Windows service cannot see Shell_TrayWnd - windows

I need to hide the taskbar and start button via a Windows service.
In a console program I can successfully call FindWindow and/or EnumWindows to get the "Shell_TrayWnd" window and then hide it using ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE).
But when the service performs FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", NULL) it returns NULL, and when the service performs EnumWindows it gets an incomplete list which does not include the "Shell_TrayWnd" window.
Can anyone suggest how a service can see the "Shell_TrayWnd" window, or suggest an alternative method for hiding the taskbar and start button (that works in a service)? Thanks.

The correct way to provide a UI (or otherwise interact with UI elements) for a service is to provide a GUI client that runs in the user's context and uses some IPC method (possibly RPC, possibly message-passing) to communicate with the service. UI processing within privileged services is and always has been a security hole.
If you simply want a computer-wise process to kill the taskbar, then a service is neither needed nor helpful. Configure a scheduled task to run at login. Or set the registry to launch a custom shell instead of explorer.exe. You aren't doing anything that requires privilege other than the user's own account.
To avoid blinking a console window, build your program for the WINDOWS subsystem, or use editbin /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS to change the flags in the PE header after build is complete.

Unfortunately, there is no way for a service to access windows. It's a (designed) limitation for services.


Why does Spy++ fail with console windows

I was attempting to verify that messages were being sent to my window using Spy++ (running Windows 7), but I mistakingly tried to spy on a console window that my program was using for debug output. Spy++ promptly notified me that "The specified window cannot be spied upon. Windows will not allow access to the message stream for this window."
While Spy++ does correctly gather other information about the window (e.x. name, style, class name), it cannot process the message queue. Why is this? And, out of morbid curiosity, is there a way to prevent Spy++ from accessing the message queue of my own custom window using the Windows API?
While Spy++ does correctly gather other information about the window (e.x. name, style, class name), it cannot process the message queue. Why is this?
The console window belongs to the CSRSS process, not the CMD.EXE process. CSRSS is a critical system service that is protected and cannot be hooked without special debug privileges.
"When a user-mode process calls a function involving console windows, process/thread creation, or side-by-side support, instead of issuing a system call, the Win32 libraries (kernel32.dll, user32.dll, gdi32.dll) send an inter-process call to the CSRSS process which does most of the actual work without compromising the kernel."
And, out of morbid curiosity, is there a way to prevent Spy++ from accessing the message queue of my own custom window using the Windows API?
Typically, no. Unless you manage to run your window in a protected system process.
So, I discovered this myself recently, I created a console .NET application which launches a process using CMD.EXE and I ran into an issue with some Win32 interop around the keyboard. So I broke out the previously trusty Spy++ utility to see what was happening to find that I was completely unable to monitor the message queue for my application from it.
So as per the op's question:
"Is there a way to prevent Spy++ from accessing the message queue of my own custom window using the Windows API?"
There is a list of restricted windows classes baked into Spy++:
SpyxxHk (presumably it's own hooking class),
#32768 (Context Menu),
#32769 (the Desktop),
ttyGrab ,
ConsoleWindowClass (Command Prompt)
So, if you in any way tie your app to these classes Spy++ will display that block message when attempting to watch their messages, of course this may not prove useful since it only restricts those classes.
Referring to MS documentation:
"For out-of-context events, the event is delivered on the same thread that called SetWinEventHook. In some situations, even if you request WINEVENT_INCONTEXT events, the events will still be delivered out-of-context. These scenarios include events from console windows and events from processes that have a different bit-depth (64 bit versus 32 bits)"
Suggests it is possible to get console window events.

Detect when a specific process creates a window (on Windows)

I have an application which I automate and run in invisible mode. However I want to detect if that application creates and shows any windows so I can interact (or just hide) them.
I'm looking for a way to get notified by the OS that a window was created by the shell.
(I'm using C#)
This is possible by creating a system wide Windows hook.
Call SetWindowsHookEx with WH_SHELL as the hook id.
In the ShellProc callback function the nCode parameter will have the HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED value whenever a window is created.
Then I can use GetWindowThreadProcessId to check if the window handle provided in the wParam belongs to the process I am interested in.
This must however be implemented in a native dll since .NET assemblies can only implement system wide hooks for WH_MOUSE_LL and WH_KEYBOARD_LL.

How do I get the foreground window from a windows service?

I'm using some code like this Get active window text (and send more text to it) to send keys to the foreground window. When I run it from the console, it works great. When I run it from my service, the GetForegroundWindow() call returns 0 (zero). How can I get the foreground window handle from my service?
EDIT: A little research tells me about services running as different sessions - if that is relevant to my problem, I need to know how to get the foreground window of the console (physical monitor) session if one exists.
EDIT #2: My use case only involves XP.
Well on XP GetForegroundWindow will work if you set
Allow service to interact with desktop
check box in service properties (Log on tab). This is NOT working on Vista and newer.
But you shouldn't do that, in fact you shouldn't call GetForegroundWindow from service, services run even when there are no users logged, and they also work when there is a more than one user logged on.
I don't know why you are doing this from windows service, but maybe simple desktop app hidden in tray will do the trick.

How do I provide the "Find Window's Process" feature in Process Explorer (sysinternals)

I'm developing an application for debugging purposes. I want the user to be able to select the process to be debugged using the mouse. Process Explorer does a great job of this with the "Find Window's Process" feature. What I can't figure out is how it does this? Does anyone know the Window's API that provides this functionality?
Thanks, Grant
I haven't tried this, but it should work: Use WindowFromPoint to get the window handle, then use GetWindowThreadProcessId to get the ID of the process that created the window.
Alternatively, you could use EnumWindows to enumerate all top-level windows on the screen, filter them by some criteria (e.g. position) and then use GetWindowThreadProcessId to get the process IDs.
If I understand you correctly you are looking to enumerate all Windows and perform some action when the target Window in question is found. You can do this by enumerating all current windows and then performing some action when the user is over the window in question. You will have to associate that window handle with a process.
This is not a simple task as it requires going through a lot of hoops but it is possible, just have to put all the pieces together.

Vista Window Focus Problem

I have an application that manages patient demographic information. Along with this data a user can scan a picture of a patient and assign that picture to a patient. When the user clicks the scan button a separate application is opened as a dialog in order to scan the image. When running this on XP everything worked fine. The imaging application loaded up fine and gained focus. On Vista however occasionally the imaging application will not gain focus and will popup behind the main application. When running full screen or through 2008 Application Server you cannot see the application, you only get a locked screen and it appears nothing has happened. Is there any way to change the window focus management on Vista to work the way XP did? I'm looking for a way to solve this without making changes to the actual application if possible.
I think you will have to make changes to your application to allow the imaging application to take the focus. I'm going to assume that your application launches the imaging application through ShellExecute or CreateProcess. If so, you can get the process handle of the launched process either through SHELLEXECUTEINFO.hProcess (for ShellExecute) or PROCESS_INFORMATION.hProcess (for CreateProcess). Immediately after launching the imaging application call the AllowSetForegroundWindow API:
This will allow the imaging application to place its main window/dialog in the foreground when it's starting up.
You could try the following steps:
1. Right Click on the exe
2. Select Properties
3. Select the Compatibility Tab
4. Check the Run this program in campatibility mode for:
5. Select Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
You could iterate through all top level HWNDs and identify the scanning application via its window class, then send an appropriate message to raise the window.
I don't believe this is Vista vs XP related. I think that simply this imaging app takes longer to start on Vista.
Since Windows 2000, the window manager has prevented background applications stealing the foreground. When an application is launched, it has a window of opportunity to create and show a window that will take the foreground. If it takes too long, the window manager thinks that the current window should keep the foreground, and inhibits the other app taking the foreground when it does finally launch.
I can't think of any specific way to avoid this... other than using FindWindow to search for the other apps window after launching the app. When you eventually find it, call SetForegroundWindow on it to bring it to the foreground.
