Magento - downloadable product freezes browser - magento

I am running a live Magento CE site. It sells downloadable files (only).
At the moment it's not possible for a customer to download two purchased files simultaneously. By this I mean clicking the first product's link, and, while it is downloading, click the second, and have both downloading at the same time.
Instead, when a customer downloads the first file, it freezes the browser. No areas of the site will accept clicked input while the sound is downloading. After the download completes, browser activity returns to normal.
This problem also occurs on CE 1.7. There's a report on the forums, but no solution yet:
Customers would like to download all their purchases simultaneously. They also get confused when additional clicking on the website is not possible, and believe their browser has crashed.
Any suggestions to allow simultaneous downloads?
Many thanks in advance for your thoughts.


How to make sure Microsoft teams reloads website in teams channel tab every time it is updated?

For monitoring purposes I created a website (with ip restriction) that I added to a tab in a Microsoft teams channgel. So far so good. However, every time I update the website, the updated one is not shown in the teams tab. It just sticks with the first version of the website. I guess this is due to caching.
Is there a way to disable caching in a teams tab? Or is there a way to make teams check if there is a newer version of the website before displaying it every time the channel tab is visited?
Many thanks in advance!

How to hide an app from play store for a couple of hours

Due to a migration in the back I would like to temporary stop my app from being downloaded.
In the past I could manage that in Play Store Console. But now I can't find any switch for that.
How to disable the app temporary in Play Store ?
For anyone still looking for an answer, it is possible nowadays (an easier and better way than the other answer suggests).
First open up Google Play Console
On the left hand side click Setup > Advanced Settings
Then under App Availability click Unpublished
In Playstore developer console You can go to pricing and distribution section in the left hand side panel
You should find Availability section listing lot of countries where your app would be available for download from playstore
You can make all countries as unavailable or few selected countries
for keeping you app hidden from playstore and there by stopping downloads from playstore for sometime , you can always make your app available by selecting available in countries once done available , your app would be back in playstore within few minutes and will be ready for download.

Page stops loading before all image/files are done

I recently got a new Windows 2016 machine and Lucee (ColdFusion). Transferring all my clients e-Commerce sites from Windows 2008 CF9. I am having an issue with all images downloading to the browser. The images are a bit to large, client not following directions, BUT this was not an issue with the old machine. If you go to for the first time many of the option images do not load/transfer but the page has stop loading. They are all there, refresh a few times and they appear use CNTRL F5 and they disappear again randomly. I have spent 2 days looking through Google searches, and getting no where. Any suggestions are welcome as this clients had over 1200 options uploaded and having them redo them to make proper thumbs is not an option. I figure it has to be a Lucee or Windows 2016 setting that I am missing. As the page stops loading and never loads what ever images were not completed.
Here are the recommendations:
You have got about 3 or 4 images that are just enormous. Get those down to size.
Try turning data compression on IIS for static content.
Try doing some inline images
Try eliminating some images. Both Font-Awesome and Glyphicons have Facebook and Twitter. You can use them.
Otherwise this is a really show page.

Google Play Developer App Marketing Strategy-Why App download decreased after icon change?

I have an app on google play over 5000000 downloads. And 20000+ downloads every day. When the designer changed the app icon to new good one ,the daily download decreased from 20000+ to 5000- . I don't think it's not good icon. I think may be there is a marketing strategy after icon changing google play changed app position on google play. Any idea about this?
Old Icon
New Icon
It is hard to pin down an exact reason. Maybe it was too similar to another app icon or simply new users didn't like it as much.
You can run A/B tests in the store listings, it's a hidden menu. Click Store Listing and beneath that, you should see experiments. You can run up to 4 icons (for example) and see which gets more downloads. This also works with the promotional video, screenshots, short app listing and full app listing.
There are a lot of customization choices as well.
I would make a few iterations of the logo, with different elements removed. I think the new one is a little too busy. try removing the phone on the left and right and see how users respond.
Run A/B tests on your store listing
Increase installs with Store Listing Experiments
I think that the main reason is people knew the product. If they start looking for it now, they see something that they don't know as it has changed and will not download it as fast as before.
If everyone is used to the icon, your downloads will increase.
There is no ranking part that depends on the icon, so as I know.
I think there are 3 possible reasons:
1) Google dropped your app in the list because at the time you changed the icon, there where other apps added in this category. This made google to re-place and orden the apps. As your app was there longer and had a minor change, it was ranked as "old & going down", so it lost the confident place in the list.
2)Because of the new icon, people are not finding it as quick or they think the new icon is an actual scam version of your app, so they aren't downloading it anymore.
3)Your app simply got less popular. You got pretty much downloads, the rate was high. Maybe you reached all the people that needed this app and there are minus people wanting it.
maybe the download count raises again and you just need to wait a little week. It is very unlikely, but it also could just be a error at Google's side.

WP Mobile Detector, W3 Total Cache, Home Page, Blackberry Viewport, Responsive

I'm using WP Mobile Detector with W3 Total Cache and a responsive layout (media queries), and I have a few issues:
When I view the site locally (localhost) on a Blackberry, it looks good; the zoom/viewport is correct, media queries have trigger correctly etc. However, when I view the live site on the Blackberry, the viewport has zoomed out. In the context of a responsive layout, locally I see two columns, but on live I see all six columns (i.e. the Blackberry thinks it is a full browser - quite annoying!).
I thought I would deactivate W3 Total Cache to see if that was having any effect: yes, it was. When the cache is off, the viewport/zoom is good and all is well. Problem solved? Not quite...
With the cache off, I navigate to the live site and while the sub-pages of the site - e.g., - are responding with the mobile theme, when I click a link back to home (or type it into the address bar) - i.e. - I'm no longer delivered the mobile theme, just the normal 'desktop' theme. If I go back to a sub-page I see the mobile theme again. What's going on there then.
When viewed on the Blackberry (for example), if I click the 'View Full Site' link (which triggers a Javascript function to modify the cookie) it doesn't show the full site (i.e. normal theme), it just refreshes and shows the mobile theme. However, when viewed in Firefox on the desktop (via a User Agent Switcher) the link DOES modify the cookie and switches back to the normal desktop theme.
W3TC does work with WPMD (mobile theme delivers minified JS/CSS), but maybe I haven't configured something correctly. The following two links were very useful and I have implemented the changes suggested:
Is this a known [Blackberry HotSpot/Internet Browser] issue? I have added the requisite meta tags in the document head to indicate viewport data, and the HandheldFriendly meta data which I understand is mainly for Blackberry purposes. As I said, it looks ok with the cache switched off, excepting the home page issue.
I should say it works nicely in Firefox with the User Agent Switcher extension set to iPhone 3, and I have none of the Blackberry issues.
WPMD works by setting a cookie. This appears to be working, else I wouldn't have seen the mobile theme at all.
Does the Blackberry have a problem with the Javscript function? Not easy to tell from the phone itself - might need to drop in a JS error monitor (I was looking at one the other day).
Who'd have thought mobile dev would be so tricky!
It's a few weeks since first posting, and I will soon be following Joshua and Frederick's advice to uninstall and then reinstall the [latest version of] W3TC and I'll post my results.
I found that different browsers (both desktop and mobile) treat javascript redirect statements differently. For example:
The three lines above effectively perform the same action (slightly different implementations, depending on your needs), but I had varying success across browsers using each one - Chrome worked with one, Firefox another, etc.. Unfortunately, I still could not get the Blackberry browser to perform a proper automatic refresh via Javascript.
What, switching between desktop and mobile using a desktop PC/browser has proven interesting. Let's say we're on the desktop version, and we switch to the mobile version of the page. We're OK so far, but then we switch back to the desktop version of the page. Still OK, but if we quickly click a link on the desktop page to go to another [desktop] page then we may find ourselves looking at the mobile version instead of the desktop version.
So, what happened there? As the page was still loading when we clicked another link, did we interrupt something? Presumably not, as the cookie would have been set and sent in the previous request from the mobile version of the page to say, e.g., "show-desktop-version = true". If we do hit F5 or the browser's 'Refresh' button (or, in fact, a link to any other page) then we do see the correct mobile or desktop version (respectively).
Another interesting thing: say we're on our mobile version (using desktop browser), and we're looking at, and on the page is a link to 'View Full Site' (VFS). We click VFS once and it refreshes but we're still seeing the mobile version. So we click again - same result. So we click again, and again, and again, and again, and - oh, OK this time it switched to the full site. This cycle/process seems to occur once, and then not for a while, and then happens again.
Regarding the mobile-desktop theme switching problems, please disregard my notes in 'Update 1'. One of my switcher links (from desktop theme to mobile), e.g....
View Mobile Site
...was using the query parameter (as you can see). I had used this technique to test whether a mobile browser was preventing a proper refresh as the link pointed to the same/current URL. The switcher link should have actually looked like this,
View Mobile Site
...with just a hash to allow the link to be clickable, while allowing the Javascript function to do its magic (update cookie, reload page).
Problem resolved.
(W3TC + WPMD compatibility still an issue for me - will post updates).
I am the developer of the WP Mobile Detector.
The issues you describe are exactly what happens when the W3 Total Cache is installed. For whatever reason, sometimes it is necessary to deactivate and delete the W3 Total Cache.
Two customers that I can remember reported issues even when the W3 Total Cache was disabled. Once it was removed, it fixed the problem. They then re-uploaded W3 Total Cache, made the changes at the link you posted, and seemed to be fine.
For whatever reason these issues seem to be more prevelant with newer versions of the W3 Total Cache. I need to get with Frederick (the creator of W3 Total Cache) and make sure the plugins play nice together.
Make sure to clear your cache on the BlackBerry device as well.
Without evaluating the plugin there are some things to consider here. First W3TC attempts by default to set a cookie to properly determine which page cache to use for user agent groups for smartphones and less-smart phones; it keeps unique caches for each because of the popularity of mobile theme plugins prior to popularity of responsive web design and progressive enhancement.
The user agent groups can be disabled or used to redirect visitors to another page or theme. The next release also removes the need for the cookie when user agent groups are set. A future release will also allow cookies to be used to unique cache user requests as well.
