how to load test nexcloud server with jmeter or smashbox - jmeter

We are installing a nextcloud server in my organization and i would like to load test it before we deploy more broadly.
I have managed to do some testing with jmeter...(see answer below)
Now i would like to load test other features of nextcloud. I have found this repo but it seems it is not updated anymore :
Anyone know if it is still working? (i dont have yet access to the nexcloud server os).
Apparently smashbox is designed for owncloud and not nextcloud...any hint on tools for nextcloud?
Thank you

If you "dont have yet access to the nexcloud server" then how do you know that "doesnt log in with http authorization manager"?
Whatever. Given Nextcloud doesn't ask your credentials most probably it's configured for Single-Sign-On and most probably it's Kerberos
If this is the case you will need to not only to add the HTTP Authorization Manager but also perform the relevant configuration in krb5.conf and jaas.conf files (live in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation).
You can check out Windows Authentication with Apache JMeter article for example setup and more comprehensive explanations.

So here is the answer :
You have to create two sampler http request.
the first request is a get request on the login page.
the second request is a post request on the login page.
You have to create a regular expression extractor to extract data-requesttoken:
You can reuse it in the post request (name : requesttoken) with the variable set in the extractor.
You also need to add a http cookie manager to the thread group and leave it blank so it handles the cookies set in the get request and in the post request.
Then the login works properly and you can tune in the loop, number of threads and ramp up
There is only one problem on my machine: the request randomly succeed or fail because the cookie manager sometimes set the proper cookies in the redirect after post request and sometimes not... (see here : JMeter randomly setting proper cookies so my request succeed )


HTTP Authorization Manager

I'm new to JMeter.
My web app is using windows authentication. As soon as you access the page, it logs you in without the need to enter credentials (No way to log out either). I was able to use HTTP Authorization Manager + HTTP Request Sampler to access the page.
My next step is to cycle through 5 test accounts against the same HTTP Request. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like HTTP Authorization Manager supports multiple logins for the same url. Running the test, it only uses the first set of credentials.
I tried using CVS DataSet Config, but the url does not support Post or Get method for login.
Any suggestions on how I would be able to create multiple logins for a HTTP Request Sampler? If it cannot be done with the HTTP Request Sampler, any alternative samplers I should use instead?
Figured out I was able to include variables within the HTTP Authorization Manager.
Combined it with the CSV Data Set Config and it works as expected!

Keep session with Cookies in Jmeter

I am trying to run a simple test in jmeter but i am stuck. The steps are:
Log in
Set the Cookie Manager
Access the landing page
The first 2 steps are successful, but i get status 403 "errorId":"AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED" on the 3rd step. My guess is it is not getting the session from log in, but everything i 've tried hasn't worked. Here is my test plan:
Any suggestions?
JMeter's HTTP Cookie Manager obeys JMeter Scoping Rules, so if you put it as a child of the Setting Cookies request it will be applied to that request only, therefore cookies will not be available to the Landing Page
Try moving the HTTP Cookie Manager one level higher so your test plan would look like:
You should be able to see which cookies are being received and sent out using View Results Tree listener

Maintain State Between HTTP Requests to Keycloak in JMeter

So I am trying to automate a JMeter script that creates Keycloak users and then signs them in.
First It GETs the login page and stores the code, here is an example request:
However, when I then GET the registration page, the code changes and the tab_id also changes. How can I keep keycloak from generating a new code token with every HTTP request in a thread?
In addition, why is each HTTP request with JMeter acting like a new session instead of the next request in a series?
I am using Regular Expression Extractors in order to track the code and execution variables, in addition to using a HTTP Cookie Manager and HTTP Cache Manager for the thread.
Looking at my POST request, both variables are the same as those from the previous HTTP request, and all of my cookies are being maintained, yet every time I try this automated login, I get a 400 error and the keycloak event log displays an invalid_code error.
As requested here is a screenshot of all my sign in requests
Most probably your Regular Expression Extractor is not nested in the HTTP Request you are trying to extract data from.
If its scope is too wide, it applies to all HTTP Requests, so first time it succeeds extracting, but then for the next request that does not contain the token, the extractor runs and overwrites the old value by an empty one.
See scoping rules in JMeter:
You need to maintain the corelation between hits. Please go through below blog
According to keycloak you must use https if you are using
Keycloak can run out of the box without SSL so long as you stick to private IP addresses like localhost,, 10.0.x.x, 192.168.x.x, and 172..16.x.x. If you don’t have SSL/HTTPS configured on the server or you try to access Keycloak over HTTP from a non-private IP adress you will get an error.
So you have 3 options: use private IP address, use a reverse proxy or load balancer to handle HTTPS or enable HTTPS for the Keycloak server.

Getting Internal server error for partcular request in jmeter

I am getting Internal server error in jmeter for particular request but same url its working fine in browser,even i handled the cookie in the script and checked web traffic in fiddler and header manager everything is correct but still its showing internal server error.
Perhaps you need to configure some HTTP header in your request to make it work. Your browser is inserting them as default, but for JMeter you need to do it manually.
Using a recording tool might help on the specifics, but even though you will need some changes on your test script.
I recommend BlazeMeter Chrome Plugin, it will insert any necessary HTTP headers for you based on the browser of choice.
Your site might require Cookies, therefore you need to use a Cookie Manager for that. In order to Test the requests, use the Listeners "Response Assert" or "Save Responses to a File" to check if the response was sent properly.

Session Expired Response in JMeter

I am testing particular application using JMeter 2.9.There My test plan is Thread group--> Transaction Controller.Inside that various recorded requests are there.I am using HTTP request defaults,HTTP Cookie manager and HTTP header manager,and a view result tree for validation.I found one token i.e. CSRF token to be correlated and I did correlation.But for a particular request I am finding "Session expired..Login again" response much before the logout request.My transaction flow is to Login--> Search a content-->Logout.
Please help me finding a solution.
Try put the element: HTTP Cookie Manager in Thread Group, first item.
the problem can be in the following areas:
-you were redirected automatically instead of following redirects
-login hasn't succeeded
-the session id has not been successfully passed on to the request after login
The JMeter documentation states this:
I've set up JMeter to sample the same URLs as my browser, why is JMeter not seeing the same responses?
There are various different reasons for this:
Cookies - make sure you added a Cookie Manager. Browsers process cookies unless you set them up otherwise, but JMeter does not process cookies unless you add a Cookie Manager.
User-Agent - the User-Agent is a header that is sent by browsers; it identifies the browser type. Some servers are sensitive to this setting and generate different results for what they think are different browsers. The Header Manager is used to add headers such as User-Agent.
Hidden fields - if you did not use the JMeter Proxy (or other application) to record the test plan, then it is easy to miss hidden fields from forms.
Dynamic field names/content - some servers use varying names for fields. So although the test plan may be correct at the time of creation, it does not work when replayed.
URL rewriting - TBA
