Downloading a zipfile in binary format using python's ftplib - python-2.6

I have gone through quite a few questions that have been posted which appear to be related, but not entirely the same issue that I am having:
I am using python's ftplib module along with zipfile to download a zip file from ftp in binary format. However, for some reason, the downloaded zip file appears to be in ascii.
I have ensured that a leading / does not exist in the path of the file I am downloading (to match the zip specifications).
outFile = zipfile.ZipFile(local_file_path, 'w')
myftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' %i, outFile.write(i)) #i - target file path on ftp server
This code fails giving me the following error:
st = os.stat(filename)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: //$i
I tried adding the 'b' option for binary, but zipfile doesn't seem to like it:
outFile = zipfile.ZipFile(local_file_path, 'wb')
This raises error:
RuntimeError: ZipFile() requires mode "r", "w", or "a"
I am using python v2.6.
What am I doing wrong and how to fix it?

According to python doc ( seems retrbinary takes a callback as second parameter:
>>> ftp.retrbinary('RETR README', open('README', 'wb').write)
'226 Transfer complete.'
>>> ftp.quit()
Documentation says:
FTP.retrbinary(command, callback[, maxblocksize[, rest]])
Retrieve a file in binary transfer mode. command should be an
appropriate RETR command: 'RETR filename'. The callback function is
called for each block of data received, with a single string argument
giving the data block. [...]
In your example it should be outfile.write (instead of outfile.write(i)).
>>> ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % i, outFile.write)


rubyzip 2.3.2 read fails on macOS 10.15.7, ruby 3.1.1p18

This fails:
zip = Zip::File.open_buffer(#archive_io, encoding:"UTF-8")
contents =
with this error:
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - content.xml
This succeeds:
zip = Zip::File.open_buffer(#archive_io, encoding:"UTF-8")
while zip.size == 0
zip = Zip::File.open_buffer(#archive_io, encoding:"UTF-8")
contents =
Note that #archive_io is a StringIO instance. 'filename' is an entry in the zip file known to exist of 6253 uncompressed bytes. When using Pry as a debugger, I can simply retype/rerun the open_buffer method and suddenly the zip read works. This lead to me adding the loop to re-attempt the open_buffer - a kludge of a solution.

Is there a way to change the working directory of fiddle?

I'm trying to load a C shared library within Ruby using Fiddle.
Here is a minimal example:
require 'fiddle'
require 'fiddle/import'
module Era
extend Fiddle::Importer
dlload './'
extern 'int era_init_lib()'
extern 'void era_deinit_lib()'
extern 'int era_process_request(const char* request, char** response)'
extern 'void era_free(char* response)'
# ...
The shared library loads without issues. However when I call Era.era_init_lib it tries to load additional libraries ( and I have these file located in the current working directory (in the same directory as
However when I try to execute the code above I receive the following error:
! Failed to load library: /home/username/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.5/bin/, error: /home/username/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.5/bin/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
If I place the file at the location the error describes everything works fine.
My guess is that the C working directory of fiddle is different from the Ruby working directory. I would like to keep the project files within the project and not in the Ruby installation directory.
How can I use from my project folder?
All the *.so files are provided by a third-party. I do not have the source and as a result cannot change these files. The function signatures are provided by the documentation.
Searching for in the strace gives me these results:
readlink("/proc/self/exe", "/home/username/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2."..., 4096) = 44
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/username/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.5/bin/", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
futex(0x7fcc16666d90, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 2147483647) = 0
futex(0x7fcc16b44520, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 2147483647) = 0
write(2, "! Failed to load library: ", 26! Failed to load library: ) = 26
write(2, "/home/username/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2."..., 50/home/username/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.5/bin/ = 50
write(2, ", error: ", 9, error: ) = 9
write(2, "/home/username/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2."..., 109/home/username/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.5/bin/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) = 109
write(2, "\n", 1) = 1
I've also written a C script which does the same thing which works perfectly fine when the files are dropped into the same directory. So it might be the fault of the library, which I assume checks the location of the current running program, then tries to load the library from that folder. This would explain the behavior when ran as a Ruby script (since it runs as part of the Ruby program), whereas a C binary runs standalone.
For those that want to re-create the (Linux) issue. You can download the necessary files from here. Which gives you the file.
Supported distros are: Suse, Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat and CentOS but others may also work fine.
You can either run the installer, which should place the files in /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server. Or, assuming most of you don't want to install the full application you can run the following command:
sed '1,/^# Start of TAR\.GZ file #$/d' | sed '1d' > server-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
Which removes all the installer instructions from the .sh file and only leaves the binary .tar.gz data, writing it to server-linux-x86_64.tar.gz.
Copy the files, and into a directory of your liking. Create a Ruby script (with the question code) in the same directory and run the script.
Because checks /proc/self/exe for the location of all subsequent files to load, and it is very difficult to modify this target by normal means, it is easier to just modify itself so that it uses something else besides proc for the source.
If we run strings, we can verify that the location to check is stored inside a string in
strings | grep 'proc/self/exe'
So now all we need to do is modify this string to something else that works for us.
The easiest way to modify the string is to replace it with something that is exactly the same length as the original. This way we do not have to worry about changing the end-of-string zero padding or accidentally changing the total size of
Here we can see a suitable candidate could be /tmp/scriptexe:
/tmp/scriptexe <- same length
So let's do that:
sed -e 's/proc\/self\/exe/tmp\/scriptexe/' >
Now we can verify the change:
strings | grep scriptexe
Next we need to create /tmp/scriptexe to actually point to our Ruby script:
ln -s /the/full/path/to/our/ruby/script.rb /tmp/scriptexe
Then we modify our script:
dlload './
Now we can run it as normal:
ruby script.rb
And everything should work.
If we read the strace output we see that the library obtains the current executable location from /proc/self/exe, and then searches subsequent libraries from there.
/proc/self/exe is not easily modifiable, but by using a hard link to a Ruby executable in the current directory we can trick it to point to a new folder.
Problem is making a hard link requires root.
In any case, here is a self-contained solution (note that it will ask for root password the first time you run it, in order to create the hard link).
Put this at the top of your script:
# Obtain path to current executable
exe = File.readlink("/proc/self/exe")
# Check if we are running the hard-liked version
if !exe.match /localruby/
if !File.exist?('localruby')
# Create a hard link to the current Ruby exe using sudo
system("sudo ln #{exe} localruby")
puts "Restarting..."
# In order to prevent infinite busy loop in case of some mishap
sleep 1
# Rerun self using the hard-linked Ruby executable.
# This will make /proc/self/exe point to the hard-link, which then
# allows the ESET library to search for .so files in current folder.
exec('./localruby', File.expand_path(__FILE__))
require 'fiddle'
require 'fiddle/import'
# of your script goes here...
A simple solution without any extra Ruby code is to just create the hard link manually, and then always run the script with ./localruby myscript.rb, instead of using the normal ruby myscript.rb.

Problems reading large JSON file in Ruby

I have problems reading a large JSON file (2.9GB) in Ruby. I am using this code
json_file =
results = JSON.parse(json_file)
and when I try to read the file I get the error:
Errno::EINVAL: Invalid argument - <filename>
I have tested the same code with smaller files and it works fine. To verify that the file is written correctly I have tried to read it with python and it works.
Is there a limitation on the size of the file for JSON.parse? If so, could you recommend an alternative?
I have looked in the msgpack to reduce the size of the files, but unfortunately I am constraint by the fact that I cannot install gems.
This is a limitation of
You may split your file into smaller parts (for example, 1 gigabyte) and read them separately:
dirname = File.dirname(filename)
`split -b 1024m #{filename} #{filename}.parts.`
parts = Dir["#{filename}.parts.*"]
json = ''
parts.each do |partname|
json +=
results = JSON.parse(json)
Be patient, this could take a while.

Encoding problems with ruby while reading in command line arguments with optparse

I'm writing a small programm in ruby, which essentially changes some files within a zip-file. The zip-file is specified as a parameter on the command line and interpreted via the OptionParser.
The problem is, that when specifiying a file, which contains non-ascii characters, the file cannot be opened, saying that it could not be found. This problem occurs using cmd.exe under Windows.
Here is a minimal example:
# example.rb
require "zip"
require "optparse"
zip_file_name =
# read and interprete command line arguments: do |opts|
opts.on("-f", "--file FILE", String, "The zip-file, which will be modified") do |f|
zip_file_name = f
# Open the zip file: do |zipfile|
If you create a zip-file and run example.rb -f everything is okay (it does finish without errors). Doing the same with a zip-file tä gives me an error. I tried doing zip_file_name.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8), but this didn't solve the problem.
It seems to be an encoding problem (the encoding of zip_file_name is cp850) but the transcoding does not seem to work correctly.
So my question would be: How can I change my program to also allow non-ascii characters for specifying files on the command line?
Adding zip_file_name.force_encoding(Encoding::Windows_1252) before opening the file solves the issue (on Western Europe Windows).
Apparently, the CP850 file names encoding is a wrong assumption from Ruby. On my Windows system, it seems that filenames are encoded in Windows_1252 (a custom version of Latin1 or ISO 8859-1).

Can't use in home directory - Lua

I'm writing a Mac OS program, and I have the following lines:
os.execute("cd ~/testdir")
configfile ="configfile.cfg", "w")
The problem is, it only creates the configfile in the scripts current directory instead of the folder I have just cd' into. I realised this is because I'm using a console command to change directory, then direct Lua code to write the file. To combat this I changed the code to this:
configfile ="~/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w")
However I get the following result:
lua: ifontinst.lua:22: attempt to index global 'configfile' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
ifontinst.lua:22: in main chunk
My question is, what's the correct way to use IO.Open to create a file in a folder I have just created in the users home directory?
I appreciate I'm making a rookie mistake here, so I apologise if you waste your time on me.
You have problems with ~ symbol. In your os.execute("cd ~/testdir") is the shell who interprets the symbol and replaces it by your home path. However, in"~/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w") is Lua who receives the string and Lua doesn't interprets this symbol, so your program tries to open a file in the incorrect folder. One simple solution is to call os.getenv("HOME") and concatenate the path string with your file path:
configfile ="HOME").."/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w")
In order to improve error messages I suggests you to wrap using assert() function:
configfile = assert("HOME").."/testdir/configfile.cfg", "w") )
