Is there a way to use _T/TEXT "conditionally" inside a macro? - windows

This question is specific to Visual C++ (you may assume Visual C++ 2005 and later).
I would like to create glue code for a program from unixoid systems (FreeBSD in particular) in order build and run on Win32 with a minimum of changes to the original .c file. Now, most of this is straightforward, but now I ran into an issue. I am using the tchar.h header and TCHAR/_TCHAR and need to create glue code for the err and errx calls (see err(3)) in the original code. Bear with me, even if you don't agree that code using tchar.h should still be written.
The calls to err and errx take roughly two forms, and this is where the problem occurs:
err(1, "some string with %d format specifiers and %s such", ...)
/* or */
err(1, NULL, ...)
The latter would output the error stored in errno (using strerror).
Now, the question is, is there any way to write a generic macro that can take both NULL and a string literal? I do not have to (and will not) care about variables getting passed as the second parameter, only NULL and literal strings.
Of course my naive initial approach didn't account for fmt passed as NULL (using variadic macros!):
#define err(eval, fmt, ...) my_err(eval, _T(fmt), __VA_ARGS__)
Right now I don't have any ideas how to achieve this with macros, because it would require a kind of mix of compile-time and runtime conditionals that I cannot imagine at the moment. So I am looking for an authoritative answer whether this is conceivable at all or not.
The method I am resorting to right now - lacking a better approach - is to write a wrapper function that accepts, just like err and errx, a (const) char * and then converting that to wchar_t * if compiled with _UNICODE defined. This should work, assuming that the caller passes a _TCHAR* string for the variable arguments after the fmt (which is a sane assumption in my context). Otherwise I'd also have to convert %s to %hs inside the format string, to handle "ANSI" strings, as MS calls them.

Here's one solution:
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0502
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#ifdef _UNICODE
#define LNULL NULL
#define fn(x) myfn(L ## x)
#define fn(x) myfn(x)
void myfn(TCHAR * str)
if (str == NULL) _tprintf(_T("<NULL>")); else _tprintf(str);
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
return 0;


Why am i getting the followng error when I called getline() in my C code?

I am getting the following error
rudimentary_calc.c: In function ‘main’:
rudimentary_calc.c:9:6: error: conflicting types for ‘getline’
9 | int getline(char line[], int max) ;
| ^~~~~~~
In file included from rudimentary_calc.c:1:
/usr/include/stdio.h:616:18: note: previous declaration of ‘getline’ was here
616 | extern __ssize_t getline (char **__restrict __lineptr,
| ^~~~~~~
when I ran the following code
#include <stdio.h>
#define maxline 100
int main()
double sum, atof(char[]);
char line[maxline];
int getline(char line[], int max) ;
sum = 0;
while (getline(line, maxline) > 0)
printf("\t %g \n", sum += atof(line));
return 0;
What am I doing wrong? I am very new to C, so I don't know what went wrong.
Generally, you should not have to declare "built-in" functions as long as you #include the appropriate header files (in this case stdio.h). The compiler is complaining that your declaration is not exactly the same as the one in stdio.h.
The venerable K&R book defines a function named getline. The GNU C library also defines a non-standard function named getline. It is not compatible with the function defined in K&R. It is declared in the standard <stdio.h> header. So there is a name conflict (something that every C programmer has do deal with).
You can instruct GCC to ignore non-standard names found in standard headers. You need to supply a compilation flag such as -std=c99 or -std=c11 or any other std=c<year> flag that yout compiler supports.
Live demo
Always use one of these flags, plus at least -Wall, to compile any C code, including code from K&R. You may encounter some compiler warnings or even errors. This is good. Thy will tell you that there are some code constructs that were good in the days of K&R, but are considered problematic now. You want to know about those. The book is rather old and the best practices and the C language itself have evolved since.

What are the contents of the :ms-properties alternate data stream?

When you store a file in OneDrive, an :ms-properties alternate data stream is added. I opened an example stream using FlexHex (as shown in the image), but I can't tell what type of structure those bytes might represent. Does anyone know?
Actually, based on the 1SPS sequence, I think it might be a prop store or a shell bag or something. For reference. And this. But I'm not sure if that's right.
They are just serialized Windows properties. You can write and read these files (as streams) using builtin Windows implementation of IPropertyStore, for example using the PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore function
Here is a small sample console app that creates a test.props file with one property of string type:
#include <windows.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <atlcom.h>
#include <propsys.h>
#include <propkey.h>
#include <propvarutil.h>
// some COM error handling useful macros
#define WIDEN2(x) L ## x
#define WIDEN(x) WIDEN2(x)
#define __WFILE__ WIDEN(__FILE__)
#define SBTRACE wprintf
#define CHECKHR(expr) {hr=(expr);if(FAILED(hr)){ SBTRACE(L"HR FAILED line:%u file:%s\n", __LINE__, __WFILE__); goto cleanup; } }
#define HR HRESULT hr=S_OK;
int main()
CComPtr<IPropertyStore> ps;
CComPtr<IPersistStream> pstream;
CComPtr<IStream> stream;
// create the in-memory store
// define some PROPVARIANT value (here it's a string)
CHECKHR(InitPropVariantFromString(L"hello world", &pv));
// any property key would work
CHECKHR(ps->SetValue(PKEY_ItemNameDisplay, pv));
// get IPersistStream to be able to load or write
// create a file stream
CHECKHR(SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(L"test.props", STGM_WRITE | STGM_CREATE, 0, TRUE, nullptr, &stream));
// this sample only saves, but you can load from an existing stream
CHECKHR(pstream->Save(stream, TRUE));
return 0;
Here is the result:
1SPS is the signature for a serialized property store, which is essentially a key value pair type system. its a standard structure, so its easy to parse, although the data types can make it a bit of a challenge.
It looks like there are some GUIDs in there among the 4 or so. it would be easy enough to parse out those structures as similar things are used in shellbags. it certainly just looks like a series of 1sps blocks which makes it easy.
you already know my email, so if you can extract out a few of these ADS examples, zip them, and send, i can take a closer look. if its warranted, ill even write a new forensic tool to parse them

Make a exported function ansi and unicode aware in win32 dll with the use of TCHAR

I'm trying to make a win32 dll that are able to handle ansi and unicode depending what specify in the character set on properties. Unicode or Not Set. ANSI when building in Visual Studio.
The dll has the definition
extern "C" int __stdcall calc(TCHAR *foo)
The definition file is as follow
typedef int (CALLBACK* LPFNDLLCALC)( TCHAR *foo)
Inside the MFC Calling app i load the dll as this
HINSTANCE DllFoo = LoadLibrary(L"foo.dll");
LPFNDLLCALC lpfnDllcalc = (LPFNDLLCALC)GetProcAddress(DllFoo ,"calc");
CString C_SerialNumber;
TCHAR* SerialNumber = C_SerialNumber.GetBuffer(0);
I understand that i make something wrong in the C_SerialNumber.GetBuffer(0) to the TCHAR* pointer. Because in the debugger in the dll only show the first char is passed to the dll. Not the complete string.
How do i get CString to pointer that work in both ansi and unicode.
If change all my code to wchar_t or char in stead of TCHAR i get it to work. Put not with this nativ TCHAR macro.
As I see it you have two options:
Write the code entirely using TCHAR. Then compile the code into two separate DLLs, one narrow and one wide.
Have a single DLL that exports two variants of each function that operates on text. This is how the Windows API is implemented.
If you choose the second option, you don't need to implement each function twice. The primary function is the wide variant. For the narrow variant you convert the input from narrow to wide and then call the wide version. Vice versa for output text. In other words, you use the adapter pattern.
I suppose that you are imagining a third option where you have a single function that can operate on either form of text. Don't go this way. This way abandons type safety and will give you no end of pain. It will also be counter to user's expectations.
As David said, you need to export two separate functions, one for Ansi and one for Unicode, just like the Win32 API does, eg:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int WINAPI calcA(LPCSTR foo);
int WINAPI calcW(LPCWSTR foo);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Then you can do the following:
int WINAPI calcA(LPCSTR foo)
return calcW(CStringW(foo));
int WINAPI calcW(LPCWSTR foo)
HINSTANCE DllFoo = LoadLibrary(L"foo.dll");
LPFNDLLCALC lpfnDllcalc = (LPFNDLLCALC) GetProcAddress(DllFoo,
#ifdef UNICODE
CString C_SerialNumber;

Command-Line arguments not working (char, TCHAR) VS2010

I have following code:
int _tmain(int argc, char** argv) {
bool g_graphics = true;
palPhysics * pp = 0;
#ifndef PAL_STATIC
PF -> LoadPALfromDLL();
char a[] = "Bullet";
std::string aa;
aa = std::string(argv[1]);
PF -> SelectEngine(argv[1]);
// assert(false);
pp = PF -> CreatePhysics();
I am trying to read in the command line argument no. 1 in this line:
However, I only get the first letter of the argument. I have also tried changing
int _tmain(int argc, char** argv)
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR** argv), but then I get
error C2664: 'palFactory::SelectEngine' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'TCHAR *' to 'const PAL_STRING &'
PAL_STRING is just a std::string.
This might be a simple one, but I am not sure how to convert TCHAR to std::string, especially since TCHAR is something else depending on compiler /environment settings. Is anyone aware of an easy way to get the command-line arguments to work, such that I don't need to convert anything myself, i..e maybe by changing the tmain function?
Update: example of invoking on command line:
Yep. so the way I invoke this on command line is:
progname.exe arg1 arg2,
where arg1 is a physics engine I am trying to load, and arg2 is a dae(physics file with physics info), so I go, specifically:
progname.exe Bullet E:/a.dae
Stepping into the line "PF->SelectEngine(argv[1]);" gives the following code:
bool palFactory::SelectEngine(const PAL_STRING& name) {
printf("palFactory::SelectEngine: this = %p\n", this);
SetActiveGroup(name); // also calls RebuildRegistry
return isClassRegistered("palPhysics");
, in this case, when debugging, I can see that const PAL_STRING& name, i.e. the string, is just "B", instead of what I would expect it to be, which is "Bullet", my command line argument I have passed in the command line.
I've been plauged by this problem for years. The only solution I've been able to find is to NOT USE Visual Studio. I've had to fall back to using other compilers when I must be able to process command-line args. Specifically, I've been using the Digital Mars compiler successfully. It handles the command-line args correctly. I use the VS environment for intellisense and debugging, then compile with DMC to deploy.
---edit below---
Turns out, I just wasn't asking the right question. I finally asked the right question, and got the right answer! See link below.
What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++?

Setting up Visual Studio Intellisense for CUDA kernel calls

I've just started CUDA programming and it's going quite nicely, my GPUs are recognized and everything. I've partially set up Intellisense in Visual Studio using this extremely helpful guide here:
and here:
However, Intellisense still doesn't pick up on kernel calls like this:
#include <iostream>
#include "cuda.h"
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
__global__ void kernel(void){}
int main()
return 0;
The line kernel<<<1,1>>>() is underlined in red, specifically the one arrow to the left of the first one with the error reading "Error: expected and expression". However, if I hover over the function, its return type and parameters are displayed properly. It still compiles just fine, I'm just wondering how to get rid of this little annoyance.
Wow, lots of dust on this thread. I came up with a macro fix (well, more like workaround...) for this that I thought I would share:
// nvcc does not seem to like variadic macros, so we have to define
// one for each kernel parameter list:
#ifdef __CUDACC__
#define KERNEL_ARGS2(grid, block) <<< grid, block >>>
#define KERNEL_ARGS3(grid, block, sh_mem) <<< grid, block, sh_mem >>>
#define KERNEL_ARGS4(grid, block, sh_mem, stream) <<< grid, block, sh_mem, stream >>>
#define KERNEL_ARGS2(grid, block)
#define KERNEL_ARGS3(grid, block, sh_mem)
#define KERNEL_ARGS4(grid, block, sh_mem, stream)
// Now launch your kernel using the appropriate macro:
kernel KERNEL_ARGS2(dim3(nBlockCount), dim3(nThreadCount)) (param1);
I prefer this method because for some reason I always lose the '<<<' in my code, but the macro gets some help via syntax coloring :).
Visual Studio provides IntelliSense for C++, the trick from the rocket scientist's blog is basically relying on the similarity CUDA-C has to C++, nothing more.
In the C++ language, the proper parsing of angle brackets is troublesome. You've got < as less than and for templates, and << as shift, remember not long ago when we had to put a space in between nested template declarations.
So it turns out that the guy at NVIDIA who came up with this syntax was not a language expert, and happened to choose the worst possible delimiter, then tripled it, well, you're going to have trouble. It's amazing that Intellisense works at all when it sees this.
The only way I know to get full IntelliSense in CUDA is to switch from the Runtime API to the Driver API. The C++ is just C++, and the CUDA is still (sort of) C++, there is no <<<>>> badness for the language parsing to have to work around.
From VS 2015 and CUDA 7 onwards you can add these two includes before any others, provided your files have the .cu extension:
#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
No need for MACROS or anything. Afterwards everything will work perfectly.
I LOVED Randy's solution. I'll match and raise using C preprocessor variadic macros:
#define CUDA_KERNEL(...)
#define CUDA_KERNEL(...) <<< __VA_ARGS__ >>>
Usage examples:
I've been learning CUDA and have encountered that exact issue. As others have said, it's just Intellisense problem and can be ignored, but I've found a clean solution which actually removes it.
It seems that <<< >>> is interpreted as a correct code if it's inside a template function.
I've discovered it accidentally when I wanted to create wrappers for kernels to be able to call them from a regular cpp code. It's both a nice abstraction and removes the syntax error.
kernel header file (eg. kernel.cuh)
const size_t THREADS_IN_BLOCK = 1024;
typedef double numeric_t;
// sample kernel function headers
__global__ void sumKernel(numeric_t* out, numeric_t* f, numeric_t* blockSum, size_t N);
__global__ void expKernel(numeric_t* out, numeric_t* in, size_t N);
// ..
// strong-typed wrapper for a kernel with 4 arguments
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
void runKernel(void (*fun)(T1, T2, T3, T4), int Blocks, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4) {
fun <<<Blocks, THREADS_IN_BLOCK >>> (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
// strong-typed wrapper for a kernel with 3 arguments
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
void runKernel(void (*fun)(T1, T2, T3), int Blocks, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3) {
fun <<<Blocks, THREADS_IN_BLOCK >>> (arg1, arg2, arg3);
// ...
// the one-argument fun cannot have implementation here
void runKernel(void (*fun)(), int Blocks);
in a .cu file (you will get a syntax error here, but do u ever need a parameter-less kernel function? if not, this and a respective header can be deleted):
void runKernel(void (*fun)(), int Blocks) {
fun <<<Blocks, THREADS_IN_BLOCK >>> ();
usage in a .cpp file:
runKernel(kernelFunctionName, arg1, arg2, arg3);
// for example runKernel(expKernel, B, output, input, size);
