How can I improve my Image comparison Algorithm - image

I want to compare an image with a set of more than 1000 images. I am generating a photomosaic.
What I have done so far:
I am using the LAB color model to get the L A B value of each image and stored this value in a KD-tree.
This is a 3 dimensional tree with L A* B* values. Then I calculate the LAB value for each grid in an image for which I have to generate the photomosaic. I use the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm and Euclidean distance metric to find the best match.
I am getting a good result but I want to improve my result. I read about SIFT for image comparison, it looks interesting and I will be implementing it in the future. For now can you guys suggest any other features I could compare like brightness, background color or may be another distance metric which is better than Euclidean ?

Appart from SIFT, another feature that has been used is to compare color histograms through the Earth Movers' Distance. You can look at papers such as :
The earth mover's distance as a metric for image retrieval
Also, more similar to SIFT is the GIST of an image, that has been used for "semantic" (more or less) retrieval :
Building the gist of a scene: the role of global image
features in recognition
which has been used for instance in the paper that does scene completion using millions of photographs:
Scene Completion Using Millions of Photographs
You can also adapt the methods that use SIFT for image warping (for instance SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Scenes and its Applications) to derive a metric for image comparison. Often, standard SIFT matching perform poorly and your resulting metric is not great : being able to have a good matching will make things better.
In short, as a comment said, it depends what you are trying to compare and achieve (what do you mean by "good") : do you want to match colors (Histograms) ? structure (SIFT) ? semantics (GIST) ? or else ...?


Algorithms for finding a look alike face?

I'm doing a personal project of trying to find a person's look-alike given a database of photographs of other people all taken in a consistent manner - people looking directly into the camera, neutral expression and no tilt to the head (think passport photo).
I have a system for placing markers for 2d coordinates on the faces and I was wondering if there are any known approaches for finding a look alike of that face given this approach?
I found the following facial recognition algorithms:
But none deal with the specific task of finding a look-alike.
Thanks for your time.
I believe you can also try searching for "Face Verification" rather than just "Face Recognition". This might give you more relevant results.
Strictly speaking, the 2 are actually different things in scientific literature but are sometimes lumped under face recognition. For details on their differences and some sample code, take a look here:
However, for your purposes, what others such as Edvard and Ari has kindly suggested would work too. Basically they are suggesting a K-nearest neighbor style face recognition classifier.
As a start, you can probably try that. First, compute a feature vector for each of your face images in your database. One possible feature to use is the Local Binary Pattern (LBP). You can find the code by googling it. Do the same for your query image. Now, loop through all the feature vectors and compare them to that of your query image using euclidean distance and return the K nearest ones.
While the above method is easy to code, it will generally not be as robust as some of the more sophisticated ones because they generally fail badly when faces are not aligned (known as unconstrained pose. Search for "Labelled Faces in the Wild" to see the results for state of the art for this problem.) or taken under different environmental conditions. But if the faces in your database are aligned and taken under similar conditions as you mentioned, then it might just work. If they are not aligned, you can use the face key points, which you mentioned you are able to compute, to align the faces. In general, comparing faces which are not aligned is a very difficult problem in computer vision and is still a very active area of research. But, if you only consider faces that look alike and in the same pose to be similar (i.e. similar in pose as well as looks) then this shouldn't be a problem.
The website your gave have links to the code for Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces. These are essentially 2 methods for computing feature vectors for your face images. Faces are identified by doing a K nearest neighbor search for faces in the database with feature vectors (computed using PCA and LDA respectively) closest to that of the query image.
I should probably also mention that in the Fisherfaces method, you will need to have "labels" for the faces in your database to identify the faces. This is because Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), the classification method used in Fisherfaces, needs this information to compute a projection matrix that will project feature vectors for similar faces close together and dissimilar ones far apart. Comparison is then performed on these projected vectors. Here lies the difference between Face Recognition and Face Verification: for recognition, you need to have "labels" your training images in your database i.e. you need to identify them.
For verification, you are only trying to tell whether any 2 given faces are of the same person. Often, you don't need the "labelled" data in the traditional sense (although some methods might make use of auxiliary training data to help in the face verification).
The code for computing Eigenfaces and Fisherfaces are available in OpenCV in case you use it.
As a side note:
A feature vector is actually just a vector in your linear algebra sense. It is simply n numbers packed together. The word "feature" refers to something like a "statistic" i.e. a feature vector is a vector containing statistics that characterizes the object it represents. For e.g., for the task of face recognition, the simplest feature vector would be the intensity values of the grayscale image of the face. In that case, I just reshape the 2D array of numbers into a n rows by 1 column vector, each entry containing the value of one pixel. The pixel value here is the "feature", and the n x 1 vector of pixel values is the feature vector. In the LBP case, roughly speaking, it computes a histogram at small patches of pixels in the image and joins these histograms together into one histogram, which is then used as the feature vector. So the Local Binary Pattern is the statistic and the histograms joined together is the feature vector. Together they described the "texture" and facial patterns of your face.
Hope this helps.
These two would seem like the equivalent problem, but I do not work in the field. You essentially have the following two problems:
Face recognition: Take a face and try to match it to a person.
Find similar faces: Take a face and try to find similar faces.
Aren't these equivalent? In (1) you start with a picture that you want to match to the owner and you compare it to a database of reference pictures for each person you know. In (2) you pick a picture in your reference database and run (1) for that picture against the other pictures in the database.
Since the algorithms seem to give you a measure of how likely two pictures belong to the same person, in (2) you just sort the measures in decreasing order and pick the top hits.
I assume you should first analyze all the picture in your database with whatever approach you are using. You should then have a set of metrics for each picture which you can compare a specific picture with and statistically find the closest match.
For example, if you can measure the distance between the eyes, you can find faces that have the same distance. You can then find the face that has the overall closest match and return that.

algorithm - warping image to another image and calculate similarity measure

I have a query on calculation of best matching point of one image to another image through intensity based registration. I'd like to have some comments on my algorithm:
Compute the warp matrix at this iteration
For every point of the image A,
2a. We warp the particular image A pixel coordinates with the warp matrix to image B
2b. Perform interpolation to get the corresponding intensity form image B if warped point coordinate is in image B.
2c. Calculate the similarity measure value between warped pixel A intensity and warped image B intensity
Cycle through every pixel in image A
Cycle through every possible rotation and translation
Would this be okay? Is there any relevant opencv code we can reference?
Comments on algorithm
Your algorithm appears good although you will have to be careful about:
Edge effects: You need to make sure that the algorithm does not favour matches where most of image A does not overlap image B. e.g. you may wish to compute the average similarity measure and constrain the transformation to make sure that at least 50% of pixels overlap.
Computational complexity. There may be a lot of possible translations and rotations to consider and this algorithm may be too slow in practice.
Type of warp. Depending on your application you may also need to consider perspective/lighting changes as well as translation and rotation.
A similar algorithm is commonly used in video encoders, although most will ignore rotations/perspective changes and just search for translations.
One approach that is quite commonly used is to do a gradient search for the best match. In other words, try tweaking the translation/rotation in a few different ways (e.g. left/right/up/down by 16 pixels) and pick the best match as your new starting point. Then repeat this process several times.
Once you are unable to improve the match, reduce the size of your tweaks and try again.
Alternative algorithms
Depending on your application you may want to consider some alternative methods:
Stereo matching. If your 2 images come from stereo camera then you only really need to search in one direction (and OpenCV provides useful methods to do this)
Known patterns. If you are able to place a known pattern (e.g. a chessboard) in both your images then it becomes a lot easier to register them (and OpenCV provides methods to find and register certain types of pattern)
Feature point matching. A common approach to image registration is to search for distinctive points (e.g. types of corner or more general places of interest) and then try to find matching distinctive points in the two images. For example, OpenCV contains functions to detect SURF features. Google has published a great paper on using this kind of approach in order to remove rolling shutter noise that I recommend reading.

SVM for image feature classification?

I implemented the Spatial Pyramid Matching algorithm designed by
Lazebnik in Matlab and the last step is to do the svm
classification. And at this point I totally don't understand how I
should do that in terms of what input I should provide to the svmtrain and
svmclassify functions to get the pairs of feature point coordinates of
train and test image in the end.
I have:
coordinates of SIFT feature points on the train image
coordinates of SIFT feature points on the train image
intersection kernel matrix for train image
intersection kernel matrix for test image.
Which of these I should use?
A SVM classifier expects as input a set of objects (images) represented by tuples where each tuple is a set of numeric attributes. Some image features (e.g. gray level histogram) provides an image representation in the form of a vector of numerical values which is suitable to train a SVM. However, feature extraction algorithms like SIFT will output for each image a set of vectors. So the question is:
How can we convert this set of feature vectors to a unique vector that represents the image?
To solve this problem, you will have to use a technique that is called bag of visual words.
The problem is that number of points is different, SVM expects feature vector to be the same size for train and for test.
coordinates of SIFT feature points on the train image coordinates of
SIFT feature points on the train image
The coordinates won't help for SVM.
I would use:
the number of found SIFT feature points
segment the images in small rects and use the presence of a SIFT-Feature point in a
particular rect as boolean feature value. The feature is then the rect/SIFT-feature type
combination. for N-Rects and M-SIFt feature point types you obtain
N*M features.
The second approach requires spatial normalization of images - same size, same rotation
P.S.: I'm not expert in ML. I've only done some experiments on cell-recognition in microscope images.

Image similarity and k-mean clustering

I'm playing a little bit with image similarity. In fact i'm playing with image retrieval system. Ideally i wanna to create some kind of image index that I can query to get similar images.
My current thought is to store some kind of ImageDescriptor into index and each descriptor can have different features in it, e.g. k-mean-cluster-centroids, histograms, ... And i have some simple wight based calculation - each feature has distance function and result of that function is multiplied by it's wight and summed across all features. Final sum is distance from my image. Not sure is this good line of thought?
So i started to play with histograms. I stored index of histograms, than query them for distance between histogram and index stored histograms. It gives some kind of similarity but in most case is far from good ideal.
Now I'm playing with k-mean clustering. I already implemented segmentation based on RGB distance (will try also in Lab color mode). My index consists of vector of centroids (from clustering). Now I'm doing just min-distance comparison between centroids. It give better results but also far from good.
My first question can i do something better with segments (clusters) than to query for distance? How can i include shape information?
Just as side note, most images are images of everyday objects (different pencils, different glasses, different shoes, ...) and with different textures on the background of same color. No natural images, faces, trees, clouds, mountains, ...
image similarity is not only pixel based. There ara several dimensions for image similarity. For good similarity, you need to have extra informs from images. Low level features etc.

Near-Duplicate Image Detection [closed]

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What's a fast way to sort a given set of images by their similarity to each other.
At the moment I have a system that does histogram analysis between two images, but this is a very expensive operation and seems too overkill.
Optimally I am looking for a algorithm that would give each image a score (for example a integer score, such as the RGB Average) and I can just sort by that score. Identical Scores or scores next to each other are possible duplicates.
0499994 <- possible dupe
0499999 <- possible dupe
RGB Average per image sucks, is there something similar?
There has been a lot of research on image searching and similarity measures. It's not an easy problem. In general, a single int won't be enough to determine if images are very similar. You'll have a high false-positive rate.
However, since there has been a lot of research done, you might take a look at some of it. For example, this paper (PDF) gives a compact image fingerprinting algorithm that is suitable for finding duplicate images quickly and without storing much data. It seems like this is the right approach if you want something robust.
If you're looking for something simpler, but definitely more ad-hoc, this SO question has a few decent ideas.
I would recommend considering moving away from just using an RGB histogram.
A better digest of your image can be obtained if you take a 2d Haar wavelet of the image (its a lot easier than it sounds, its just a lot of averaging and some square roots used to weight your coefficients) and just retain the k largest weighted coefficients in the wavelet as a sparse vector, normalize it, and save that to reduce its size. You should rescale R G and B using perceptual weights beforehand at least or I'd recommend switching to YIQ (or YCoCg, to avoid quantization noise) so you can sample chrominance information with reduced importance.
You can now use the dot product of two of these sparse normalized vectors as a measure of similarity. The image pairs with the largest dot products are going to be very similar in structure. This has the benefit of being slightly resistant to resizing, hue shifting and watermarking, and being really easy to implement and compact.
You can trade off storage and accuracy by increasing or decreasing k.
Sorting by a single numeric score is going to be intractable for this sort of classification problem. If you think about it it would require images to only be able to 'change' along one axis, but they don't. This is why you need a vector of features. In the Haar wavelet case its approximately where the sharpest discontinuities in the image occur. You can compute a distance between images pairwise, but since all you have is a distance metric a linear ordering has no way to express a 'triangle' of 3 images that are all equally distant. (i.e. think of an image that is all green, an image that is all red and an image that is all blue.)
That means that any real solution to your problem will need O(n^2) operations in the number of images you have. Whereas if it had been possible to linearize the measure, you could require just O(n log n), or O(n) if the measure was suitable for, say, a radix sort. That said, you don't need to spend O(n^2) since in practice you don't need to sift through the whole set, you just need to find the stuff thats nearer than some threshold. So by applying one of several techniques to partition your sparse vector space you can obtain much faster asymptotics for the 'finding me k of the images that are more similar than a given threshold' problem than naively comparing every image against every image, giving you what you likely need... if not precisely what you asked for.
In any event, I used this a few years ago to good effect personally when trying to minimize the number of different textures I was storing, but there has also been a lot of research noise in this space showing its efficacy (and in this case comparing it to a more sophisticated form of histogram classification):
If you need better accuracy in detection, the minHash and tf-idf algorithms can be used with the Haar wavelet (or the histogram) to deal with edits more robustly:
Finally, Stanford has an image search based on a more exotic variant of this kind of approach, based on doing more feature extraction from the wavelets to find rotated or scaled sections of images, etc, but that probably goes way beyond the amount of work you'd want to do.
I implemented a very reliable algorithm for this called Fast Multiresolution Image Querying. My (ancient, unmaintained) code for that is here.
What Fast Multiresolution Image Querying does is split the image into 3 pieces based on the YIQ colorspace (better for matching differences than RGB). Then the image is essentially compressed using a wavelet algorithm until only the most prominent features from each colorspace are available. These points are stored in a data structure. Query images go through the same process, and the prominent features in the query image are matched against those in the stored database. The more matches, the more likely the images are similar.
The algorithm is often used for "query by sketch" functionality. My software only allowed entering query images via URL, so there was no user interface. However, I found it worked exceptionally well for matching thumbnails to the large version of that image.
Much more impressive than my software is retrievr which lets you try out the FMIQ algorithm using Flickr images as the source. Very cool! Try it out via sketch or using a source image, and you can see how well it works.
A picture has many features, so unless you narrow yourself to one, like average brightness, you are dealing with an n-dimensional problem space.
If I asked you to assign a single integer to the cities of the world, so I could tell which ones are close, the results wouldn't be great. You might, for example, choose time zone as your single integer and get good results with certain cities. However, a city near the north pole and another city near the south pole can also be in the same time zone, even though they are at opposite ends of the planet. If I let you use two integers, you could get very good results with latitude and longitude. The problem is the same for image similarity.
All that said, there are algorithms that try to cluster similar images together, which is effectively what you're asking for. This is what happens when you do face detection with Picasa. Even before you identify any faces, it clusters similar ones together so that it's easy to go through a set of similar faces and give most of them the same name.
There is also a technique called Principle Component Analysis, which lets you reduce n-dimensional data down to any smaller number of dimensions. So a picture with n features could be reduced to one feature. However, this is still not the best approach for comparing images.
There's a C library ("libphash" - that will calculate a "perceptual hash" of an image and allow you to detect similar images by comparing hashes (so you don't have to compare each image directly against every other image) but unfortunately it didn't seem to be very accurate when I tried it.
You have to decide what is "similar." Contrast? Hue?
Is a picture "similar" to the same picture upside-down?
I bet you can find a lot of "close calls" by breaking images up into 4x4 pieces and getting an average color for each grid cell. You'd have sixteen scores per image. To judge similarity, you would just do a sum of squares of differences between images.
I don't think a single hash makes sense, unless it's against a single concept like hue, or brightness, or contrast.
Here's your idea:
0499994 <- possible dupe
0499999 <- possible dupe
First of all, I'm going to assume these are decimal numbers that are R*(2^16)+G*(2^8)+B, or something like that. Obviously that's no good because red is weighted inordinately.
Moving into HSV space would be better. You could spread the bits of HSV out into the hash, or you could just settle H or S or V individually, or you could have three hashes per image.
One more thing. If you do weight R, G, and B. Weight green highest, then red, then blue to match human visual sensitivity.
In the age of web services you could try
The question Good way to identify similar images? seems to provide a solution for your question.
i assumed that other duplicate image search software performs an FFT on the images, and stores the values of the different frequencies as a vectors:
Image1 = (u1, u2, u3, ..., un)
Image2 = (v1, v2, v3, ..., vn)
and then you can compare two images for equalness by computing the distance between the weight vectors of two images:
distance = Sqrt(
(u1-v1)^2 +
(u2-v2)^2 +
(u2-v3)^2 +
One solution is to perform a RMS/RSS comparison on every pair of pictures required to perform a bubble sort. Second, you could perform an FFT on each image and do some axis averaging to retrieve a single integer for each image which you would use as an index to sort by. You may consider doing whatever comparison on a resized (25%, 10%) version of the original depending on how small a difference you choose to ignore and how much speedup you require. Let me know if these solutions are interesting, and we can discuss or I can provide sample code.
Most modern approaches to detect Near duplicate image detection use interesting points detection and descriptors describing area around such points. Often SIFT is used. Then you can quatize descriptors and use clusters as visual word vocabulary.
So if we see on ratio of common visual words of two images to all visual words of these images you estimate similarity between images. There are a lot of interesting articles. One of them is Near Duplicate Image Detection: minHash and tf-idf Weighting
For example using IMMI extension and IMMI you can examine many different ways how to measure similarity between images:
By defining some threshold and selecting some method you can measure similarity.
