installed aptana 3.0, and now php on localhost no longer works - aptana3

Windows XP with Apache Server and PHP installed and working. Installed Aptana 3.0 and now PHP from the localhost is no longer working. It just shows the code (or parts of it).
I have been working with php files on the localhost for weeks with no problems. Since I installed Aptana 3.0 a few days ago, these local (and simple) php files do not render as php.
Update: The php fails to render when I drag/drop from Windows Explorer. This worked before the install of Aptana. If I enter the address directly into the address bar, it works correctly.
When I drag/drop, the following is in the address bar:


Xdebug PhpStorm don't stop breakpoint

PHP 7.2
Xdebug 2.7
PhpStorm 2018.1.4
Mac OS Mojave
project locally
installed Xdebug helper in Firefox
I can not debug the code. The code stops at the first line. When I try to go further or put points, debugging ends and PhpStorm writes "connected" and nothing more.
You are using PhpStorm 2018.1.x with Xdebug 2.7.
Either upgrade PhpStorm to the latest stable 2018.3.x or downgrade Xdebug to 2.6.x
The problem is in recently changed XML namespace in Xdebug protocol, as of Xdebug 2.7 (https instead of http). It's fixed/supported since PhpStorm 2018.3 (see WI-43622).

Running xampp and utserver simultaneously

I recently installed xampp on my ubuntu 16.04. But it wasn't working properly. ProFTPD failure was occurring.Today I started the utserver and found that it wasn't working properly. I had used it previously and it used to work perfectly. I thought there might be some port error due to xampp and I decided to uninstall it. After uninstalling xampp utserver was running perfectly again. My question is: Was it because of xampp that I couldn't use u torrent.
If yes can someone suggest a way to run both applications simultaneously without errors?

Configure DEV-Domain for TYPO3 on macOS X by editing hosts file

I installed TYPO3 on a virtual machine (Ubuntu, Apache, MySQL) running in VirtualBox on macOSĀ X.
It did work so far, I can access the TYPO3 installer using this URL:
When accessing this URL the TYPO3 installer appears and tells me that everything is fine with this installation.
However, I can't manage to configure a development domain by editing the hosts file. I tried:
Neither worked... What am I doing wrong?

XAMPP is not working

I just installed this last night and it is properly working but today it is not working. I can't access my localhost and phpmyadmin and getting server not found page.
Apache 2.2.11
MySQL 5.1.33 (Community Server)
PHP 5.2.9 + PEAR (Support for PHP 4 has been discontinued)
XAMPP Control Version 2.5 from
Please install xampp in other drive(D:\ or E:\). Don't install in drive where your Operating System is installed. this will solve your problem if not than just right click on xampp-control.exe in xampp folder and click Run as administrator, Install Both service apache and mysql. Restart PC. Your problem will be solved.

Selenium 2.39 Standalone with Firefox 27/26 Not Starting Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

I am using Firefox 27 (previously 26) on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with a Tomcat application with the Selenium stand alone server 2.39 (latest form Maven) including in the application. Everything works fine with Chrome but i would prefer to use Firefox, which cannot work. The Firefox is installed from the standard distributions using xvfb. Again, all the setup is fine as Chrome works, but when i try to use firefox with the following code:
WebDriver webDriver = new FirefoxDriver();
When i take a screen shot of the xvfb, i see a window with the following error:
"Your firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible".
The webDriver.get("") just hangs and does not ever return.
The same code works fine on my development machine, Mac OSX.
I've tried to downgrade firefox and to no avail, same issue. Anyone have any suggestions?
This seems like an OS problem (read/write permissions or so), rather than a Selenium problem. It seems someone managed to fix it by changing the owner of the Firefox cache folder.
Try executing these commands:
sudo -s
chown -hR $USER:$USER ~/.cache/mozilla
Please take a look at this and let us know if it worked Ubuntu - Firefox profile cannot be loaded after upgrade
I found out the issue. When running in Ubuntu under Tomcat, the Tomcat instance is run with a root user (tomcat7) when installed from the standard distros. The issue was, which was pointed to me by Mourasman's response, was Firefox wants to create a .cache/mozilla directory. This is not possible with a root user. In order to fix this on the Ubuntu machine, I had to run Tomcat as a "real" user on the system with a home directory that allowed Firefox to create the cache directories it wants (even though Selenium gives it its own profile).
I had trouble doing this using the Ubuntu tomcat distro (I know there is a user and group field in /etc/default/tomcat7) but i could never get it to work. When i changed the user, which i'm assuming has to do with permissions, it never did work.
So i ended up downloading the source from Tomcat and starting Tomcat manually.....
Hope this helps anyone else who is trying to use Firefox in Selenium in a Tomcat application.
Thanks Mourasman for the pointer on the .cache directory....
