Maven: Execute custom code during assembly - maven

We are using the assembly plugin to build a zip package.
I would like to execute some custom java code during the execution of the Maven Assembly plugin. The java app should have access to the structure of the assembly but before the zip file is built. So, files which should go into the zip might possibly be modified/added/removed.
How would I configure that?

I do not think executing Java code is possible. Try getting along with exclusion patterns for file removal and maven filters for file modifications.


How is this timestamp file generated from maven build?

I was working on a maven project and this project is generating some weird file.
The file name are like:
And the content of the file are only a .(dot) inside it. Anyone has any idea of how this is generated? Thanks!
Does the project use the scala-maven-plugin? The scala-maven-plugin adds ".<hashcode>.timestamp" to files in the target directory. It's used for the incremental compile feature that is available for that plugin.

Read files within maven plugin

I am trying to create a maven-plugin that generates new files based on a template file (basically using the FreeMarker language). I can successfully generate the files if I run the maven plugin from the directory of my maven-plugin project since my plugin accesses the template file based on a relative path.
However, if I try to run the plugin in some other java project directory, I cannot find the template file. I do not want to copy the templated file into the new java project.
I searched around to see if the maven plugin can access files within itself when another project is using the plugin but wasn't successful. Most of the documentation refers to accessing the java project files, and not the maven-plugin files.
Is this even possible or is there a better approach/workaround to tackle the problem?
Edit (Directory structure):
Maven-Plugin (FileGenerator):
--java (references the TemplateFile based on the path to the root project)
If I run the plugin as a standalone, I am able to generate new files based on the TemplateFile. I achieve the following structure
Maven-Plugin (FileGenerator):
However, if I run the plugin in another directory (such as part of another java project) with the command mvn myplugin:mypluginplugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT:build
Another Java Project
I get an error mentioning that the TemplateFile cannot be found. Is there a way for the plugin to reference the TemplateFile regardless of where it is run at?
Ideal Output After running plugin
Another Java Project

Set permissions on tar created by maven assembly plugin

With the Maven assembly plugin I know I can set the permissions of the files contained within my tar such as here. However can I use the plugin to set the permissions of the tar itself?
Maybe I should just the ant plugin but this is a little messy
I haven't tested this, but you might be able to use "exec-maven-plugin" to do this.
How to change permission of jar packaged by maven? I am using maven assembly plugin
"Use maven:exec plugin to execute chmod"
So the idea is that you would add another plugin to the pom.xml file that sets the permission on the tar itself.
The only drawback that I see is that you have to have the name of the file in the plugin xml code in the pom file. That's fine as I have that listed in in the maven-assembly-plugin. But the file extension is found in assembly.xml (.zip, or .tar-gz), so if you change the file extension in assembly.xml, you would have to remember to change it in the pom.xml file. Not a big hassle, but it might be easy to miss on your first review.

Configuring Maven to support creation of .exe installer

I am currently using Maven 3 and have a really simple .ism file for InstallShield 2012.
My pom.xml creates a .jar file which is the only file used by the .ism. I can do something like this:
C:>IsCmdBld.exe -p "c:\InstallShield Projects\Simple.ism" -r "COMP" -y "1.0"
This is of outside of my POM, but I would like to use the version info in the POM and other metadata to in the installer creation.
I'm aware no specific InstallShield plug-in does not exist for Maven, but I'm wondering if there is a way to get Maven to help out by calling the command block above, or something similar?
You could use the exec-maven-plugin and pass in the ${project.version} as part of your execution call.
Otherwise if there is an anttask for InstallShield you could use that with the antrun plugin.
While the question was asked way in the past, and I haven't had access to InstallShield for a year now, I did happen to work on a Maven plugin to introduce things that you want to achieve.
I could continue work on this to some extent if I had a licence

Build a Oracle ADF application jar file using Ant

I am trying to write Ant scripts to build jar files for Oracle ADF application and I noticed some differences in the contents being generated by the build (deploy might be a better word actually) process within JDev and from the Ant process:
Does anyone know how these files are generated and how to edit the Ant scripts to include them?
I know that some of these exist in the project folder structure but when I compare their contents against the same files generated from the Jdev build produced jar file they are different. So I assume there is something more than a simple copy going on here.
Your best bet is to use "Create buildfile from project" in JDeveloper. This will produce the calls to ojdeploy necessary to create/update all the extra artifacts.
