What are the jars needed for only Spring-MVC? - spring

I need to run the Spring-MVC in my scratch project. At the same time i have minimum memory area to store all the jar files. So any body recommend me only need for the Spring-MVC not any other jar files. Thanks in Advance.

according to maven, spring-webmvc 3.1.2 need following jar:
things provided by servlet container (f.e. servlet-api) are left out.



How can I download the third-party dependencies of spring-web.jar by maven?

The dependencies of Spring-web.jar do not contain third-party dependencies now. It only has other jar of spring framework. For example it depends on spring-core.jar. But the spring-web depends on some third-party jars. httpclient.jar is one of them. When I use maven to package my project that depends on spring-web, the httpclient.jar is not download automatically.
this is a segement of spring-web-5.2.15.RELEASE.pom.
I read the pom of spring-web in early version. I find that the denpendencies include httpclient.jar. But it is disappear in new version now. this is a segment of spring-web-5.1.8.RELEASE.pom.
How can I download the dependencies?

What all jars are required for Spring + jersey

I am wondering what all jars do I require to make Spring + Jersey work.
right now I had put the following jars in my buldpath.
Spring 4.0.6
But my application does not seem to be working. what shall I use instead to make it work.
If you want to use Jersey Spring DI support you will need to add the jersey-spring3 module. This is configuration and corresponding jars from my test project. Few of them may be optional.
<!-- Jersey -->
<!-- Spring 4 dependencies -->

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.util.ExpressionEvaluationUtils

I just upgraded a Spring MVC application, version 3.2 to a 4.0.2 and my view tags are not working anymore.
The error:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.util.ExpressionEvaluationUtils
The class ExpressionEvaluationUtils was deprecated in Spring 3.2 and removed in 4.x.
I'm running Tomcat 7.0.50 using Eclipse IDE.
What am i missing here?
Belo are some parts of my configuration.
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
If you haven't changed you JSPs when upgrading spring then you may have old compiled JSPs from the old spring version (the .tags.MessageTag. thing in you stacktrace). Clear your tomcat work directory to recompile the JSPs and try again.
You also need to update the spring-security dependencies to 4.0.n.RELEASE versions.
I just found out that you need to change the jsp-config web.xml to ignore-el = true.
It works now.

Maven dependency exclusion doesn't seem to work

I have a Maven project depending on couple other Maven projects. I am using Spring 3.1.1 in my project and dependent projects have 3.0.6. I am trying to exclude Spring 3.0.6 when deploying since having both isn't possible. I have added an explicit exclusion in my POM for that but for some reason I still see old version of spring core jars in the WEB-INF/lib folder when I start the Tomcat server. Can someone point me out where I am going wrong. Here is my pom.xml:
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
Your dependency type is war so there is no resolution happening here. Maven overlays the war contents over your project.
When the war is published to repository, the artifact will contain dependent libraries in WEB-INF lib folder. During overlay it does not treat lib folder any different from any static resource unless you tell it to exclude in different way.Check 'overlay' property here
In my case I thought I excluded the right dependency. With eclipse, on dependency hierarchy tab you can right click on it and click exclude artifact and it excluded the right dependency (they both had the same artifactId but different groupId)

how to exclude all artifacts from a group in maven?

I am using maven 3 with the Enforcer plugin configured to force version convergence. I am using Spring 3.1.2 and Spring Security 3.1.3.
The problem is that Spring 3.1.3 POM declares dependencies on Spring 3.0.7 because that is the minimum version need for spring security. This means that the enforcer plugin complains because the transitive dependency graph has both Spring 3.1.2 and Spring 3.0.7 in it.
The fix is to explicitly exclude spring 3.0.7 as a dependency of spring security so that the enforcer plugin in happy.
The code snippet below does just that, the problem with it is that I am having to repeat the same snippet over and over gain for each jar of spring security, this is tedious and makes the pom hard to read, is there a way to tell maven something along the lines.
for the dependency org.springframework.security no matter what artificatId ignore the dependency of the security framework on the spring framework?
This worked for me, excluding all artifacts for groupId org.springframework:
This probably won't help you much, but there is a feature request to allow wildcards in exclusions, however it is not in the current release version of Maven (3.0.4). (Edit: this feature is now present in Maven 3.2.1)
Interesting is a comment in this JIRA issue:
Not sure what's going on, but this seems to work in Maven 3.0.3, using this:
However, this produces these warnings:
[WARNING] 'dependencies.dependency.exclusions.exclusion.groupId' for my.groupid:my.artifactid:ejb-client with value '*' does not match a valid id pattern. # line 31, column 30
[WARNING] 'dependencies.dependency.exclusions.exclusion.artifactId' for my.groupid:my.artifactid:ejb-client with value '*' does not match a valid id pattern. # line 32, column 33
So I probably shouldn't be doing it, but it does work.
So you might be able to use an artifactId wildcard in Maven 3.0.3 or later and have it work, but with warnings and with no guarantee of compatibility with later versions.
I encountered the same problem. I think you should explicit include Spring 3.2.x in your pom.xml to enforce the spring version in level 0 when Maven solve the conflict jars.
Please refer to:
