Pig: Count number of keys in a map - hadoop

I'd like to count the number of keys in a map in Pig. I could write a UDF to do this, but I was hoping there would be an easier way.
data = LOAD 'hbase://MARS1'
USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage(
'A:*', '-loadKey true -caching=100000')
AS (id:bytearray, A_map:map[]);
In the code above, I want to basically build a histogram of id and how many items in column family A that key has.
In hoping, I tried c = FOREACH data GENERATE id, COUNT(A_map); but that unsurprisingly didn't work.
Or, perhaps someone can suggest a better way to do this entirely. If I can't figure this out soon I'll just write a Java MapReduce job or a Pig UDF.

SIZE should apparently work for you (not tried it myself):


Sorting after Repartitioning PySpark Dataframe

We have a giant file which we repartitioned according to one column, for example, say it is STATE. Now it seems like after repartitioning, the data cannot be sorted completely. We are trying to save our final file as a text file but instead of the first state listed being Alabama, now California shows up first. OrderBy doesn't seem to have an effect after running the repartition.
df = df.repartition(100, ['STATE_NAME'])\
.sortWithinPartitions('STATE_NAME', 'CUSTOMER_ID', 'ROW_ID')
I can't find a clear statement in the documentation about this, only this hint for pyspark.sql.DataFrame.repartition:
The resulting DataFrame is hash partitioned.
Obviously, repartition doesn't bring the rows in a specific (namely alphabetic) order (not even if they were ordered previously), it only groups them. That .sortWithinPartitions imposes no global order is no wonder considering the name, which implies that the sorting only occurs within the partitions, not on them. You can try .sort instead.

Intersection of Intervals in Apache Pig

In Hadoop I have a collection of datapoints, each including a "startTime" and "endTime" in milliseconds. I want to group on one field then identify each place in the bag where one datapoint overlaps another in the sense of start/end time. For example, here's some data:
which I load and group as follows:
inputdata = LOAD 'inputdata' USING PigStorage(',')
AS (id:long, where:chararray, start:long, end:long);
grouped = GROUP inputdata BY where;
The ideal result here would be
I have written some bad code to generate an individual tuple for each second with some rounding, then do a set intersection, but this seems hideously inefficient, and in fact it still doesn't quite work. Rather than debug a bad approach, I want to work on a good approach.
How can I reasonably efficiently get tuples like (id1,id2) for the overlapping datapoints?
I am thoroughly comfortable writing a Java UDF to do the work for me, but it seems as though Pig should be able to do this without needing to resort to a custom UDF.
This is not an efficient solution, and I recommend writing a UDF to do this.
Self Join the dataset with itself to get a cross product of all the combinations. In pig, it's difficult to join something with itself, so you just act as if you are loading two separate datasets. After the cross product, you end up with data like
At this point, you need to satisfy four conditionals,
"where" field matches
id one and two from the self join don't match (so you don't get back the same ID intersecting with itself)
start time from second group being compared should be greater than start time for first group and less then end time for first group
This code should work, might have a syntax error somewhere as I couldn't test it but should help you to write what you need.
inputdataone = LOAD 'inputdata' USING PigStorage(',')
AS (id:long, where:chararray, start:long, end:long);
inputdatatwo = LOAD 'inputdata' USING PigStorage(',')
AS (id:long, where:chararray, start:long, end:long);
crossProduct = CROSS inputdataone, inputdatatwo;
crossProduct =
FOREACH crossProduct
GENERATE inputdataone::id as id_one,
inputdatatwo::id as id_two,
(inputdatatwo::start-inputdataone::start>=0 AND inputdatatwo::start-inputdataone::end<=0 AND inputdataone::where==inputdatatwo::where?1:0) as intersect;
find_intersect = FILTER crossProduct BY intersect==1;
final =
FOREACH find_intersect
GENERATE id_one,
Crossing large sets inflates the data.
A naive solution without crossing would be to partition the intervals and check for intersections within each interval.
I am working on a similar problem and will provide a code sample when I am done.

assigning IDs to hadoop/PIG output data

I m working on PIG script which performs heavy duty data processing on raw transactions and come up with various transaction patterns.
Say one of pattern is - find all accounts who received cross border transactions in a day (with total transaction and amount of transactions).
My expected output should be two data files
1) Rollup data - like account A1 received 50 transactions from country AU.
2) Raw transactions - all above 50 transactions for A1.
My PIG script is currently creating output data source in following format
Account Country TotalTxns RawTransactions
A1 AU 50 [(Txn1), (Txn2), (Txn3)....(Txn50)]
A2 JP 30 [(Txn1), (Txn2)....(Txn30)]
Now question here is, when I get this data out of Hadoop system (to some DB) I want to establish link between my rollup record (A1, AU, 50) with all 50 raw transactions (like ID 1 for rollup record used as foreign key for all 50 associated Txns).
I understand Hadoop being distributed should not be used for assigning IDs, but are there any options where i can assign non-unique Ids (no need to be sequential) or some other way to link this data?
EDIT (after using Enumerate from DataFu)
here is the PIG script
register /UDF/datafu-0.0.8.jar
define Enumerate datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate('1');
data_txn = LOAD './txndata' USING PigStorage(',') AS (txnid:int, sndr_acct:int,sndr_cntry:chararray, rcvr_acct:int, rcvr_cntry:chararray);
data_txn1 = GROUP data_txn ALL;
data_txn2 = FOREACH data_txn1 GENERATE flatten(Enumerate(data_txn));
dump data_txn2;
after running this, I am getting
ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.SimplePigStats - ERROR 2997: Unable to recreate exception from backed error: java.lang.NullPointerException
at datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate.enumerateBag(Enumerate.java:89)
at datafu.pig.bags.Enumerate.accumulate(Enumerate.java:104)
I often assign random ids in Hadoop jobs. You just need to ensure you generate ids which contain a sufficient number of random bits to ensure the probability of collisions is sufficiently small (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_problem).
As a rule of thumb I use 3*log(n) random bits where n = # of ids that need to be generated.
In many cases Java's UUID.randomUUID() will be sufficient.
What is unique in your rows? It appears that account ID and country code are what you have grouped by in your Pig script, so why not make a composite key with those? Something like
CONCAT(CONCAT(account, '-'), country)
Of course, you could write a UDF to make this more elegant. If you need a numeric ID, try writing a UDF which will create the string as above, and then call its hashCode() method. This will not guarantee uniqueness of course, but you said that was all right. You can always construct your own method of translating a string to an integer that is unique.
But that said, why do you need a single ID key? If you want to join the fields of two tables later, you can join on more than one field at a time.
DataFu had a bug in Enumerate which was fixed in 0.0.9, so use 0.0.9 or later.
In case when your IDs are numbers and you can not use UUID or other string based IDs.
There is a DataFu library of UDFs by LinkedIn (DataFu) with a very useful UDF Enumerate. So what you can do is to group all records into a bag and pass the bag to the Enumerate. Here is the code from top of my head:
register jar with UDF with Enumerate UDF
inpt = load '....' ....;
allGrp = group inpt all;
withIds = foreach allGrp generate flatten(Enumerate(inpt));

Efficient set operations in mapreduce

I have inherited a mapreduce codebase which mainly calculates the number of unique user IDs seen over time for different ads. To me it doesn't look like it is being done very efficiently, and I would like to know if anyone has any tips or suggestions on how to do this kind of calculation as efficiently as possible in mapreduce.
We use Hadoop, but I'll give an example in pseudocode, without all the cruft:
map(key, value):
ad_id = .. // extract from value
user_id = ... // extract from value
collect(ad_id, user_id)
reduce(ad_id, user_ids):
uniqe_user_ids = new Set()
foreach (user_id in user_ids):
collect(ad_id, unique_user_ids.size)
It's not much code, and it's not very hard to understand, but it's not very efficient. Every day we get more data, and so every day we need to look at all the ad impressions from the beginning to calculate the number of unique user IDs for that ad, so each day it takes longer, and uses more memory. Moreover, without having actually profiled the code (not sure how to do that in Hadoop) I'm pretty certain that almost all of the work is in creating the set of unique IDs. It eats enormous amounts of memory too.
I've experimented with non-mapreduce solutions, and have gotten much better performance (but the question there is how to scale it in the same way that I can scale with Hadoop), but it feels like there should be a better way of doing it in mapreduce that the code I have. It must be a common enough problem for others to have solved.
How do you implement the counting of unique IDs in an efficient manner using mapreduce?
The problem is that the code you inherited was written with the mindset "I'll determine the unique set myself" instead of the "let's leverage the framework to do it for me".
I would something like this (pseudocode) instead:
map(key, value):
ad_id = .. // extract from value
user_id = ... // extract from value
collect(ad_id & user_id , unused dummy value)
reduce(ad_id & user_id , unused dummy value):
output (ad_id , 1); // one unique userid.
map(ad_id , 1): --> identity mapper!
collect(ad_id , 1 )
reduce(ad_id , set of a lot of '1's):
summarize ;
output (ad_id , unique_user_ids);
Niels' solution is good, but for an approximate alternative that is closer to the original code and uses only one map reduce phase, just replace the set with a bloom filter. The membership queries in a bloom filter have a small probability of error, but the size estimates are very accurate.

Using LINQ to query flat text files with fixed-length records?

I've got a file filled with records like this:
The codes are all fixed-length, and some of them link to other flat files (sort of like a relational database). What's the best way of querying this data using LINQ?
This is what I came up with intuitively, but I was wondering if there's a more elegant way:
var records = File.ReadAllLines("data.txt");
var table = from record in records
select new { FirstCode = record.Substring(0, 2),
OtherCode = record.Substring(18, 4) };
For one thing I wouldn't read it all into memory to start with. It's very easy to write a LineReader class which iterates over a file a line at a time. I've got a version in MiscUtil which you can use.
Unless you only want to read the results once, however, you might want to call ToList() at the end to avoid reading the file multiple times. (This is still nicer than reading all the lines and keeping that in memory - you only want to do the splitting once.)
Once you've basically got in-memory collections of all the tables, you can use normal LINQ to Objects to join them together etc. You might want to go to a more sophisticated data model to get indexes though.
I don't think there's a better way out of the box.
One could define a Flat-File Linq Provider which could make the whole thing much simpler, but as far as I know, no one has yet.
