controlling a remote machine - controls

I want to develop some kind of automation system i can control some pcs in my network.Features i am looking to develop are as follows:
1)Ability to establish a connection with some remote systems and executing some commands on those
2)Ability to transfer files from main controller pc to those pcs
3)Ability to get status of other pc
I dont want to install some explicit server on each of the client machines , and want to use some in built protocol /services running on windows a my clinets are windows.
The only this available with my controller pc is Administator user name and passwd and clinet machine ips.
IBM TPM uses some port to do such things but am not usre which protocal /service it uses?
I have done a remote software installation using ibm tpm.I dont think it uses telnet or ssh.
Which inbuilt service/protocol i should use? (not telnet or ssh)
I need to design a tool that can install software on remote client machine.
Basically i need Deploy MSI, EXE, BAT etc. on various client machines without user interaction.
There are lots of tool on net that provide these features but i need to develop such type of utility.
Please suggest

you can setup remote desktop on the machines.

For Establishing command : you can setup remote desktop
For transferring files: You can map drives of other machines programmatically using the method WNetAddConnection2().
Its unmanaged code ...
This might help :


What makes it possible to start services through the Windows SMB protocol?

Why is it possible to manage services through the SMB protocol in Windows?
The SMB protocol is made for managing network shares (files and directories) and printers, so what mechanism in the protocol makes it possible to interact with services?
From the sysinternals article:
PsExec starts an executable on a remote system and controls the input
and output streams of the executable's process so that you can
interact with the executable from the local system. PsExec does so by
extracting from its executable image an embedded Windows service named
Psexesvc and copying it to the Admin$ share of the remote system.
PsExec then uses the Windows Service Control Manager API, which has a
remote interface, to start the Psexesvc service on the remote system.
The Psexesvc service creates a named pipe, psexecsvc, to which PsExec
connects and sends commands that tell the service on the remote system
which executable to launch and which options you've specified. If you
specify the -d (don't wait) switch, the service exits after starting
the executable; otherwise, the service waits for the executable to
terminate, then sends the exit code back to PsExec for it to print on
the local console.
It's a very creative hack. psexec uses SMB to copy its own EXE to the target machine. Then uses the Windows Service Control Manager API (different protocol) to start the exe on the remote machine. The missing deail is the exact API that launches psexec on the remote machine. I did some digging and discovered that the OpenSCManager API is what facilitates this. Once a handle to the remote machine's service control manager is obtained, APIs such as CreateService and StartService can be used to start the remote process.
So it's not the SMB protocol per se. More specifically, it's the Windows Service Control Manager that makes it possible to do things similar to psexec.

Reading windows registry values by making remote connection from CentOS

I need to access windows registry values of a computer by remotely connecting to it through some windows utility or any other alternative.
Also, the remote connection should be secure.It should not make the system vulnerable post making the connection.

Subversion installation troubles on Windows 8

After successfully running subversion for years on a Windows 2008 server, I recently moved to Windows 8.1, mainly because the machine does also serve videos to my home network (works fine) and because Windows 8 provides better energy saving on my platform than Windows 2008 server did. So far, so good.
Then I tried to re-install Subversion. I intend to use the built-in server application svnserve.exe. I downloaded the latest windows package, installed it (success), and configured a service (svnserve --service ...) which I can successfully start using the Windows Service Management Console. Port 80 is already taken by a different application, so I let subversion pick 3690, which is fine for me. I used netstat to confirm that svnserve.exe is bound to port TCP:3690, which is listed OK. Just to clear one potential roadblock I also disabled the Windows firewall.
Then I created a sample repository named "test" using svnadmin locally, success as well, a subversion file structure appeared on the harddisk.
Problems arise when I try to access the repository using my local browser (Firefox), an attempt to connect to URLs[/svn|/svn/test]
all three give me the same cryptical response:
( success ( 2 2 ( ) ( edit-pipeline svndiff1 absent-entries commit-revprops depth log-revprops atomic-revprops partial-replay inherited-props ephemeral-txnprops file-revs-reverse ) ) )
Somehow I have expected a subversion GUI instead.
Connecting from a remote machine via browser reveals the same useless line of text.
Connecting from a remote machine using my usual Tortoise client gives the message:
Unable to connect to a repository at URL '
Error running context: The server unexpectedly closed the connection
I tried to add the --log-file option to svnserve, and indeed a log file appears once I start the service, but it is empty and it remains empty.
Trying to use svnserve -X instead of running it as a service reveals the exact same behavior.
Seems I am stuck. Anyone who has an idea what I can do to get that thing working?
Just to help out another beginner running into the same problem ... I finally found the problem: I simply used the wrong client, svnserve does not support web browsers. Using the Tortoise client, and providing the correct prefix (svn: was all I had to do.
The long version:
If one wants to work with the simple, reliable, fast, but plain-text and proprietary protocol based) svnserve service, he needs to use a proprietary client, like Tortoise, and the svn: prefix instead of http/https:, and no port, like
If needed, one may even reconfigure svnservice to use authentication and encryption later. svnserve isn't supporting web browsers, if one tries to access svnserve using a web browser like I did he gehts the internals of the svn protocol dumped to the screen.
If one wants to use his web browser, http/https protocol, and niceties, like a user friendly browser based interface and some remote administration capabilities, he must not use svnserve, but install a web server service (like apache) and configure if for use with subversion.
So in the end my problem had nothing to do with Windows 8. It just has slipped from my mind that years ago I went the apache path, while now I decided that the built-in svnserve service was good enough for my needs.

nodejs impersonation with windows

I need to use nodejs to write file to a password protected shared folder on a remote machine running Windows server 2008 r2, how can I do impersonation things within nodejs like .net app does?
Thx in advance!!!
Sorry for the unclear description. The folder is set to shared across the internal network on the remote windows server system, the folder is set to "readonly" for the windows account explicitly created by the admin. The nodejs server is on the same internal network and need to access the remote shared folder, thus I think nodejs need to impersonate the windows account on the remote machine to read contents from the shared folder. My question is how to do the sorry for the unclear description. The folder is set to shared across the internal network on the remote windows server system, the folder is set to "readonly" for the windows account explicitly created by the admin. The nodejs server is on the same internal network and need to access the remote shared folder, thus I think nodejs need to impersonate the windows account on the remote machine to read contents from the shared folder. My question is how to do the impersonation stuff for nodejs?
Late to the party - but since there is no accepted answer...
You'll need to launch your node process using the account that has access to the network share. How this is done differs based on your setup. For example, if you're runnning node on a lLinux server trying to connect to the remote Windows server, then it's not going to be straightforward with node.
However; if you're running node on a Windows server, trying to connect to a remote share on another Windows server (which is what it sounds like your situation probably is). Again, you'll have to run your node script as a user with access to the remote share. If you need to do it from code, I'd suggest taking a look at my module node-windows. It doesn't provide remote share access specifically, but it will allow you to run command line code with a different account from within your node script.

Unable to run Firebird

I am installing Firebird (v1.5.5 - I know it's old but it works) on a new computer which is running Windows 7. I have installed the classic server version as a service. According to documentation at the Firebird site, I modified the firebird.conf file so that IPCName would be global\FirebirdIPI; I did this while the service was not running.
Despite all my efforts, I have been unable to access any of the databases which I copied to this new computer via ISQL. FWIW, the EMS SQL 2005 manager program is successful in accessing the databases, but this program apparently has a direct method which does not require fbclient.dll.
What else should I be checking?
Update from a few days later. After wasting a great deal of time with Windows 7, we decided to downgrade the computer and run XP. After installing the superserver version of FB 1.5.5, I can run my programs and access the databases which are stored on this computer. Attempts to access the databases from other computers connected on the network failed with a variety of error messages, but normally something like 'i/o error for file !firebird!\db\q400.fdb'.
In order to allow people on the network to continue to access the databases, I revived the NT server and started the Firebird service - and all the programs can access these databases successfully from remote computers!
To simplify matters, there are three computers on the network:
the NT server ('zorcomp'), which is running the Firebird service; the fdb files reside on this computer in a directory called 'db' which sits under a shared directory called 'firebird'
a computer running XP, called 'kivserver', which also has a shared directory called 'firebird' and underneath that a directory called 'programs'. Copies of all the fdb files reside in a directory called 'db'.
a computer running XP, which maps \zorcomp\firebird to disk L: and \kivserver\firebird to disk T. From this computer, I can run a program sitting in T:\programs and get it to access successfully a file sitting in L:\db. If I stop the FB service on zorcomp and start the same service on kivserver, the same program cannot access files sitting in T:\db.
I hope this is clear enough. For the life of me, I can't see any difference between all the files which are residing in \kivserver\firebird to those which are sitting in \zorcomp\firebird - but somehow there is a difference!
Obviously, I don't want this arrangement to continue - the NT server has to be retired honourably.
Further edit. I now have the firebird server running on 'kivserver' (NT). I can access the database files locally.
Computers running Win7 can now access these database files using a connection string \\kivserver\firebird\db\database.fdb.
Computers running XP cannot access these database files, although IIRC wisql did succeed with \\kivserver\firebird\db\database.db.
The NT server has been disconnected from the network.
AFAIK EMS SQL uses fbclient.dll (or a wraper around it).
If the only thing you want is to access the databases, I suggest you to do so using TCP protocol instead of the local protocol. To do it connect like this:
c:\>isql localhost:c:\path\to\db.fdb -u sysdba -p masterkey
Unless you're avoiding TCP or the machine have no local interface enabled, it will do the work for you.
Try using this to connect to your database:
hostname:drive:\complete path\filename.fdb
\hostname\drive\complete path\filename.fdb
May I know the component you're using?
If your clients are Windows 7 then you might try to use \\hostname\sharename\filename.fdb instead of drive:\filename.fdb connection string.
Several months later, the NT server was somewhat abruptly retired when it displayed 'MBR error' on rebooting after someone unlugged it by accident. Thus I was left with no option but to start running the Firebird server program on 'kivserver'. The connection problems returned.
Eventually I was able to solve the problem with the following connection string\firebird\db\manager.fdb
where is the ip address of the server, and e:\firebird\db the directory in which the database sits, relative to the server itself.
I hope that someone else, some time, will find this information useful.
