batch images along path google maps street view - image

Does anyone know how to interact with google maps street view to retrieve a batch number of images (~200) along the street view from point A to point B? I could always manually go and move along the street and "print screen." but this is time consuming. I work for city government, and we're trying to get more info on our streets.

You can take use of the Google Street View Image API, which gives you the ability to link to a picture of the Streetview directly. For example,
this link:,-73.988354&fov=90&heading=235&pitch=10
links to this image:
But there are 2 problems about this Google Street View Image API:
1) It only support up to 640x640, no bigger image for the free account.
2) I think the ToS requires the data be publicly accessible if you are using it for free.
You can solve these by applying to the Google Maps for Work, which I might able to refer you and get discounts.


Get Co-ordinates based on the marker location over the google map

I am working on a web application where a shop vendor must put a latitude and longitude of his/her shop.
It is easy to get if he/she is using application from the shop. But if he/she is somewhere else i want to show a map option to the vendor where he/she could search his/her shop point it. And I could get co-ordinates from that marker position.
I have studied google map api found a lot of useful things but couldn't understand how to achieve this as I am unable to find anything regarding getting co-ordinates from the marker.
It will be great if anybody could guide me that where should I look or what should I study to solve my issue.
Thanks in advance..
You can use the Maps JavaScript API to put a marker every time a certain point in the map was clicked then get the coordinates of the point and display it so that your user can directly get the exact coordinate of the marker. Here is a simple code I made to demonstrate this.
In the code, I used a listener to the map to check for every click on the map and put a marker on it. It will then update the label display with the coordinate of the marker.
map.addListener('click', function(event) {
document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = + ',' + event.latLng.lng();
Hope this helps!
Right-click on the red marker on Google Maps after searching the location, select "what's here?" and you will see the coordinates in a pop-up.

Google Places API - how to get the address coordinates instead of the place's

I'm using Google Places API to get a geolocation of the place. I get the points and are able to place it correctly. Searching for the place below the marker is placed in the middle of the building.,+Lda/#38.8799378,-7.1615604,20.05z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0xd171c6f3bfd342f:0xe99e4c47a055bae3!8m2!3d38.8799892!4d-7.161476
Now what I'm looking for is to place the marker on the address of the building (basically the door) which would be here:,+7350-026+Elvas/#38.8800482,-7.1619366,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0xd171c691f19dac7:0xe21f4232dc70c067!8m2!3d38.8800482!4d-7.1613894
The only way of doing this right now is to get the place, get the place detail and then, using the address making another call for the new coordinate.
Is this the only way to get the geolocation of a place's address?
Reverse geocoding is your best friend!
Input your address like so, taking out the spaces.ãoLourenço17,7350-026,Elvas&key=API_KEY
Then access the coordinates via the geometry field. Hope this helps.

Interactive Maps in Wp7

I'm curious if I can do following this in wp7.
I want to do some basic things in park like:
Pan, zoom,
display POI layer.
Route from current location to park attractions,
concession stands,
misting stations,
bathrooms, etc.
Display additional info.
like height requirments and thrill levels when tapping on a ride
Is it possible?
I think pan is not possible available. you have to set the zoom level explicitly or via the map's zoom button. There are a few Bing Maps API you can tap on for POI data. you should look at the following services
Route Service - Allows you to calculate location from one point to another
Search Service - Allows you to do location searches eg. find nearby restaurants, petrol stations etc.
Other useful services
Geocode Service - Allows you to resolve address using coordinates and vice versa
Imagery Service - Gives you access to image data to build maps

How to know Which Regions are Near Some Location in Google Map

Say I am in a location.
Near that location there are regions and famous buildings
like region, kepaduri, wisconsin street, etc.
Is there a way to query google and get info what are the close things near me?
Basically I am making an IPhone apps and I want to populate the autocomplete
If you're looking for a webservice where you send coordinates and it returns a list of "regions" that are nearby I don't beleive Google provides that, and if they did, it's got nothing to do with MKMapView.

Windows phone 7, code to indicate how many clicks of an image?

So I had a thought -- Say you have pictures streaming to your app from a webpage. Is there any way to put code in the app to find out how many times a person has tapped the image, or how many times they have pressed a button belonging to the image?
Think of the "Like" button for facebook, where people can have +1, and see the total count of how many people also "like" it.
If so, how would one go about coding this?
You question is very vague...
If you want the count of how many time the image was loaded you can count that server side every time the picture is downloaded. If you want to give them a "like" button then you can add that to your WP7 app and call a page server side or a WCF service with some ID value for the picture to track the "likes".
For example:
HTTP Version
You can download the pictures from you webserver using a link such as "".
ID would be the unique ID for your application to know which picture to load
DeviceID would be the Device ID for the WP7 device loading the picture in your app (MSDN doesn't recommend you use the Device ID to identify unique users so you might need to adjust this value).
You could then set the source of an Image Control to that URL to load the image.
Uri uri = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute);
ImageSource imgSource = new BitmapImage(uri);
ProfileImage.Source = imgSource;
A WCF Service can use a similar manner and would allow you to pull a collection of images back from the server if you need to. The basics of building the service wouldn't be overly complicated, but I am omitting and example to save time.
