FLOSS solution for code-signing server (Windows) - windows

Does anyone know of FLOSS solutions that allow me to send packages of files to a remote code-signing server for signing? Currently the method is to log into the remote machine using SSH or RDP. Having a dedicated service for this would probably make it easier to integrate into the build process. The important part is that the authentication method has to be secure.


How to configure nginx/openresty to trust windows certificate store

Similar to SSL enabling in Tomcat Windows server question, how do I configure NGINX/OpenResty to use/trust Windows certificate store (especially the authorities)?
One option is to use some kind of NGINX plugin based on NSS (Network Security Services). I've actually found a repository for it here, but no sure I can use it.
Are there any other solutions?

SSL certificate - Use Client certificate installed on server for local testing - Mutual authentication

I have been working with web services connecting to URLs provided by different clients and so far it has all been done using one-way authentication. Now I'm asked to enable 2-way (mutual) authentication for one of the clients. I did a lot of research and reading but still confused about a lot of things.
I could test successfully on my local machine following instructions from various different articles. But the problem is now to deploy it in production.
Here's what I did for testing: I created a test Web service Host and assigned it a self-signed certificate and created a client to test this. After this I created a client certificate using makecert and verified that this is installed via MMC. I then modified my Host app to only allow clients with certificate and tested from client to see the connection refused due to not providing the client certificate. Then I modified the bindings in the client application to include the certificate name and I was able to connect to the Host successfully. So this completes local hosting.
Now the real problem. The tech team is going to create a certificate in "cert store" on the server. And I need to test again to make sure everything works as expected. We have a few different developers who all want to test on their machines on their local code. Can we all use the same certificate somehow? I don't think we would be allowed to import the certificate but what suggestions could I give them so all of us can use the same certificate?
I'm also confused about issues like difference between windows certificate and IIS certificate. What advantages would the IIS certificate provide?
Thanks for help!
Edit: Could one of the differences between installing on IIS be so that the hosted sites be accessed via SSL connection? This would mean we don't really need to install on IIS if it's just a client certificate. Is this correct?

How to Deploy Apple Push Notification Certificate to Customer Site

Question: How can I securely include the SSL cert required for push notifications in the installer for my server product?
Background: Apple Push Notifications require a client SSL cert to be in place on the server that's making the calls to Apple.
My product has a traditional client/server architecture, i.e. a customer installs the server within their intranet and then obtains the iOS client from the App Store and connects the client to their instance of the server.
The point here is that the customer installs the server themselves, rather than a cloud architecture where I would manage the server myself.
My problem is that I don't know how to package the push notification certificate in the server installer in a secure way. I can't distribute the .p12 file without a password because that would expose my private key, and I can't use a password because the password would have to be included somewhere else in the installer which would defeat the purpose. Do I need to relay messages from all of my customers through a server that I manage, which has the SSL client cert? Do I need to install the SSL cert by hand into every one of my customers' sites?
Surely others must have run into this problem already? Or has everyone moved to the cloud?
Here is a major observation that happened to me over the weekend regarding Apple Push certificates. While there many references out there to setting up the Apple Push server side certificates, here is a MAJOR point I discovered that I cannot find referenced in any Apple documentation, or via google.
My situation: I have Push Certificates (sandbox) working great on Windows Server. Now it is time for production. Installation of production certs is successful like many times before. However, while the production push transmission completes error free, no pushes are generated to the device. Hmmm.
I just HAPPEN to notice that my Mac's time is roughly a minute off from the Windows Server (command-tabbing between MacOS and VM-Ware). Looking at Windows and Mac Settings, I see Windows internet time is set for "time.windows.com", and the mac for "time.apple.com". Just for kicks, I change the windows server time to "time.apple.com". Instantly, pushes are now being sent to the device. Nice. :-)
I dodged a major bullet here, this would have probably driven me insane trying to figure this one out. I do not claim to be an SSL cert guru... I (like most every one) just want to get this stuff to work because we have bigger fishes to fry.
I hope this is useful information.
I know only the solutions to install certificates for push notifications :
.p12, the password is in the code of the sending
.cer (.p12+private key) the password is requested at the importing of the certificate.
In the first case, you can deploy your solution, and download some code, for example xml with the password.

controlling a remote machine

I want to develop some kind of automation system i can control some pcs in my network.Features i am looking to develop are as follows:
1)Ability to establish a connection with some remote systems and executing some commands on those
2)Ability to transfer files from main controller pc to those pcs
3)Ability to get status of other pc
I dont want to install some explicit server on each of the client machines , and want to use some in built protocol /services running on windows a my clinets are windows.
The only this available with my controller pc is Administator user name and passwd and clinet machine ips.
IBM TPM uses some port to do such things but am not usre which protocal /service it uses?
I have done a remote software installation using ibm tpm.I dont think it uses telnet or ssh.
Which inbuilt service/protocol i should use? (not telnet or ssh)
I need to design a tool that can install software on remote client machine.
Basically i need Deploy MSI, EXE, BAT etc. on various client machines without user interaction.
There are lots of tool on net that provide these features but i need to develop such type of utility.
Please suggest
you can setup remote desktop on the machines.
For Establishing command : you can setup remote desktop
For transferring files: You can map drives of other machines programmatically using the method WNetAddConnection2().
Its unmanaged code ...
This might help :

Is an SSH tunnel through Citrix Client possible?

I know it is not strictly a programmer question, on the other hand, I would really like to be able to do a simple svn up on the production servers, which would save us a lot of hassle.
Or production servers are within a corporate network, and access is only allowed through a gateway server. From that we can access the actual servers via Remote Desktop. Because of this maintenance unfriendly setup we use a sftp server to get our files to the production server (where the ftp server alwys resets last modified date), so it is complicated to determine which files have changed.
So if it would be possible to setup a ssh tunnel from the actual server through the citrix connection, it would ease the whole update process.
(On further option which I consider is to use bazaar to push our updates to the sftp server and then pull the updates from there, but unfortunately there is no working svn plugin for bazaar available [on windows])
Okay, not wanting this to remain unsolved, I posted the following on the usenet in alt.os.citrix:
G'day everyone
Someone asked me this question. I haven't a clue. Any ideas?
"the connection I have is PC -> Citrix Access Gateway -> actual Server. My question is, if it is possible to establish a ssh connection from my PC to the actual Server."
The response I got from a Catherine Jefferson was:
Should be. I do this all the time using an Access Gateway VPN, then ssh to servers inside the company LAN.
What version of the Access Gateway is this user running? I work for Citrix, might be able to get a more specific answer for him or her.
So may I suggest you hook into alt.os.citrix (probably via Google Groups if you don't have an NNTP tool) and buy into the conversation.
I do this a lot. The tunnel is like:
ssh -nvCXAN -L 1494: www.starshipping.com &
Then, you need an ICA file that points to localhost.
Connection To Citrix Server=
[Connection To Citrix Server]
WinStationDriver=ICA 3.0
Password=xxxxxxxxx ; has to be encrypted. I pulled from another ICA file generated internally
This all worked very fine on OSX until Citrix gave out a new version of the Citrix client which is now called the Citrix Online Plugin. Haven't been able to get it to work since then. Meanwhile, our VPN has been working fine, so haven't worried too much about it.
Citrix over SSH, How to Create a Key Pair for SSH Authentication Using PuTTYgen, Terminals. It seems that the answers are "out there" but not readily found. That was just five minutes in Google. HTH.
