated firing sequences (arctan, sigmoid, etc) that produce a continuous output, though scaled similarly to a step. This is closer to the biological reality.
SYNAPSES: These are extremely simple in ANNs - just weights describing the connections between Neurons. Used simply to weight the neurons that are connected to the current one, but still play a crucial role: synapses are the cause of the network's output. To clarify, the training of an ANN with a set structure and neuron activation function is simply the modification of the synapse weights. That is it. No other change is made in going from a a "dumb" net to one that produces accurate results.
There is no "correct" structure for a neural network. The structures are either
a) chosen by hand, or
b) allowed to grow as a result of learning algorithms (a la Cascade-Correlation Networks).
Assuming the hand-picked structure, these are actually chosen through careful analysis of the problem and expected solution. Too few "hidden" neurons/layers, and you structure is not complex enough to approximate a complex function. Too many, and your training time rapidly grows unwieldy. For this reason, the selection of inputs ("features") and the structure of a neural net are, IMO, 99% of the problem. The training and usage of ANNs is trivial in comparison.
To now address your GA concern, it is one of many, many efforts used to train the network by modifying the synapse weights. Why? because in the end, a neural network's output is simply an extremely high-order surface in N dimensions. ANY surface optimization technique can be use to solve the weights, and GA are one such technique. The simple backpropagation method is alikened to a dimension-reduced gradient-based optimization technique.

Multiple parameter optimization with lots of local minima

I'm looking for algorithms to find a "best" set of parameter values. The function in question has a lot of local minima and changes very quickly. To make matters even worse, testing a set of parameters is very slow - on the order of 1 minute - and I can't compute the gradient directly.
Are there any well-known algorithms for this kind of optimization?
I've had moderate success with just trying random values. I'm wondering if I can improve the performance by making the random parameter chooser have a lower chance of picking parameters close to ones that had produced bad results in the past. Is there a name for this approach so that I can search for specific advice?
More info:
Parameters are continuous
There are on the order of 5-10 parameters. Certainly not more than 10.
How many parameters are there -- eg, how many dimensions in the search space? Are they continuous or discrete - eg, real numbers, or integers, or just a few possible values?
Approaches that I've seen used for these kind of problems have a similar overall structure - take a large number of sample points, and adjust them all towards regions that have "good" answers somehow. Since you have a lot of points, their relative differences serve as a makeshift gradient.
Annealing: The classic approach. Take a bunch of points, probabalistically move some to a neighbouring point chosen at at random depending on how much better it is.
Swarm Optimization: Take a "swarm" of particles with velocities in the search space, probabalistically randomly move a particle; if it's an improvement, let the whole swarm know.
Genetic Algorithms: This is a little different. Rather than using the neighbours information like above, you take the best results each time and "cross-breed" them hoping to get the best characteristics of each.
The wikipedia links have pseudocode for the first two; GA methods have so much variety that it's hard to list just one algorithm, but you can follow links from there. Note that there are implementations for all of the above out there that you can use or take as a starting point.
Note that all of these -- and really any approach to this large-dimensional search algorithm - are heuristics, which mean they have parameters which have to be tuned to your particular problem. Which can be tedious.
By the way, the fact that the function evaluation is so expensive can be made to work for you a bit; since all the above methods involve lots of independant function evaluations, that piece of the algorithm can be trivially parallelized with OpenMP or something similar to make use of as many cores as you have on your machine.
Your situation seems to be similar to that of the poster of Software to Tune/Calibrate Properties for Heuristic Algorithms, and I would give you the same advice I gave there: consider a Metropolis-Hastings like approach with multiple walkers and a simulated annealing of the step sizes.
The difficulty in using a Monte Carlo methods in your case is the expensive evaluation of each candidate. How expensive, compared to the time you have at hand? If you need a good answer in a few minutes this isn't going to be fast enough. If you can leave it running over night, it'll work reasonably well.
Given a complicated search space, I'd recommend a random initial distributed. You final answer may simply be the best individual result recorded during the whole run, or the mean position of the walker with the best result.
Don't be put off that I was discussing maximizing there and you want to minimize: the figure of merit can be negated or inverted.
I've tried Simulated Annealing and Particle Swarm Optimization. (As a reminder, I couldn't use gradient descent because the gradient cannot be computed).
I've also tried an algorithm that does the following:
Pick a random point and a random direction
Evaluate the function
Keep moving along the random direction for as long as the result keeps improving, speeding up on every successful iteration.
When the result stops improving, step back and instead attempt to move into an orthogonal direction by the same distance.
This "orthogonal direction" was generated by creating a random orthogonal matrix (adapted this code) with the necessary number of dimensions.
If moving in the orthogonal direction improved the result, the algorithm just continued with that direction. If none of the directions improved the result, the jump distance was halved and a new set of orthogonal directions would be attempted. Eventually the algorithm concluded it must be in a local minimum, remembered it and restarted the whole lot at a new random point.
This approach performed considerably better than Simulated Annealing and Particle Swarm: it required fewer evaluations of the (very slow) function to achieve a result of the same quality.
Of course my implementations of S.A. and P.S.O. could well be flawed - these are tricky algorithms with a lot of room for tweaking parameters. But I just thought I'd mention what ended up working best for me.
I can't really help you with finding an algorithm for your specific problem.
However in regards to the random choosing of parameters I think what you are looking for are genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are generally based on choosing some random input, selecting those, which are the best fit (so far) for the problem, and randomly mutating/combining them to generate a next generation for which again the best are selected.
If the function is more or less continous (that is small mutations of good inputs generally won't generate bad inputs (small being a somewhat generic)), this would work reasonably well for your problem.
There is no generalized way to answer your question. There are lots of books/papers on the subject matter, but you'll have to choose your path according to your needs, which are not clearly spoken here.
Some things to know, however - 1min/test is way too much for any algorithm to handle. I guess that in your case, you must really do one of the following:
get 100 computers to cut your parameter testing time to some reasonable time
really try to work out your parameters by hand and mind. There must be some redundancy and at least some sanity check so you can test your case in <1min
for possible result sets, try to figure out some 'operations' that modify it slightly instead of just randomizing it. For example, in TSP some basic operator is lambda, that swaps two nodes and thus creates new route. Your can be shifting some number up/down for some value.
then, find yourself some nice algorithm, your starting point can be somewhere here. The book is invaluable resource for anyone who starts with problem-solving.

What are good algorithms for detecting abnormality?

Here is the problem:
A black box outputs a new number each day.
Those numbers have been recorded for a period of time.
Detect when a new number from the black box falls outside the pattern of numbers established over the time period.
The numbers are integers, and the time period is a year.
What algorithm will identify a pattern in the numbers?
The pattern might be simple, like always ascending or always descending, or the numbers might fall within a narrow range, and so forth.
I have some ideas, but am uncertain as to the best approach, or what solutions already exist:
Machine learning algorithms?
Neural network?
Classify normal and abnormal numbers?
Statistical analysis?
Cluster your data.
If you don't know how many modes your data will have, use something like a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) along with a scoring function (e.g., Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)) so you can automatically detect the likely number of clusters in your data. I recommend this instead of k-means if you have no idea what value k is likely to be. Once you've constructed a GMM for you data for the past year, given a new datapoint x, you can calculate the probability that it was generated by any one of the clusters (modeled by a Gaussian in the GMM). If your new data point has low probability of being generated by any one of your clusters, it is very likely a true outlier.
If this sounds a little too involved, you will be happy to know that the entire GMM + BIC procedure for automatic cluster identification has been implemented for you in the excellent MCLUST package for R. I have used it several times to great success for such problems.
Not only will it allow you to identify outliers, you will have the ability to put a p-value on a point being an outlier if you need this capability (or want it) at some point.
You could try line fitting prediction using linear regression and see how it goes, it would be fairly easy to implement in your language of choice.
After you fitted a line to your data, you could calculate the mean standard deviation along the line.
If the novel point is on the trend line +- the standard deviation, it should not be regarded as an abnormality.
PCA is an other technique that comes to mind, when dealing with this type of data.
You could also look in to unsuperviced learning. This is a machine learning technique that can be used to detect differences in larger data sets.
Sounds like a fun problem! Good luck
There is little magic in all the techniques you mention. I believe you should first try to narrow the typical abnormalities you may encounter, it helps keeping things simple.
Then, you may want to compute derived quantities relevant to those features. For instance: "I want to detect numbers changing abruptly direction" => compute u_{n+1} - u_n, and expect it to have constant sign, or fall in some range. You may want to keep this flexible, and allow your code design to be extensible (Strategy pattern may be worth looking at if you do OOP)
Then, when you have some derived quantities of interest, you do statistical analysis on them. For instance, for a derived quantity A, you assume it should have some distribution P(a, b) (uniform([a, b]), or Beta(a, b), possibly more complex), you put a priori laws on a, b and you ajust them based on successive information. Then, the posterior likelihood of the info provided by the last point added should give you some insight about it being normal or not. Relative entropy between posterior and prior law at each step is a good thing to monitor too. Consult a book on Bayesian methods for more info.
I see little point in complex traditional machine learning stuff (perceptron layers or SVM to cite only them) if you want to detect outliers. These methods work great when classifying data which is known to be reasonably clean.

Comparing a "path" (or GPS trail) of a vehicle

I have a bit of a difficult algorithm question, I can't find any suitable algorithm from a lot of searching, so I am hoping that someone here on stackoverflow might know the answer.
I have a set of x,y coordinates for a vehicle as it moves through a 2D space, the coordinates are recorded at "decision points" in the time period (i.e. they have stopped and made a determination of where to move next).
What I want to do is find a mechanism for comparing these trails efficiently (i.e. not going through each point individually). Compounding this is that I am interested in the "pattern" of their movement, not necessarily the individual points they went to. This means that the "path" is considered the same if you reflect it around an axis, or if you rotate it by 90,180 or 270 degrees.
Basically I am trying to distil some sort of "behaviour" to the way they move through the space, then examine the different "behaviours" for classification purposes.
This may be way more complicated than you're looking for, but it sounds like what the guys did at astrometry.net may be similar to what you're looking for. Essentially, you can upload a picture of some stars, and it will figure out the position in the sky it belongs, along with rotation, you may be able to use similar pattern matching in what you're looking for.
They have a great pdf explaining how it works here, and apparently you can email them and they'll send you the source code (details are in the pdf).
Edit: apparently you can download the code directly here.
Hope it helps.
there are several approaches you could make:
Using vector paths and translation matricies together with two algorithms, The A* (a star) algorithm ( to locate best routes from what are called greedy functions ), and the "nearest neighbour" algorithm --- these are both commonly used for comparing path efficiencies for routes.
you may not know it but the issue you have is known as the "travelling salesman" problem and has many many approaches.
so look up
traveling salesman problem
Nearest neighbour
also look at
Random walk algorithm - for the most basic approach
for a learned behaviour approach try neural networks "ANN" or genetic algorithms
the mathematics for this type of problem are covered under what is called "graph theory"
It seems that basically what is needed is some metric to compare two(N in general) paths and choose the best one?
If that's the case then I'd suggest plain statistics. I'd start with heading(orientation) histogram, relative(relative to previous heading) heading histogram and so on. Other thing comes to mind - distance/orientation between points covariance. Or just simply make up some kind of "statistics"(number of turns, etc.) and compare those paths using that.
