Internationalization of an Eclipse RCP 3.8 app: JFace dialog values not loaded - internationalization

I want to translate an Eclipse RCP application based on Juno 3.8. For the Eclipse platform I downloaded the respective Babel language pack for German:
Everything seems to work fine except for the buttons in the JFace dialogs: Cancel, Next etc. are not translated. The respective fragment (org.eclipse.jface.nl_de_4.2.0.v20121120043402.jar) which contains the translations is loaded correctly (I can see it in the plugin details) but the German values are not shown.

The bundle you have specified is for the version 4.2 (but you are using 3.8). This may be the problem.


Why i can't change the version of the project faclet?

I have simple project that implements the CRUD action on a local db, using both Spring and hibernate, but as soon as i add the project to the apache tomcat server (ver. 8.5.45) eclipse shows the following: "Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 3.1."
I tried to change the version of the facet in the project properties but i can't press the apply button.
I even tried to change the version inside the web.xml file but still haven't found a solution
Any help is appreciated.
There's a checkbox in front of the "Dynamic Web Module". You need to uncheck it first in order to be able to change the version.

How to handle Namespace collisions when using TreeView in UWP apps

An exception is thrown when setting "ItemContainerStyle" to "StaticResource TreeViewItemStyle" which is defined in generic.xaml. The message indicates the style is using "Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.TreeViewItem" rather than "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.TreeViewItem".
I removed ItemContainerStyle assignment to confirm that it is the line causing the exception.
<ControlTemplate TargetType="muxcontrols:TreeView">
<muxcontrols:TreeViewList x:Name="ListControl"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TreeViewItemDataTemplate}"
ItemContainerStyle="{StaticResource TreeViewItemStyle}">
The problem seems obvious, but a proper solution evades me. To leverage the style, do I start prepending "muxcontrols:" in the generic.xaml file? This seems like a bad idea. Do I need to recreate the style and behaviors separately?
I tried (min build 17763 and target build 17134) to eliminate version problems, but it seems I need 17763 for both. Even though, I am not setting ItemsSource. I'm trying the technique used in the docs: "…" for the Music Library TreeView sample. My real project's min version is 16299.
So, the issue was clear. The TreeView control is introduced from build 17134. If you're using the platform APIs, you need to make sure that your project's target version is 17134 or higher. Since you said you want to set ItemsSource. ItemsSource and its related APIs require Windows 10, version 1809 (SDK 17763) or later, so you need to make your project's target version is 17763.
Then, you could directly use the TreeView control like the following:
If you're using Windows UI Library APIs, you need to follow the Getting started with the Windows UI Library
document to download and install the Windows UI Library. Please note:
Important: To use WinUI 2.1, your project’s Min version must be 14393 or higher and the Target version must be 17763 or higher.
Then, if you want to use the TreeView control in WinUI library, in your XAML page, add a reference at the top of your page
On the XAML page, you could directly input the following:

Xpages - New version of CkEditor not load

Recently I decide to migrate my application from version 8.5.3 Lotus Notes to version 9.0.1. When doing this I needed to change the version of CkEditor from 4.4.7 to 4.5.3, so I changed the file in the \data \ domino\html\ckeditor folder, however when re-building my application I received the following error in browser console:
The file xsp/.ibmxspres/domino/ckeditor/plugins/ibmspellchecker/plugin.js not exists in the new version of ckEditor.
I realized this is because the application tries to fetch the javascripts files from the old version of CkEditor, as if it were cached.
I've tried everything specified here: but nothing worked.
Does anyone have any ideas?
From what I understand: you are upgrading CKEditor by yourself instead of using the default version that is installed and doing this by installing a version of CKEditor that you have obtained from CKEditor directly.
If so, the problem may be that the xpages inputRichText control uses some CKEditor plugins that are provided by IBM e.g. ibmspellchecker, ibmxspimage and these won't be provided in the standard CKEditor distribution.
If these plugins are not present in your new CKEditor installation then the editor will not load properly.
You have 2 options
Ensure these IBM plugins are put back in the html/ckeditor/plugins directory (and hope they are still compatible with the CKEditor version)
Tell the inputRichText control not to load any of the ibm plugins. (but this means you will not be able to upload images)
To remove plugins from the editor config use the dojoAttribute 'removePlugins'
<xp:inputRichText id="inputRichText1">
<xp:dojoAttribute name="removePlugins" value="ibmspellchecker,etc"></xp:dojoAttribute>

IBM SBT extension property not working

the example code on
I can see all extensions UI being displayed, but three of four configured extension do not work
1. save in extension does not work
2. commenting in extension does not work
3. delete in extension does not work
can see errors on all three of them on developer tools
I believe this is previously answered by Francis SBT javascript library
basically the playground uses dojo layers, the controls don't work with dojo layers.
Download the Toolkit
Extract the Tomcat Instance
Point the Instance to Greenhouse (Edit Managed-Beans.xml for sbt.samples.web)
Try the Control from
Navigate to the Control and Run it.
it should work from there.

What buttons have changed labels from fckeditor to ckeditor 4?

It appears that some of the button names have been changed in ckeditor version 4.
Is there a complete list of these changes?
There is a partial list here.
I'm pretty sure that names haven't been changed. If something is not working check if plugin you need is included in your build (most likely it is a standard preset) and if not:
download a full preset (which in fact does not include all plugins too, but most of them) or
add required plugins to your custom CKEditor build.
[EDIT] another useful resource is the toolbar sample shipped with CKEditor package. E.g. here's one for a standard package.
