Submit to Mac App Store with Xcode Organizer - xcode

I'm submitting from the Organizer and I get as far as "Choose an application and code signing identity". After that I just get the spinning circle which lasts for hours until I cancel and start over. I've already submitted this same app once, but the first time it was rejected by the reviewer because of a new requirement in itunesconnect that was added after the first submission. So I made the change in itunesconnect, changed the version, and rebuilt the app. No other changes.
I've run into this before, but I just kept trying and eventually I would get to the loading screen. The app id and the code signing identity are valid, and I didn't receive any errors during validation, so I'm not sure where to look for the problem.
I'm using Xcode 4.4.1.


iTunes Connect and Xcode 8: your app has changed to invalid binary

Last week, with Xcode 7, I was able to upload without any issue. But today I am getting the message your app has changed to invalid binary.
I have seen that now with Xcode 8 a new icon 20x20 2x and 3x is added. I added one, but still getting the error.
Does anyone had similar problem?
Сheck your email!
In my case, I wasted a lot of time because I did not check my email. When you get such an error, Apple sends you an email with it's description.
For example, this is what Apple sent me:
"This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage
description. The app's Info.plist must contain an
NSCameraUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the
user how the app uses this data."
After days of wrestling with the same problem I finally got my app successfully submitted, but only after being on the phone with Apple Developer support.
A couple of things to keep in mind:
Make sure you set the Info.plist description keys for any entitlements. This is necessary for iOS apps. Mine was a macOS app, so this didn't apply.
Head over to iTunes Connect, and recreate all your provisioning profiles and code signing certificates if you're not 100% sure that they're valid. You can do it for both Developer and Distribution.
In Xcode, turn off automatic code signing for your app, and any build targets (you can try automatic code signing in Xcode after completing steps #2 and #4 but that wasn't what worked for me).
Go to Xcode preferences, and click your development team, and in the sheet that comes up, you should see some "Download" buttons beside the newly created (in iTunes Connect) code signing certificates and provisioning profiles. Click them all. And so you don't get confused in step #5, delete all the other stale provisioning profiles and code signing identities for this app.
In Build Settings for each of your targets, make sure that the Release build setting for code signing, and provision profile are set to the above newly created code signing certificate and provisioning profile.
Bump your build number.
Deep clean your project (Option-Shift-Command-K).
Archive build your app.
In the Organizer that opens up, select the newly archived app, and validate (it always validated, but I still would get Invalid Binary later).
Export the build and select the option "Save for Mac App Store Deployment" or similar.
When prompted, use the same Provisioning Profiles you used previously and save.
Open the .pkg in Application Loader which you can launch from Xcode > Open Developer Tool > Application Loader menu.
I was't getting any emails on the Invalid Binary issue. Instead, I was lucky enough to have set up my iPad with iTunes Connect, and so, like clock-work, I was getting notifications within a couple minutes of uploading the app: "Your app ... has changed to Invalid Binary."
If you don't get one of these Invalid Binary notifications, that's a good sign. Another 10-15 minutes later, I checked the iTunes Connect portal, and I could finally add the uploaded build and submit for review.
After a while of searching, as a last-ditch effort I added every possible 'NS...UsageDescription into each of my target's Info.plist and this seems to have worked. After process of elimination, I deduced that it was either the NSAppleMusicUsageDescription or the NSFaceIDUsageDescription key-string pair that was preventing the upload from being successful so I just added them even though I don't use either in my project. I have also read on some other threads that something with a new version of Xcode required them to have the NSAppleMusicUsageDescription even though they didn't use anything related to Apple Music.

Cant see our build in iTunes connect

We have uploaded a new build using Xcode 6 , and the submission was successful .
In Itunes connect in the app page, we filled everything, and we have to chose the build, but there is no plus button (as usual) to upload the build,only says "upload your build using Xcode 5.1"
I know sometimes you have to wait, we waited an hour, and even tried again, without success.
We also have the same issue with an update of an app (one is new,one is an update)
Is there a way to do something to see it ?
Change the version number of your app, reupload the build but in the upload process uncheck "Include app symbols for your application to receive symbolicated crash logs from Apple". The build should appear under "Betas" and then you have to approve it as a normal build. Once you do that, it should appear on the app's page.

Xcode 6 crashes while submit

I just loaded Xcode 6 GM seed. Now I want to submit an update of my app.
Archiving works so far. But when I click "Submit", as soon as the upload loading bar appears Xcode crashes.
Do I need Yosemite?
I had to download the Application Loader from Apple because Xcode could not find it.
Do I need Yosemite?
No. Mine crashed the same way, so i uploaded my app using Xcode 5.1. It worked fine.
The Application Loader seems the only thing that works right now. Had the same problem, while uploading or even just validating.
Just export via Organizer and Upload via Application Loader helped.
I was faced same problem. Now it works fine.
Solution : Just accept new changed terms and condition from apple developer account and resubmit it.
Please Make sure you've accepted all of the new agreements & condition in the Member Center.
To check if you need to, you can go to the preferences -> accounts in XCode, and chose to view details of an account and attempt to refresh button. Here, XCode will warn you that you need to accept new agreements in the Member Center before you can refresh.
or just login to developer account and go to here
I was able to make Xcode work, but I had to go to iTunes connect and start the process there first by going "My Apps" and clicking on the plus sign. Fill in the info and hit save. Then try submitting with Xcode and it should work.
OK. Here's my $0.02.
1) Xcode 6GM crashes every single time for me. I am running 10.9.4. I have no idea how widespread the issue is, but it is 100% repeatable for me. I cannot use Xcode 6 to submit apps for review.
The crash happens during the upload. I have submitted a RADAR report and given crash logs.
2) I was able to submit using the App Loader. Here's how you do that:
2.1) In the Organizer, after you have done the Archive, select the latest archive for submit.
2.2) Instead of "Submit," select "Export."
2.3) Select the first choice (App Store).
2.4) Open the Application Loader.
2.5) Select "Choose."
2.6) Select the .ipa that you just saved in the export.
2.7) That will work. You may get a message teling you that the API file is too big for analysis. I got that for all 9 of the apps I just submitted. In my case, I ignored it.
I think they rewrote the whole application load from scratch, and that Xcode is still buggy as hell.
They had a deadline, and rushed it. It shows.
I expect both the server (Web) component and Xcode to apply patches soon.
In my case, I'm quite annoyed, as I had to rush out a fix for the arbitrary decision they made to change the way that the CLLocationManager works, which broke all my location lookups. The fix is simple, but there will be a period of time when I receive hate mail from the users that upgrade to iOS 8, and the app stops working.
I just installed the official version from the App Store and now everything works fine.
I had the same problem. When XCode crashes during export or submit it means that you have non-valid certificate or provision profile in build settings.
Here is the solution:
Accept new changed terms and condition from apple developer account. (Just like Sandeep said)
Go to here to generate new provision profiles, for App Store & AdHoc (Tutorial)
Double click new provision profiles you downloaded to install them, and then XCode will never crash.
The problem is caused by XCode 6.0 does not handle provision profile migration properly. Developers should regenerate provision profiles for XCode 6+, but Xcode 6.0 fails to display this error message properly and crashes. (If you use XCode 6.1 Beta, it will display error messages for you, no crash. Then you will know that the problem is caused by "invalid"=="legacy" provision profile.)
After that, you can submit app and export Ad Hoc distribution for Testflight.

How do I submit a new update to an existing app from a project I started from scratch?

Well, I submitted an app to the app store, but my little cousin went on my computer and screwed up the project so badly that I had to start from scratch. So I rebuilt everything back to how it was, and I am trying to submit it to the app store and it obviously isn't recognizing it as the same app,
(Please make sure that you have set up a record for this application
on iTunes Connect.)
although the bundle ID is the same as the old one. How can I go about doing this? I have to get this update out fast, any replies are greatly appreciated!
Have you prepared the app in iTunesconnect to receive an update?
After you have chosen to "Add version", you still have to press the button "Ready to upload binary" in the top right corner of the details screen of the app.
It should be sufficient to keep the app bundle the same in order to update.
You also have to use the same provisioning profiles as you used before.

Obtaining OS X app store receipts on test builds

Been trying tonight to obtain a receipt for my app. However, I've been unsuccessful. Here's the steps I've done:
Code signed with developer cert
Made sure minimum version in the info.plist is 10.7
Checked for the presence of the receipt file and called exit(173) if not found
Built from XCode 4.2
Added a new version of the app and some in-app metadata in itunesconnect. The app status is now waiting for a new binary.
I've then done clean, build, right clicked on the app in XCode's project view and opened it in finder to launch it, hopefully failing validation and pulling a receipt back from the store.
However, this never seems to happen (don't get asked for any itunes login etc) and the app terminates immediately.
I've also gone through an entire build/archive/create installer type process as well but that didn't pop up the login either.
Am I missing something obvious?
I've finally got it working. In case anyone else has a similar problem, the real help for me was finding out about In running this I could see my app didn't appear to be signed.
I deleted all the certificates etc and re-installed new ones. Seems it HAS to be the Mac 3rd party developer. Nothing else seemed to work.
