Jmeter Query new user - jmeter

First of all apologies for the below question.
Am from a Testing background for the past 8 years and very novice to Jmeter.
I went through the Jmeter site, and ran a sample recording using the site and it went fine.
I want to test my knowledge and understanding.
So, I did the following way.
Created a thread group.
Added a config element HTTP Default Requests with server name as
Added a Sampler as HTTP request, set the METHOD to POST and gave the username and password, and i ran the test.
When i see the Results Viewer, i could see the login page of gmail, I need to know how to pass my username and password and simulate the clicking of Submit button and getting the next page.
Please help, am very new and will really appreciate if it's explained as simple as possible.

Use jmeter proxy :
Then modify and variabilize what need to be

You can give the username and password and submit as request parameters in the HTTP post request. See the screenshot below:


how to load test nexcloud server with jmeter or smashbox

We are installing a nextcloud server in my organization and i would like to load test it before we deploy more broadly.
I have managed to do some testing with jmeter...(see answer below)
Now i would like to load test other features of nextcloud. I have found this repo but it seems it is not updated anymore :
Anyone know if it is still working? (i dont have yet access to the nexcloud server os).
Apparently smashbox is designed for owncloud and not nextcloud...any hint on tools for nextcloud?
Thank you
If you "dont have yet access to the nexcloud server" then how do you know that "doesnt log in with http authorization manager"?
Whatever. Given Nextcloud doesn't ask your credentials most probably it's configured for Single-Sign-On and most probably it's Kerberos
If this is the case you will need to not only to add the HTTP Authorization Manager but also perform the relevant configuration in krb5.conf and jaas.conf files (live in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation).
You can check out Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter article for example setup and more comprehensive explanations.
So here is the answer :
You have to create two sampler http request.
the first request is a get request on the login page.
the second request is a post request on the login page.
You have to create a regular expression extractor to extract data-requesttoken:
You can reuse it in the post request (name : requesttoken) with the variable set in the extractor.
You also need to add a http cookie manager to the thread group and leave it blank so it handles the cookies set in the get request and in the post request.
Then the login works properly and you can tune in the loop, number of threads and ramp up
There is only one problem on my machine: the request randomly succeed or fail because the cookie manager sometimes set the proper cookies in the redirect after post request and sometimes not... (see here : JMeter randomly setting proper cookies so my request succeed )

Jmeter login script

I am using Jmeter for testng load balance of website.I written a script to test the scenario like to make the user to login into the website and able navigate the user to the dashboard where he can see the recent data by consuming the protected calls.Here i am able to pass the user login scenario but the jmeter showing fail errors regarding the protected calls.When i am searching the url thing whcih is given by jmeter i able to understand that teh protected calls need user credentials to consume data but it fails due to absence of user login things.
Here i am able to pass the user login scenario
are you sure? If JMeter reports the HTTP Request sampler as successful it doesn't necessarily mean that the login will be successful, it might be the case your application responds with status code 200 and some error message explaining why the login has failed and JMeter automatically treats HTTP Status Codes below 400 as successful.
Try inspecting request and response details using View Results Tree listener which has HTML and Browser modes and double check that you're able to login.
If yes - you might need to add HTTP Cookie Manager or perform the correlation of the authorization header in the HTTP Header Manager for the "protected calls" or something like this
If no - you will need to amend your script so login will be successful. In order to avoid such situations in future you might want to add Assertions to your test plan to ensure that JMeter is doing what it's supposed to be doing

Response message: Unauthorized in Jmeter

I'm new to using Jmeter tool.
I have recorded my application using blazemeter (v3.1) and then trying to run that .jmx file in Jmeter, however I am running into an authorization issue and the script fails to run.
I have also tried setting my "HTTP Authorization Manager" with username, url, password but it does not help. If anyone can, please guide me on this Issue. Thanks.
As per 4 Things You Should Never Do with Your JMeter Script article:
Don’t run the script exactly as you recorded it
After recording your script, there is still some work to do before you run it. It’s necessary to correlate variables, parameterize and add elements, to faithfully simulate users.
There are too many ways of possible authentication implementation in your application, most probably you need to send some dynamic value along with credentials which can be fetched from the previous request.
Record your test scenario 2 times and compare recorded requests. Be careful as differences might be in response headers and URL, not only in response data. It makes sense to add View Results Tree listener directly to HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - this way you will be able to see what data is captured by JMeter and amend its configuration so simulated request would look exactly like the request from the real browser.

Using jmeter how to login as a user

I am using jmeter for load testing purposes.
I need to check by logging in as a user in my testing server.
I have two HTTP Requests - one is having GET method and the other is having POST method with parameters - username and password.
When I execute the script the first HTTP Request is accessing the page but in the second request it is not logging in with the parameters added.
I tried by adding 'HTTP Cookie Manager' both inside and outside the Thread Group but it didn't work.
I use View Results Tree to check the Response Data.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Just add
HTTP Header Manager inside the http request.

Same POST works manually, results in 500 error via Jmeter

In my script, I'm using a JSESSIONID instead of a cookie; the JSESSIONID is extracted using a HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier and I can confirm that the correct value (the one which appears in the response data from the login page) is being applied in the Request.
e.g. POST;JSESSIONID=0655ca5420354753ae413984d34cfc27
I'm also using a VIEWSTATE, which I'm extracting prior to running the remainder of the test steps by using a Regular Expression Extractor and setting the resulting variable as a parameter in the HTTP Request,
e.g. javax.faces.ViewState=8d2%2BgOIseczB2FWSo74DqQfkmiYVaK73D8bnLTNWCx%2FB8EtE
The problem is that I'm hitting a Response code: 500 | Response message: Internal Server Error every time I attempt a post with all of the applicable data.
I tried running through the steps manually in a Firefox browser. I copied the contents of the Request tab from the failing page into a REST client, logged in using a separate tab of the same browser and grabbed the appropriate JSESSIONID and VIEWSTATE information, then posted with that info in place - and the manual post was successful.
Am I missing something? Is JMeter requiring something to accomplish this POST that a I'm not seeing in a manual attempt? Please note that I can verify the test is working through the point of login - I can manually see the jmeter user logged in from an admin screen.
Happy to share any/all of what I'm seeing if it might be helpful in helping to troubleshoot.
