Cant see our build in iTunes connect - xcode

We have uploaded a new build using Xcode 6 , and the submission was successful .
In Itunes connect in the app page, we filled everything, and we have to chose the build, but there is no plus button (as usual) to upload the build,only says "upload your build using Xcode 5.1"
I know sometimes you have to wait, we waited an hour, and even tried again, without success.
We also have the same issue with an update of an app (one is new,one is an update)
Is there a way to do something to see it ?

Change the version number of your app, reupload the build but in the upload process uncheck "Include app symbols for your application to receive symbolicated crash logs from Apple". The build should appear under "Betas" and then you have to approve it as a normal build. Once you do that, it should appear on the app's page.


Failed to upload iphone build

I have tried to upload iPhone build , first time it show me success message but when i open iTunes Connect to upload new screenshots and add some data I got the following error
So I tried to upload the build again using xcode and using application loader 3.0 but I keep getting this error also
and the iTunes connect is still showing the first error
Can anyone help please ?
You must increase build no to upload again.
Once you upload is finished successfully, build appears in iTunesConnect Test Flight tab with status Processing. Processing takes 15-30 minutes. Once processing is done you go to the App Store tab and select that build, select the build and save.
Note: If build disappears after Processing from the Test Flight, it means there is something wrong with your build, account admin and agent of iTunesConnect should have received an email with details about the issues(s). Fix all the issues and upload another build and don't forget to increase the build number.

iOS build disappears from iTunes Connect

I'm using Xcode 8.3.3 to upload an App on itunes connect. Xcode shows me that the uploading is successful. In Activity tab of iTunesConnect I see that my build is appears and it's marked as "processing...". But after a few minutes this build disappears and I cannot find it anywhere. I tried to upload it, but it says the build is already uploaded to iTunesConnect. So when I tried to upload build with increased version it says OK, but I still cannot see the build in iTunesConnect. There isn't a way for know error code of the processing? I have no information.
Thanks in advance.
Check your mail. Your build might get rejected so Apple sent rejection reason to mail. You might have received Invalid swift support error in mail
First you need to add your Email in User and Role Section in iTunes.
When you are uploading your application, if the process of uploading is successfull, you need to wait if your app did not miss anything specially in info.Plist.
after a few mintues, you will receive an Email regarding the iOS application you uploaded.
if it says:
**The following build has completed processing:
Platform: iOS
App Name: ......
Build Number:....
Version Number: .......
App SKU: ......
App Apple ID: .......
You can now use this build for TestFlight testing or submit it to the App Store.**
This means the process is sucessfull.
But you may face some issues which will be emailed to you in a few time, and it causes that your app will be disappeared in iTunes Page. You are not able to build this version again unless you delete the archive, So go and increase the build version in XCode and fix the error base on the Email you receieved.

can not see the build in iTunnes Connect

I tried send build to iTunnes Connect from Xcode and application loader. But i can not see build in itunnes connect.
Clicked Product->Archive in xCode then I clicked upload to appstore. I sent it to appstore with success. It seems to be process at first. But after not seems builds.
I want to review for submit but i see error.
The versions are the same.
How can I fix ?
It's solved. Apple sent an email. It gives information about the error in the mail.
Go to your project settings, then find your target and check the General tab. That is where you can update your version number
If you go to the Main Menu -> Window -> Organizer, you should be able to see your app there, and the different versions you've archived. Then on the right you can upload to the app store

Can't upload stickers to iTunes Connect

I created sticker pack for iMessages in Xcode 8 and I want them to appear in iMessage App Store.
I created new app in iTunes Connect but I can't send it to review because I can't select uploaded build.
I waited for few hours but still can't see my build. It also isn't listed in TestFlight section.
Go over to iTunes Connect > My Apps > the App > Activity > All Builds
Have a look if the build appears there in the Processing state:
The processing is a little bit random and it happened in the past that it can take up to 48hrs to get the build "processed". If it's not even appearing in there, make sure you archive and upload it correctly with Xcode or the Application Loader.
I've got this encouraging message today:
"We are currently experiencing processing issues. Build processing may be delayed."

Application's new version uploaded on iTune with internal testing enabled not appearing on Testflight app

I have released one version on my Application on iTune and is in process to release second one. Now I have uploaded the the .ipa file of the application and switching on for internal testing. But the application is not appearing on Testflight app of internal tester. I am uploading the .ipa file through Xcode 6.1 and also trying with Xcode 6.3.
When you upload the app on iTunes, then you can not add new IPA in existing version of app.
Make sure that for your app you have turned the switch ON for TestFlight Beta Testing.
Once done with that go to Internal Testers tab and check the internal testers from the list and invite them. Thats it! Hope it helps :]
If you've uploaded a build for the next/new version, you should see it at the top of the list of builds under the "Prerelease" menu for your app.
Assuming you're Build is in the list, check the "Internal" column for that build. If it says "Invite Testers", then that build is not yet active. What you probably need to do then is click the build number and make sure all the fields are filled out - especially "What to Test" - and then click the Save button. When you go back to the Builds list, it should now say "Active (30 Days Left)" under Internal. And should show up for testers in the TestFlight app.
I've noticed that sometimes I need to go through this process for a new build (even on a version I've already been testing) and sometimes I don't. I haven't found the pattern but it's tripped me up several times.
