jvectormap customzing the Usa map - jvectormap

We are using jquery-jvectormap-us-aea-en.js file for displaying JVectorMap USA map.
The requirement is that we need to show north california and south california in place of california.where can i find the Jvectormap coordinates for the same.

You can do it in either of the two way:
Get or generator a map/shapefile for USA with North and South California and then generate .JS file using Converter.py
It would be a manual effort but since you need to do it just for one state you can do it. i.e., create copy of California in js file call old copy as North California and new copy as South California and read/modify Path attribute to make it work.


Is there any reusable D3 chart code to draw a Bar Chart with negative values, one on the top of another?

I am trying to create a bar chart as shown in the picture, till now I have tried using this code " http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/2368837". Is there any reusable code similar to the one I am trying to create?
*Note- I am very newbie in D3.js
Try this: http://classee.project.cwi.nl/component/barplot
It features an open source component of a Classee Project (a collaboration between CWI and University of Amsterdam (UvA), funded by the Amsterdam Data Science institute (ADS)).
For every x-sample, it has 2 +ve values(FP, TP) and 2 -ve values(FN, TN). You shall remove any one of the +ve and one -ve value ( I mean changing the corresponding code) and you're done.
Hope this helps!!

batch images along path google maps street view

Does anyone know how to interact with google maps street view to retrieve a batch number of images (~200) along the street view from point A to point B? I could always manually go and move along the street and "print screen." but this is time consuming. I work for city government, and we're trying to get more info on our streets.
You can take use of the Google Street View Image API, which gives you the ability to link to a picture of the Streetview directly. For example,
this link:
links to this image:
But there are 2 problems about this Google Street View Image API:
1) It only support up to 640x640, no bigger image for the free account.
2) I think the ToS requires the data be publicly accessible if you are using it for free.
You can solve these by applying to the Google Maps for Work, which I might able to refer you and get discounts.

Middle east & Africa map

I am trying to find a module for the middle east & Africa map to allow me to click a country and show a popup text depending on the country I click or apoint, this to be used on joomla 2.5.
any body can help with a name of such plugin or a module?
ZHGoogle Map is good, it will allow you to set the initial extent of the map (so to Africa & the Middle East) as well as add points with the popup information that you'd like to show.
Hope this helps

How to manually set the GPS coordinates if the app is always asking user's location

What I have achieved so far is implement this tutorial http://www.androidhive.info/2012/08/Android-working-with-Google-places-and-maps-tutorial/
And now what I want is to implement a way in which GPStracker class which enables GPS for my device and detects where I am right now instead of my location, I want to show my app users a particular area let's say north of Bangalore (India); I know how to setup different types but I'm asking help in this
i.putExtra("user_latitude", Double.toString(gps.getLatitude()));
i.putExtra("user_longitude", Double.toString(gps.getLongitude()));
gps.getLatitude ()
Is asking GPSTracker.java for coordinates and the location manager is simply pulling the same from my location, but what I want is fake the users location to some coordinates in the north of the city so that I can show them the results of that area (places -restaurants)

How store coordinates of boundaries of each zone region in a London tube map .GIF file?

I am trying to:
Generate a KML file that stores the coordinates of each boundary zone region of London tube map.
Store x,y coordinates as key-pair values to store points of each station on each line.
A KML eventually would look like this:
Is there a tool to trace the region coordinates of mouse movements (read) from the GIF file onto a KML file? Is there a way I can specifiy the element tags at the same time in the KML file?
The whole objective is to generate this KML file with minimal code.
I am going to use Processing after I have generated the KML file, to give visualization for data to be displayed on the London tube map.gif file.
You can use a tool such as Plot Digitizer to record the coordinates of mouse clicks, then process the final coordinate list with another tool to create a KML.
Alternatively you could create an image overlay in Google Earth using that GIF, align it, then use Google Earth to create the points.
