Image shows darker when i view it through the browser, still shows well on my laptop - image

When i try to load a website it shows like this on my desktop:
Now normally it should flow well like it shows on my laptop:
anybody a clue?
Nvm, got it fixed. Appearantly windows used my monitor his colors so i changed those to rgba.

Different monitors display images differently. If it's just a matter of the image color quality, your monitor might not be able to handle all of the colors. If it's a matter of speed, then it's probably an issue with your computer or internet connection.


Website content looking too big on my laptop screen

I'm developing a React project in Windows 10 and the issue I've come across is that my website design looks too big(when on 100% resolution of Chrome) on my laptop screen and works fine on 75%, I guess it's rendering the design of large screens on my laptop. Please guide me how to get rid of this problem and view the website in normal mode.
I've set my Window's Scale and Layout as 150%(Recommended), and Resolution of 1920 * 1800(Recommended), but when I view my website in the Chrome inspect tool at the dimension of 1920, it seems fine but when I view it in normal mode, then it content becomes so bigger.
Note: You might say that it's due to 150% but I've also checked by decreasing this, it decreases all the other content on screen but website looks same.
Please note that Chrome's resolution and Window's layout are two different things mentioned above,
first one is set to 100% and the second is 150%.

Browser's not displaying images correctly

Long story short, all images in browser are displayed wierd.
Here is the comparison between browser and window's image viewer on the same image (downloaded) :
This problem started on chrome, so I installed opera because the problem was persistent and found no answer to my question. Now after a while the problem started to appear on opera too. I'm baffled why this suddenly happened and why is persistent even after windows restart...
I have no idea why this would happen, so maybe you can help me.
Chrome on my machine started doing this around the same time. After some digging around and trial and error I think it's having issues with some monitor colour profiles.
I did manage to get a workaround in the end by changing the colour profile of the monitor to sRGB IEC61966-2.1. In Windows 8.1:
Control Panel > Color Management then select your monitor.
Make sure Use my settings for this device is checked.
Add the sRGB IEC61966-2.1 profile and set it to default
Restart Chrome and you should be able to see the proper amount of colours again.

Two images different in chrome the same in IE

I have very werid problem with my image, i have two version of it, they both look the same in windows image viewer, and every image editor, but they look differnt in chrom, the same IE, and different in FireFox, how is this possible ?
just open them in separate tabs and compare color in background
What application was used to generate and/or manipulate the jpeg images?
I have had similar problem once before and it turned out to be something as simple as the color space the image was saved with. The image was saved with an ICC profile that applications interpreted differently.
A simple way to test this would be to open your jpegs in Photoshop, then go save as, and on the save as dialog uncheck the color profile box and try that out. If they are still different something else is going on but this will at least allow you to rule out the ICC color profile being the issue.
For the most part color profiles are something none of us ever usually have to worry about as there is a generic default profile. Some applications are profile aware and others are not which is why you will sometimes see images differently if saved with a profile that one application recognizes while another does not.
Thanks, I had similar problem with image in both browser then i saw above answer and The image was saved with an ICC profile that applications interpreted differently.
But after unchecked of checkbox also it was not working so i tried saving JPEG format with Export > Save for web and now it displays properly in both browsers.

Why does my website display different on a PC than a Mac?

I'm at a loss as to why my website ( display differently on a PC than on a Mac. It might be plausible if I was using different browsers, but I'm using Chrome in both cases.
I can't figure out why Emma Carmichael and the navigation at the top (Writing, Blog, Contact) is a little above the black on the PC, but bleeds into the white on a Mac (what i want).
Are the images randomized? They are two different images shown. Is there a chance on is a chance one has a cached version with different CSS / HTML?
How about posting the code for the page - maybe someone will know the intricacies of mac vs pc in chrome with respect to the elements you're using.
I guess issue is with height of black section.
try giving height of black section in %.
That might work!!
Hope it helps.

Weird anomaly of a graphic being with different color on one computer, but ok in another

Me and my colleague are facing a weird anomaly of one little graphic being purple in his computer and blue in mine. The file itself seems to okay and we have re-created it from PSD several times.
You would say that, the problem is local in his computer. However, our computers are fairly similar and there has never been this issue before. Also, if he checks the source-file its ok, meaning blue. His computer had a fresh install of Win7 and clean photoshop.
What could be the problem and what can we try to solve it?
More information:
He is using FF5. The image is in PNG format. There are no js related scripts, to alter any of the images.
Direct link
Live example
(In the image we are talking about the little arrow, that is purple in one image)
From my point of view:
From his point of view:
NOTE: I personally think the issue is local in his computer. But he of course doesn't accept this answer. So if it is local, then somebody could explain, how does it happen.
Your issue could be due to gamma correction and color correction for PNGs. Ran into a similar issue myself with PNGs a couple weeks ago. A PNG would display with the correct colors in one browser, and with different colors in another browser on the same computer.
See this stackoverflow question as well for more info: Firefox 3.5 color correction hack?
I definitely think this is a color correction issue, take a look at the images in two different browsers (chrome 13 and firefox5) on my machine. The image in Firefox is displaying with different colors than the one in Chrome.
Check the color settings on your monitors. If you're using different color temperature (Kelvin) settings, or your RGB settings are non-default and different, or if your monitors are different makes/vintages, you might see things display in "different" colors.
