Command-Line arguments not working (char, TCHAR) VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

I have following code:
int _tmain(int argc, char** argv) {
bool g_graphics = true;
palPhysics * pp = 0;
#ifndef PAL_STATIC
PF -> LoadPALfromDLL();
char a[] = "Bullet";
std::string aa;
aa = std::string(argv[1]);
PF -> SelectEngine(argv[1]);
// assert(false);
pp = PF -> CreatePhysics();
I am trying to read in the command line argument no. 1 in this line:
However, I only get the first letter of the argument. I have also tried changing
int _tmain(int argc, char** argv)
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR** argv), but then I get
error C2664: 'palFactory::SelectEngine' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'TCHAR *' to 'const PAL_STRING &'
PAL_STRING is just a std::string.
This might be a simple one, but I am not sure how to convert TCHAR to std::string, especially since TCHAR is something else depending on compiler /environment settings. Is anyone aware of an easy way to get the command-line arguments to work, such that I don't need to convert anything myself, i..e maybe by changing the tmain function?
Update: example of invoking on command line:
Yep. so the way I invoke this on command line is:
progname.exe arg1 arg2,
where arg1 is a physics engine I am trying to load, and arg2 is a dae(physics file with physics info), so I go, specifically:
progname.exe Bullet E:/a.dae
Stepping into the line "PF->SelectEngine(argv[1]);" gives the following code:
bool palFactory::SelectEngine(const PAL_STRING& name) {
printf("palFactory::SelectEngine: this = %p\n", this);
SetActiveGroup(name); // also calls RebuildRegistry
return isClassRegistered("palPhysics");
, in this case, when debugging, I can see that const PAL_STRING& name, i.e. the string, is just "B", instead of what I would expect it to be, which is "Bullet", my command line argument I have passed in the command line.

I've been plauged by this problem for years. The only solution I've been able to find is to NOT USE Visual Studio. I've had to fall back to using other compilers when I must be able to process command-line args. Specifically, I've been using the Digital Mars compiler successfully. It handles the command-line args correctly. I use the VS environment for intellisense and debugging, then compile with DMC to deploy.
---edit below---
Turns out, I just wasn't asking the right question. I finally asked the right question, and got the right answer! See link below.
What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++?


Why _makepath_s does not return on error?

According to _makepath_s should return an error code on failure.
On my system this is not true, it gives an assert (Expression: (L"Buffer is too small" && 0)) and then terminates the program. In release it simply terminates the program.
The only way I found to keep my program running is to set an empty invalid parameter handler:
void myInvalidParameterHandler(const wchar_t* expression,
const wchar_t* function,
const wchar_t* file,
unsigned int line,
uintptr_t pReserved)
But this is not recommended. The docs say that this handler should abort the program.
And I also think that this modifies all secure function which is not what exactly what I want.
So is there a better way to get _makepath_s behave like the docs say?
TIA Michael
VS2017, MFC
A small sample:
char Path[_MAX_PATH];
char drive[_MAX_DRIVE] = "C:";
char dir[_MAX_DIR] = "Thisisaverylongdirname01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
char fname[_MAX_FNAME] = "Thisisaverylongfilename012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
char ext[_MAX_EXT] = "txt";
_makepath(Path, drive, dir, fname, ext);

I am having a problem passing arguments to execvp using sleep and fork

I asked a really terrible question last time so I will try and do better here. I have the following code:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int forkChild;
char* argList[] = {"10","20","30"};
forkChild = fork();
if(forkChild == 0)
I am having trouble getting the execvp line to work. It will not sleep at all. It seems that the trouble might be because the argList array is passing strings and not integers to execvp. If I plug an integer directly into sleep it seems to work fine.
Eventually my program should be able to pass any parameter to execvp, so I am not sure why there is a problem with argument types. Is there something to this that I am not seeing?

MFC - Display message

I'm trying to display a simple message within my first MFC application.
Strangely, the first sample doesn't work, instead the second one works correctly.
auto text = std::to_wstring(1).c_str();
MessageBox(text, NULL, 0); // Not ok, the message is empty
auto temp = std::to_wstring(1);
MessageBox(temp.c_str(), NULL, 0); // Ok, display 1
Can you explain why of this behavior?
Yes, in the first example, the wstring created by the call to std::to_wstring only has the scope of the line. After the line executes, it is out of scope and its value is dubious.
In the second example, the wstring is still in scope and valid and so the call to .c_str() works.
No, the other answer is wrong. Look at the implementation of c_str(). c_str() returns basically a LPCWSTR... call it a const WCHAR* or const wchar_t* or whatever. However, the return of c_str() is to an internal pointer of wstring. The problem is that after the line of code executes, the wstring returned from to_wstring() is not valid and so the the pointer returned by c_str() is garbage. For fun, try the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv)
auto temp = to_wstring(1).c_str();
wprintf(L"%s\n", temp);
auto temp2 = to_wstring(1);
wprintf(L"%s\n", temp2.c_str());
wstring ws = to_wstring(1);
auto temp3 = ws.c_str();
wprintf(L"%s\n", temp3);
I compiled the above from a VC++ shell prompt with: cl.exe cstr.cpp
If the other answer is correct, then the last line should have garbage or nothing output because according to the other answer, c_str() is a temp. But, if my answer is correct, then it should output 1 (which it does). If all else fails, look at the implementation source code.

Empty Working Set from cmd

I want to write a cmd script to periodically empty the working set from the command prompt. For now I empty the working set in the Rammap tool from sysinternals, but that can't be run by a script.
It's probably easiest to compile something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
std::cerr << "Usage: min_mem <process_id>\n";
return 1;
HANDLE process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_SET_QUOTA, false, atoi(argv[1]));
SetProcessWorkingSetSize(process, -1, -1);
...and then run it in your script, something like:
mem_min 1234
...but replacing 1234 with the process ID (in decimal) of the process whose memory you want to minimize.
That said: I'd ask that this answer not be upvoted, since it's really a pretty crappy answer to a question that's basically just a gimme the codez I've been weak enough to post it, but would prefer not to get any rep for doing so.

How do I convert a WCHAR * to a regular string?

So in Win32 API, I have my main function defined thus:
wmain(int argc, WCHAR* argv[])
I'm passing some arguments to it, and I'd like to execute a switch case based on the value of the argument, something like this.
wmain(int argc, WCHAR* argv[])
char* temp = argv[];
switch (temp) {
case "one": blah blah;
Of course, the temp=argv[] doesn't work, I'm looking for a suggestion to convert it. Right now I have an if-else-if thing going on, and it's VERY inefficient!
The reason I need to convert it is because I cannot execute a switch case on a WCHAR*.
Thanks for looking.
You can't execute a switch on a char* either. (But when you actually need to convert WCHAR* to char*, use WideCharToMultiByte)
You need to use if/else if with lstrcmpi, CompareString or some other string compare function.
Alternatively, use one of the parameter parser libraries like argtable or getopt
I am not sure if this is a good idea to do. A WCHAR* could contain unicode characters which cannot be mapped to a char* in a meaningful way. In case you want to ignore this, there is a forum post at which has some suggestions for converting from WCHAR* to char*.
Try converting it from std::wstring to std::string, its easy, maybe there is a shorter way.
Convert WCHAR* to std::wstring using std::wstring constractor, and then use one of std::wstring method to convert to std::String
Here's a quick example I wrote some time ago.
Create a new win32 console application and select ATL support. Add this and compile/run...
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
// A _TCHAR is a typedef'd, depending on whether you've got a unicode or MBCS build
// ATL Conversion macros are documented here
// Declare USES_CONVERSION in your function before using the ATL conversion macros
// e.g. T2A(), A2T()
TCHAR* pwHelloWorld = _T("hello world!");
wcout << pwHelloWorld << endl;
// convert to char
char* pcHelloWorld = T2A(pwHelloWorld);
cout << pcHelloWorld << endl;
return 0;
Of course, you can't switch on a string, but this should give you the info you need in order to read a WCHAR into a char. From there, you can convert to int easily enough..
Hope this helps ;)
