how to convert a windows phone application to panorama app? - windows-phone-7

I have a screen in my application which has GPS details. Now I am thinking I will add a map to this page. So I want to display this map when user swipes from left to right .I feel panorama app will be good for this. Any idea how do I convert this to panorama app ?

Create a new project and select the Panorama Template.
Then add the UI code of your old app, add as the Panorama item of new project. You can any no of Panorama items. Check this Panorama Control link


Is there a scrollviewer WP7 control which have categories title, which categories title stick on top of control when scrolling?

Is there a scrollviewer WP7 control which have categories title? The category title can stick on the top of the control when the content of this category scrolling in the view. Which can let user know current category of current scrolling content if the scrolling content is long. If current category content is scrolling up out of screen, the title of category will scrolling up with it.
I think you are refering to the "LongListSelector".
You can download this control from Windows Phone SilverLight Toolkit
Then follow one of the tutorials online. They are a bit lengthy for me to describe in detail here, so I'd recommend looking at working through one of these links (or google your own):
Windows Phone LongListSelector In depth
Windows Phone LongListSelector Walkthrough

WP7 Datepicker page - custom background

I want to use the WP7 toolkit datepicker and have my own custom background on the picker page. There are several examples that show the use of a custom page to replace the existing selection mechanism e.g.
But I don't want to do that - I simply want the picker page to have a different background (than the themed white or black) Can I do this easily. Or do I have to download the toolkit code and include that in my solution and adjust that?
In order to do that you will have to create a copy of the DatePickerPage.xaml file from the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit in your application, change it to meet your requirements, and then on your DatePicker control set the PickerPageUri proprety to the new DatePickerPage.xaml

show a group of thumbnails in windows phone 7 app

I wanted to ask what is the best way to show a group of thumbnails in wp7 app? Should I use stacks or lists or should i bind them to the content panel grid directly. I wanted to show 2 columns of thumbnails.
I feel you, you should use the
embedded in listbox's itemtemplate.
Which gives the View like Picture hub in WP7.
For more information on how to create use this link
Check for Wp7 Image listing.
or use this link to how to create the same

Using the Panorama for only part of the App

I'm new to WP7, coming from .Net/Silverlight.
I like the Panorama idea, which would work well with the application I have in mind. However, on the side of the panorama, I need to have a few other screens which do not interact with the main Panorama, so I was thinking of creating a menu at the beginning to select in which branch the user wants to go.
Can I use the Panorama app to meet this need, or do I need to do a classic app and handle myself the screen transitions?
You can do this with the panorama.
It's quite common for a panorama to have an item which is a menu containing links to other parts of the app.
This can help you have a better picture of how you can embed menu in your panorama control:

In WP7, how to Add Tile form My ListBox Item?

I try to add Tile form ListBox Item of my app:
Like Friend hub, Game hub...
Let User tap one item, show "pin to start",
then more Tiles on start page with different picture or word.
Is it possible ?
If you mean adding to the phone home screen, there can only be one tile for your app. This is added via the application list to the right of the home screen via tap and hold on your app icon.
Do you mean that you want to add more than one tile for your application to the home page in the same way that you can with map locations from the Map app and with notes from the OneNote application? If so, then you can't do this with the current development framework, though I personally hope that it will be available in the future.
