How do I provide the "Find Window's Process" feature in Process Explorer (sysinternals) - windows

I'm developing an application for debugging purposes. I want the user to be able to select the process to be debugged using the mouse. Process Explorer does a great job of this with the "Find Window's Process" feature. What I can't figure out is how it does this? Does anyone know the Window's API that provides this functionality?
Thanks, Grant

I haven't tried this, but it should work: Use WindowFromPoint to get the window handle, then use GetWindowThreadProcessId to get the ID of the process that created the window.
Alternatively, you could use EnumWindows to enumerate all top-level windows on the screen, filter them by some criteria (e.g. position) and then use GetWindowThreadProcessId to get the process IDs.

If I understand you correctly you are looking to enumerate all Windows and perform some action when the target Window in question is found. You can do this by enumerating all current windows and then performing some action when the user is over the window in question. You will have to associate that window handle with a process.
This is not a simple task as it requires going through a lot of hoops but it is possible, just have to put all the pieces together.


is there a winapi call or keyboard shortcut to enter windows console into "mark" mode?

Normally user is doing it by clicking right-mouse into console title bar then selecting "edit" and finally "mark". ->
So is there a way of doing it from a console application either by sending a message/api call/keyboard sequence to its own window ?
If this is your own application and you want the richer behaviour and flexibility of a windows app rather than a console app, then use a windows app. Otherwise, you can try to automate the steps by simulating the input via SendInput. I would advise against doing this because it requires two steps (once for right-click, once to select 'Mark'). This means if someone clicks something else between these two events, your sequence will be broken. Furthermore you are really relying on the automation of an implementation detail which is prone to change at any point.
Looking through the Console Functions, it doesn't appear as though anything exists for setting the selection. The closest is going the other way with GetConsoleSelectionInfo.
If you want to process the information that is within a console application, a better alternative is to pipe it to your own process and deal with it there.
Found: PostMessage(GetConsoleWindow(), WM_COMMAND, 65522, 0);

How to resize a LeadRasterDlgFile dialog box in VB6

I have a vb6 application that is using leadtools 14. The codes references the member ShowDirectoryDlg from the Class LeadRasterDlgFile. The end users have requested this diaglog box be made larger. Is this possible?
I don't know this library, and there was no easy way to search for LeadRasterDlgFile on the website. And anyway, I assume that you have scoured the documentation for a way to do this.
This only leaves Windows API calls. You have to use a timer set to fire 1ms after setting the timer to Enabled. Then you call your function. In the timer event loop, use FindWindow() or FindWindowsEx() to get your dialogue window. Next, use MoveWindow() to resize the window. You might also want to resize the child windows. Use GetWindow() to identify child windows. Use Spy++ to check the child window IDs.
Note that this will only work in the compiled application - not in the IDE.
The problem with this is that it is possible that the dialogue does not use standard Windows windows. You will find this out with Spy++.

Window hooks and applications

Related to my question here, is it possible to create a window hook that will monitor if an application has been opened or not?
Most that I have found about hooks seem to focus on user input (keyboard press, mouse events), but I could not confirm if it is possible to know that the "double click" the user made is to open an application, or just to highlight a word.
Thank you.
Indeed, window hooks would not be sufficient. In fact for the task you are asking about you could use various strategies, such as:
enumerating the processes to find the one you're looking for (Tool Help API or PSAPI)
enumerating the top-level windows on the desktop (but you're limited to your desktop then)
check for a global or local event, mutex (or other kernel object) to deduce from that that some instance of the application is running
... or even from kernel PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine
probably there are variations on the above plus some more.
In essence the question is whether you want to check for the process or for some other indicator that signifies whether the program you want to check for has been started.

Create a background process in windows

How do I make a process go the background programatically?
What I want is for the user to double-click the process executable, and it just goes into the background ... and does not open a window while executing.
Any code snippet in visual c++ would be very helpful
Have you considered creating a Windows Service instead? They're specifically designed to run in the background without showing a UI.
Otherwise, just create an application without a window.
I know this is old, but I thought I would post something for when people find this through search.
While I like Cody Gray's answer for design correctness, sometimes you don't have a choice.
If you want to launch a program without jumping to the new window (it appears in the background or minimized) or not create a window at all try looking at the ShellExecute and ShellExecuteEx functions. The argument nShowCmd (or nShow) gives you (among others) the options:
Hides the window and activates another window.
Displays the window as a minimized window. The active window remains active.
As the documentation says, SW_HIDE creates a process running the executable you give it, but if this program would normally create a window, none appears.
This might help:
I tried this way and it worked fine:
Create a console application and write your codes in the sub main as any other console application.
Now change the application type in the project properties to windows Forms application from Console application
thats it

Create a Program that Sits in The Windows Taskbar and, When Activated, Stops the Screensaver From Starting

I don't really know where to begin. Let's start with the stupid questions:
What language should I use for this? What is suited for the task at hand?
Next, the real ones:
Is there a way to stop the screensaver from starting, short of changing the cursor position? If not, will changing the cursor position even work?
SetThreadExecutionState will prevent the screensaver from coming on or the machine from automatically going to sleep if you pass the ES_CONTINUOUS and ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED flags.
I wrote an app awhile ago that does exactly what you are asking for. It runs as an icon in the System Tray, not the Taskbar, and uses a global message hook to disable the WM_SYSCOMMAND/SC_SCREENSAVE notification from reaching any applications. If that notification does not reach the DefWindowProc() function, the screen saver will never run.
Your program does not need to be visible in the task bar at all.
You don't even need a program at all, if you can disable the screensaver in the registry.
What you want to do can perhaps be achieved by sending a MOUSE_MOVE event to the desktop window. If you want to use C# (the only language I am current with right now), you can look at this article, but maybe a simple C program using the WinAPI is better suited for this task.
.NET will easily allow you to put an application in the system tray (checkout the NotifyIcon object in System.Windows.Forms.Controls).
I believe you can use the SetCursorPos ( API call to prevent the screen saver, just make sure you set them to the current location so you don't actually move the mouse.
