Set permissions on tar created by maven assembly plugin - maven

With the Maven assembly plugin I know I can set the permissions of the files contained within my tar such as here. However can I use the plugin to set the permissions of the tar itself?
Maybe I should just the ant plugin but this is a little messy

I haven't tested this, but you might be able to use "exec-maven-plugin" to do this.
How to change permission of jar packaged by maven? I am using maven assembly plugin
"Use maven:exec plugin to execute chmod"
So the idea is that you would add another plugin to the pom.xml file that sets the permission on the tar itself.
The only drawback that I see is that you have to have the name of the file in the plugin xml code in the pom file. That's fine as I have that listed in in the maven-assembly-plugin. But the file extension is found in assembly.xml (.zip, or .tar-gz), so if you change the file extension in assembly.xml, you would have to remember to change it in the pom.xml file. Not a big hassle, but it might be easy to miss on your first review.


How do I add a directory in /target to the resulting JAR with Spring Boot?

I'm using Enunciate to generate REST documentation upon building a REST application. Enunicate outputs documentation to /target/docs. I would like to add the /docs directory to the resulting JAR file (and rename it) to be able to serve docs as static content.
How do I do this? I can't figure out how to get these static files (which are generated upon build) into the JAR.
I guess you can solve this by configuring the Maven plugin for enunciate and wiring it up to be run in the 'generate-resources' lifecycle phase.
Also, make sure you set the output-dir to a subdirectory of src/main/resources/static, as commented by Rob above.
I added this to my enunciate.xml to force the docs directory to be generated in a custom location which will be packaged with the .war file
<docs docsDir="target/<app_name>/docs"/>
and then maven will put the entire contents of target/ into the resulting war file package

dist and native-win could not be activated, no POM in directory

Please explain what is required to be done stepwise.
How to activate -dist and native-win?
I saw your error contains there is no pom in this directory.
Maven can run only from the location where pom file exists so make sure pom file is there in your project.
For example, your project is inside C:\Users\HP then so maven will consider HP as a project and it will try to find pom file inside HP project.
This error is coming because you didnot place hadoop source package in the C:/User/HP directory. you can download appropriate source package from
unzip it and place all the files & folder in C:/User/HP then run your maven package command. It should work

How to handle shared jar file in maven

I have a project base on Ant build ,I want to change the build tool from Ant to maven,But there is a big problem .
I have a jar file in my project ,and it can be modified by multi developers.
The jar file is located on special system and there is text file beside it.
Every time each developer change the jar file ,he/she set the flag(is Editing?) inside the text file to true while editing the jar file.
When he/she finished editing the jar file,he/she set the flag inside the text file to false,and then copy it to lib folder in project.
How could I handle this process in maven repository ?
I am not very sure about the process. But you can try to use Maven Ant run plugin. I t will help you to mimic ant build.

CMYKJPEGImageReaderSpi not loading

I was having an issue of reading CMYK JPEG images , and have used below url as reference for solving the issue.
I have given the configuration in the file javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi under path /META-INF/services/javax.imageio.spi.ImageReaderSpi.
This works perfectly inside eclipse and the image reader is loaded successfully.
This file is not loading when deployed , i can find the folder and the file in the generated war file in my desired jar file inside lib folder, i guess i need to add it to java classpath.
Please help me to add to classpath or if there is any other issue with it.
You need to add this file as a static resource to your build lifecycle.
For Ant or Gradle you just need to write a simple copy task (Ant task, Gradle task), for Maven you can use Maven Resources Plugin.
After that your file should appears in your app package.

Maven: Execute custom code during assembly

We are using the assembly plugin to build a zip package.
I would like to execute some custom java code during the execution of the Maven Assembly plugin. The java app should have access to the structure of the assembly but before the zip file is built. So, files which should go into the zip might possibly be modified/added/removed.
How would I configure that?
I do not think executing Java code is possible. Try getting along with exclusion patterns for file removal and maven filters for file modifications.
