x86 decoding instruction opcode byte - data-structures

I'm creating an x86 decoder and I'm struggling on understanding and finding an efficient way to calculate the mnemonic of an instruction.
I know that the opcode 6 MSBs are the opcode bits, but I can't find anywhere that use those 6 bits in a mnemonic table. The only mnemonic table I find is for the whole opcode byte itself and not just the 6 MSBs.
I wanted to ask what are some efficient ways I can go on decoding the mnemonics encoded in the opcode byte, and if there're any table references using the 6 MSBs and not the whole opcode byte.

But isn't there an efficient way to store a table for the mnemonics without duplicates?
This has become an algorithms and data structures question.
As you point out, many of the opcode table entries (at least for the table without a 0f escape byte: http://sparksandflames.com/files/x86InstructionChart.html) do repeat in groups of 4 or 2, i.e. with the same 6 or 7-bit prefix selecting the same mnemonic.
Obviously a 256-entry table of structs is simple, but duplicates things. It's very fast and easy to use, since it's probably still small enough not to cache-miss very often. (Especially since the common entries will stay hot in cache; x86 code uses the same opcodes a lot.)
You can trade simplicity / performance for space.
You could have a 64-entry table of structs where one member is a pointer to a secondary table to be indexed with the low 2 bits. If the pointer is NULL, it means the instruction follows the pattern of add / and / xor / etc. where the low 2 bits tell you 8 bit vs. whatever the operand-size is and direction (r/m,reg or reg,r/m).
Your struct would also need entries for turning into other instructions when certain prefixes are present (e.g. rep nop is pause). Also, AVX VEX prefixes use what used to be an invalid encoding of another instruction. x86 is pretty crazy to decode if you want to do a complete job for all the current extensions.
Actually, it might be simplest (and also efficient) to just use a table of function pointers. Or a struct with a const char* mnemonic and a int (*decode)(const char*mnemonic, const char *insn_bytes, unsigned prefix_bitmap) function, so lots of opcodes can point to the same decode-function but still get different mnemonics. Sometimes the function will ignore the passed mnemonic, but other times that's all it needs. You'd have a common function for decoding addressing modes that many of the decode functions would call.
This is fairly similar to how you might implement an x86 emulator that interprets, instead of doing dynamic recompilation. A common decode loop and then dispatching through function pointers.
An even more complicated data structure you might use is a radix trie aka prefix tree. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie#Bitwise_tries.
This is getting into silly season, because the density is so high that a lookup table makes much more sense. (There are very few undefined opcode).


Any byte sequences that can not be present in valid x86 code?

Any byte sequences that can not be present in valid x86 code?
I'm looking for a byte sequence (or sequences), to inject into an x86 program compiled using GCC, that can not show up in the binary as a by product of compilation.
The reason is that I want these byte sequences to act as "labels", so that I can recognize them later during inspection.
Is it possible to construct patterns of bytes, so that, searching through the binary, these patterns will not show up except with very small probability (I prefer probability zero). In other words, I want to minimize the number of false positives!
There are sequences that today are not a valid encoding of any instruction.
Rather than digging in the opcode table present in the Intel Manual 2 you can exploit two facts of the x86 architecture:
The maximum instruction length is 15 bytes.
You can repeat prefixes.
These should also be more stable across generations than reserved opcodes.
The sequence 666666666666666666666666666666 (15 operand-size override prefixes, but any prefix will do) will generate an #UD exception because it is invalid.
For what it's worth, there is a specific instruction that fulfills the role of invalid instruction: ud2.
It's presence in a binary module is possible but its more idiomatic than an invalid encoding and it is standard, for example Linux uses it to mark a bug for if ud2 is the execution flow, the code behind it cannot be valid.
That said, if I got you right, that's not going to be useful to you.
You want to skip the process of decoding the instructions and scan the code section of the binary instead.
There is no guarantee that the code section will contain only code, for example ARM compilers generate literal pools - that's definitively uncommon on x86 though.
However the compilers usually align functions to a specific boundary (usually 16 bytes), this can be done in several ways - like stretching the previous function or with a mere padding.
This padding can be a sequence of bytes of any value - hence arbitrary bytes can be present in the code section.
Long story short, there is no universal byte sequence that appear with probability zero in the code section.
Everything that it's not in the execution flow can have any value.
We will deal with probability later, for now lets assume the 66..66h appears rarely enough in an executable.
You can't just use it directly, as 66..66h can be part of two instructions and thus be a valid sequence:
mov rax, 6666666666666666h
db 66h, 66h, 66h , 66h
db 66h, 66h, 66h
is valid.
This is due to the immediate operands of instructions - the biggest immediate can be 8 bytes in length (as today), so the sequence must be lengthen to 15 + 8 = 23 bytes.
If you really want to be safe again future features, you can use a sequence of 14 + 15 = 29 bytes (for the 15-byte instruction length limit).
It's possible to find 23/29 bytes of value 66h in the code section or in the whole binary.
But how probable is that?
If the bytes in a binary were uniformly random then the probability would be astronomically small: 256-23 = 2-184.
Well, the point is that the bytes in a binary are not uniformly random.
You can open a file with an embedded icon to confirm that.
You can make the probability arbitrarily small by stretching the sequence - it's up to you to find a compromise between the length and an acceptable number of false positives.
It's unclear what you want to do but here some advice:
Most, if not all, building tools support generating a map file.
It is a file with all the symbols/names and their addresses.
If you could use actual labels (with a prefix and a random suffix) you'd collect them easily after the build.
Most output formats can be enriched with meta-information.
You can add an ELF/PE section with a table of offsets to the locations you want to mark.

Is there difference between Cache index address calculation vs Division hash function?

Upon studying hash data structure and cache memory from computer architecture, I noticed that they're very similar.
Division hash function calculates index by hash(k) = k Mod (table size M) but my DS book says M should be a prime number or at least an odd number, because if M is an even number, the result is always even when k is even, odd when k is odd, so even M should be avoided since you often use memory addresses which are always even.
And yet, my CA book says for direct-mapped cache you use (Block address) Mod (Number of blocks in the cache) and the result indices look uniform. Why is this? It's all very confusing because MIPS uses 32 bit address every 4 bytes which is even number. But I think it's because they threw out the last 2 bits since they're byte offsets?
And, since it uses (Block address) Mod (Number of blocks in the cache), it makes the cache size power of 2 so that you can just use the lower x bits of the block address.
But this method looks exactly the same as division hash function, except you make the hash table power of 2, which is even (data structure book said use prime or odd) and use the lower bits of the block address.
Are these 2 different methods? If so, what's the cache one called? I would really appreciate a reply please. Thank you.
The reason for not using an even number for hash table is described here.
And how caches use addresses to calculate line numbers are described here. And its ok for caches to map more than one entry to the same line. Just because an address is mapped to a cacheline which has data, we don't blindly use the data in that cacheline. We also do a tag comparison to make sure that the content is the cacheline is what exactly we are looking for.
The reason for using a prime to take the modulo by is to get "mixing" of the bits, which is helpful if the integers that you're hashing have a poor structure. That isn't the only way to deal with it though, and for example the Java standard library doesn't use that, it uses a separate "mixing" function (that XORs the input with right-shifted versions of itself) and then uses a power-of-two sizes table. Either way it's protection against badly distributed input, which isn't necessary in and of itself - if the input was always nicely distributed you wouldn't need it.
Memory addresses are usually fairly nicely distributed, because it's typically used in sequential pieces. The obvious exception is that you will see highly aligned big objects, which would conflict with each other in the cache if nothing was done about it. Of course you will probably use a set-associative cache rather than direct mapped, since it is far more robust against degradation, and that would take care of a lot of that. But nothing is ever immune to bad patterns (that also goes for hash-mod-prime, which you can easily defeat if you know the prime), but a fairly simple improvement (which is also used in practice, or at least was, more advanced techniques exist now - combined with adaptive replacement strategies that mitigate bad access patterns) is to XOR some of the higher address bits into the index. This is hash-strengthening, the same technique used in the Java standard library, but a much simpler version of it.
Computing a remainder by a prime number (or really anything that isn't a power of two) is not something you'd want to do in this case, it's a slow computation by itself, and it leaves you with an awkwardly sized cache that doesn't fully use the power of its decoders, which adds to the slowness (or reduces cache size for a given latency, depending on how you look at it). The difference between that and XORing some of the high bits into the low bits is much bigger in hardware than it is in software, since XOR is really a trivial operation in hardware, much faster as a circuit operation than as an instruction.

Efficient Algorithm for Parsing OpCodes

Let's say I'm writing a virtual machine. I read in the program data into an array of bytes. Now I need to loop through those bytes (instructions are two bytes) and instantiate a little class representing each instruction and it's arguments.
What would be a fast parsing approach? Here are the two way's I've thought of:
Logically branching by inspecting each bit from the left to the right until I narrowed it down to a particular op code. This would be like a binary search.
Inspecting some programs to come up with a list of opcodes ordered by frequency of use, and then checking the for the full opcode in that order.
Note: I will be using bit shifting and masking in C to check, not regexes or string comps or anything high-level like that.
You don't need to parse anything. If this is in C, you make a table of function pointers which has 256 entries in it, one for each possible byte value, then jump to the appropriate function based on the first byte value. If the second byte is significant then a switch statement can be used within the function to handle the second byte. This is how the original Visual Basic interpreter (versions 1-6) worked.

Data type compatibility with NEON intrinsics

I am working on ARM optimizations using the NEON intrinsics, from C++ code. I understand and master most of the typing issues, but I am stuck on this one:
The instruction vzip_u8 returns a uint8x8x2_t value (in fact an array of two uint8x8_t). I want to assign the returned value to a plain uint16x8_t. I see no appropriate vreinterpretq intrinsic to achieve that, and simple casts are rejected.
Some definitions to answer clearly...
NEON has 32 registers, 64-bits wide (dual view as 16 registers, 128-bits wide).
The NEON unit can view the same register bank as:
sixteen 128-bit quadword registers, Q0-Q15
thirty-two 64-bit doubleword registers, D0-D31.
uint16x8_t is a type which requires 128-bit storage thus it needs to be in an quadword register.
ARM NEON Intrinsics has a definition called vector array data type in ARMĀ® C Language Extensions:
... for use in load and store operations, in
table-lookup operations, and as the result type of operations that return a pair of vectors.
vzip instruction
... interleaves the elements of two vectors.
vzip Dd, Dm
and has an intrinsic like
uint8x8x2_t vzip_u8 (uint8x8_t, uint8x8_t)
from these we can conclude that uint8x8x2_t is actually a list of two random numbered doubleword registers, because vzip instructions doesn't have any requirement on order of input registers.
Now the answer is...
uint8x8x2_t can contain non-consecutive two dualword registers while uint16x8_t is a data structure consisting of two consecutive dualword registers which first one has an even index (D0-D31 -> Q0-Q15).
Because of this you can't cast vector array data type with two double word registers to a quadword register... easily.
Compiler may be smart enough to assist you, or you can just force conversion however I would check the resulting assembly for correctness as well as performance.
You can construct a 128 bit vector from two 64 bit vectors using the vcombine_* intrinsics. Thus, you can achieve what you want like this.
#include <arm_neon.h>
uint8x16_t f(uint8x8_t a, uint8x8_t b)
uint8x8x2_t tmp = vzip_u8(a,b);
uint8x16_t result;
result = vcombine_u8(tmp.val[0], tmp.val[1]);
return result;
I have found a workaround: given that the val member of the uint8x8x2_t type is an array, it is therefore seen as a pointer. Casting and deferencing the pointer works ! [Whereas taking the address of the data raises an "address of temporary" warning.]
uint16x8_t Value= *(uint16x8_t*)vzip_u8(arg0, arg1).val;
It turns out that this compiles and executes as should (at least in the case I have tried). I haven't looked at the assembly code so I cannot grant it is implemented properly (I mean just keeping the value in a register instead of writing/read to/from memory.)
I was facing the same kind of problem, so I introduced a flexible data type.
I can now therefore define the following:
typedef NeonVectorType<uint8x16_t> uint_128bit_t; //suitable for uint8x16_t, uint8x8x2_t, uint32x4_t, etc.
typedef NeonVectorType<uint8x8_t> uint_64bit_t; //suitable for uint8x8_t, uint32x2_t, etc.
Its a bug in GCC(now fixed) on 4.5 and 4.6 series.
Bugzilla link http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=48252
Please take the fix from this bug and apply to gcc source and rebuild it.

Is it fastest to access a byte than a bit? Why?

The question is very straight: is it fastest to access a byte than a bit? If I store 8 booleans in a byte will it be slower when I have to compare them than if I used 8 bytes? Why?
Chances are no. The smallest addressable unit of memory in most machines today is a byte. In most cases, you can't address or access by bit.
In fact, accessing a specific bit might be even more expensive because you have to build a mask and use some logic.
Your question mentions "compare", I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that. But in some cases, you perform logic very efficiently on multiple booleans using bitwise operators if your booleans are densely packed into larger integer types.
As for which to use: array of bytes (with one boolean per byte), or a densely packed structure with one boolean per bit is a space-effiicency trade-off. For some applications that need to store a massive amount of bools, dense packing is better since it saves memory.
The underlying hardware that your code runs on is built to access bytes (or longer words) from memory. To read a bit, you have to read the entire byte, and then mask off the bits you don't care about, and possibly also shift to get the bit into the ones position. So the instructions to access a bit are a superset of the instructions to access a byte.
It may be faster to store the data as bits for a different reason - if you need to traverse and access many 8-bit sets of flags in a row. You will perform more ops per boolean flag, but you will traverse less memory by having it packed in fewer bytes. You will also be able to test multiple flags in a single operation, although you may be able to do this with bools to some extent as well, as long as they lie within a single machine word.
The memory latency penalty is far higher than register bit twiddling. In the end, only profiling the code on the hardware on which it will actually run will tell you which way is best.
From a hardware point of view, I would say that in general all the bit masking and other operations in the best case might occur within a single clock (resulting in no different), but that entirely depends on hardware layer that you likely won't ever know the specifics of, and as such you cannot bank on it.
It's worth pointing out that things like the .NET system.collections.bitarray uses a 32bit integer array underneath to store it's bit data. There is likely a performance reason behind this implementation (even if only in a general case that 32bit words perform above average), I would suggest reading up about the inner workings of that might be revealing.
From a coding point of view, it really depends what you're going to do with the bits afterwards. That is to say if you're going to store your data in booleans such as:
bool a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7;
And then in your code you compare them one by one (and most of them together):
if ( a0 && a1 && !a2 && a3 && !a4 && (!a5 || a6) || a7) {
Then you will find that it will be faster (and likely neater in code) to use a bit mask. But really the only time this would matter is if you're going to be running this code millions of times in a high performance or time critical environment.
I guess what I'm getting at here is that you should do whatever your coding standards say (and if you don't have any or they don't consider such details then just do what looks neatest for your application and need).
But I highly suggest trying to look around and read a blog or two explaining the inner workings of the .NET system.collections.bitarray.
This depends on the kind of processor and motherboard data bus, i.e. 32 bit data bus will compare your data faster if you collect them into "word"s rather than "bool"s or "byte"s....
This is only valid when you are writing in assembly language when you can compare each instruction how many cycles it takes .... but since you are using compiler then it is almost the same.
However, collecting booleans into words or integers will be useful in saving memory required for variables.
Computers tend to access things in words. Accessing a bit is slower because it requires more effort:
Imagine I said something to you, then said "oh change my second word to instead".
Now imagine my edit instead was "oh, change the third letter in the second word to 's'".
Which requires more thinking on your part?
