How to hide an app from play store for a couple of hours - google-play

Due to a migration in the back I would like to temporary stop my app from being downloaded.
In the past I could manage that in Play Store Console. But now I can't find any switch for that.
How to disable the app temporary in Play Store ?

For anyone still looking for an answer, it is possible nowadays (an easier and better way than the other answer suggests).
First open up Google Play Console
On the left hand side click Setup > Advanced Settings
Then under App Availability click Unpublished

In Playstore developer console You can go to pricing and distribution section in the left hand side panel
You should find Availability section listing lot of countries where your app would be available for download from playstore
You can make all countries as unavailable or few selected countries
for keeping you app hidden from playstore and there by stopping downloads from playstore for sometime , you can always make your app available by selecting available in countries once done available , your app would be back in playstore within few minutes and will be ready for download.


Google Play Store App: getting reviewed without publishing

I am trying to launch an app onto the Google Play Store.
However I want to avoid actually launching it, but still get it reviewed so that it can be published (without any changes) at a later date. This would avoid another review once I actually want it published and available to download.
Is there any way to achieve this?
I have already gone through the process of Internal/Beta.. testing.
in google play console when you are inside your app
in the left manu bar click on the Publishing overview tab
then on the right side of the screen click on turn on managed publishing,
then select if you want to manually publish or leave it in auto publish mode.

Apps in my google-play-console are not available in the search after 10K+ downloads

We have an account in the playstore that published more than 50 apps everything works fine but this December something an expectedly changed All our apps are not available in playstore search
I know new Apps aren’t usually come top of the app search but this App isn’t new and has already downloaded 10K+ but it's not showing in the search even if I scroll down to bottom
Most of our apps have more reviews and downloads but I don’t know what’s going on.
Any ideas, please?
after the new Google Play Console surely something updated automatically geolocation.
All our apps are unavailable for 21 countries containing Somalia and Djibouti (a country I live) is part of that unavailable list.
All I do is update the list of Countries/Regions in the production to make apps available to all users
Thank you #Lemon for your comment

how to remove pre-registration campaign on play store?

I have published app on play store, I don't know why the app is showing Pre-Registration, I want to give direct download option to my users. Helping hands will be highly appreciated.
The instructions for pre-registration are here. But I'm not sure how this would have happened to you by accident.
To remove it and publish, see the section "Launch your app or game from pre-registration"
Sign in to your Play Console.
Select an app or game that you made available for pre-registration..
Click Store presence > Pricing & distribution.
In the “Countries” section, click Manage countries.
Next to the countries where you want to launch your app or game, select Available.
Select Submit update.
Important: To make your app available on Google Play in the countries you select, make sure to publish your app or game on the Production track. You can publish on the Production track by selecting your app, and then selecting Release Management > App Releases.
After it’s published to the Production track, your app or game will become available in any country set to “Available” on its Pricing & Distribution page.

When I select the Pricing & Distribution tab in the Google Play Developer console, it displays 'Loading'

I'm trying to publish an app that is based on a free app that supports in-app billing and which is already published. Rather than use in-app billing in the new app, I decided to remove it and make it a paid app (the difference between the two apps is that the paid app has some enhancements that I want to get paid for).
So I created a new product in Google Play, different package name, etc. Everything went fine until I selected Pricing & Distribution, set the pricing ($0.99) and the distribution. When I tried to publish, I get the Android mascot with the text "Loading" alongside it and it stays like this. The app never appears in searches, even when it's enclosed in quotes. The original app does come up, but not the new one (the difference between the names is that the new one has the word "Pro" after it). And yes, the package names are different.
One more thing: when I uploaded the APK to the store, I got a warning about the app using in-app billing (which it does not) but there is no billing permission in the manifest. Since it was a warning and I don't do in-app billing, I ignored it and continued with the upload. I don't think this has anything to do with the "Loading" problem because it was happening before I removed in-app billing.
Any idea what's wrong?
Eventually, the problem somehow resolved itself. The app is visible in searches, although the "Loading" message in Pricing and Distribution is still stuck. Very weird.

Google Apps Marketplace SDK : setup a contextual gadget

Ok, so without much notification given, adding market place listings to your vendor profile is no longer possible. The 'create new listing' button is greyed out.
I need to make changes to an existing marketplace listing but that gives errors. We are forced into the new SDK.
So I went ahead and enabled the apps market SDK, filled out all details including images of all sizes, add a COB extension for the contextual gadget and saved the whole thing.
A minute later I return to make a modification and dang... error: "We are looking into this.".
#Google: HELP !
UPDATE : I can reliably reproduce the error as explained here.
Enable Google Apps Marketplace SDK in your project
click on the gear icon, you will be directed to the old API Console
Fill out all details
Add a COB extension (Contextual gadget)
Save everything
Close the API console
Go back to your cloud console -> Google Apps Marketplace SDK
Click on the gear icon again
Tested with several google accounts on different computeres and multiple projects on the cloud console.
#jonathanberi could we have a status on this issue, please? We are experiencing the exact same issue and we are unable to publish our app (which is ready) because of this bug. We have tried both creating a new Google Apps console project from scratch as well as modifying a draft of a yet to be published page with the same result. Is any information that we could provide to help?
You must fill out parameter name and a paramter value or your cloud console will return errors and you will not be able to recover from this.
Ouch, that were 3 useless weeks....
