Visual Studio 2017 – Enterprise restarts on .Net Core Projects - visual-studio

Just installed Visual Studio 2017 – Enterprise Edition with the following workloads:
Universal Windows Platform Development
ASP.Net and Web Development
.Net Desktop Development
.Net Core cross-platform Development
After this installation, when I create a new .net core or .net standard project, the visual studio restarts while loading the project template.
Steps to create the behavior:
File ⇒ New Project ⇒ .Net Core ⇒ Asp.Net Core Application (.Net Core)
Visual Studio tries to load the selected template then suddenly it disappears and the windows show the dialogue box to Check online help, debug or close it.
Next, visual studio reboots to the start page.
This only happens when I select any .Net Core or .Net Standard project templates.
Much appreciate your help in advance.

I had the exact same issue. It turned out that when a .Net core or .Net standard project template is selected, it tries to restore the packages from NuGet and somehow it was unable to do that or clear the NuGet’s local cache.
Here are the steps to fix it:
Download NuGet
Open the command prompt as “Administrator” – this is important other
cache may not get cleared due to permission issues.
Navigate to the folder where the NuGet is downloaded
Run the following command to clear the cache
nuget locals all -clear
Open Visual Studio 2017
Create a new ASP.Net core project with default templates
Hope this helps!


.net core console app solution do not have project entry while creating new project in visual studio profession 2019

When i am creating .net core console app in visual studio profession 2019, its not showing any project under current solution. Images are enclosed for references. Please suggest.
I uninstall all the older .Net Core Sdk (i.e .Net Core Sdk 1.1.xx and .Net Core Sdk 2.2.xx) from my machine. After this i have only Microsoft .Net Core Sdk 3.1.101 install on my machine which installed at the time of vs 2019 installation.
Now i am able to see the project under current solution.

How can I create a windows forms project using .NET Core?

I'm migrating my project from .net Framework pro .net core.
I installed Visual Studio Community 2019 and .net core packages (Including .net core 3.0).
I have already followed the guidelines outlined but the selection I am oriented to do simply does not exist in Visual Studio Community 2019:
I did it in 2017, but the problem was not solved.
I also tried to create the form through the command:
dotnet new winforms -o FormCore
The project is created, but I can not open it. I have the error message:
The project file is incomplete. Expected imports are missing
I've already tried installing Visual Studio Community 2019. The problem persists.
If anyone can help me with the solution to this problem, thank you very much.
Are you using the preview version of visual studio 2019?
To be able to open winforms projects with .NET Core you have to have the preview version of it. The release version doesn't have support for desktop development in .net core 3.0
You should also enable the preview development with Visual Studio, to do it you should go to
Tools → Options → Projects and Solutions → .NET Core and check Use preview versions of the .NET Core SDK
Or depending on your vs version preview version in could be located in:
Tools → Options → Environment → Use preview versions of the .NET Core SDK

How to Migrate Old Visual Studio Project to Visual Studio 2017?

I try to open a visual studio project (c#) with CLR code for SQL Server from the Pluralsight course.
I get no error messages just warnings below after One-way upgrade on Visual Studio 2017.
Your project is targeting .NET Framework 2.0 or 3.0. If your project
uses assemblies requiring a newer .NET Framework, your project will
fail to build. You can change the .NET Framework version by clicking
Properties on the project menu and then selecting a new version in the
'.NET Framework' dropdown box. (In Visual Basic, this is located on
the Compile tab by clicking the 'Advanced Compiler Options...'
When I open a solution with single project inside I get message below
The Project Needs to be migrated
The Project Needs to be loaded
I tried editing csproj files with newer/older version numbers.
I tried different PCs with Visual Studio 2017 and Visual Studio 2015
Idea: Install Visual Studio 2010 as course was released in 2010 BUT I really do not want that.
When I got this issue, I tried reloading the project and when I did, it told me that I did not have an SDK installed and then it offered to install the SDK. Once I had the SDK installed, the project loaded and I was able to work with the project.

Can't open an MVC3 project in VS2012

I just installed visual studio 2012 professional (with Blend) and now I can't open a .NET MVC3 web project. The project does not load and says it is incompatible, despite the fact that other developers working on the same codebase are using VS2012 with no issue.
Furthermore, when I go to Solution -> Add -> New Project, I don't see the option to add a web project that I did with VS2010. This makes me think that I am missing some kind of web developer setting, extension, or add-in, but I can't figure out how to install that.
How can I fix my visual studio (or project) setup to allow me to open this project?
You do not appear to have installed a web version of visual studio.
I'm guessing you installed the Express version of either the Windows 8 Edition (which creates Windows 8 apps) or the Windows Desktop version (or maybe Windows Phone version).
If this is the express edition, download and install the Web Edition. If this is a Professional or higher version, then you may not have installed the right components.

Migrate Visual Studio 2008 project to Visual Studio 2010

Hi i want to move Visual Studio 2008 C#.NET project to Visual Studio 2010. My existing VS2008 project Solution have multiple projects.My vs2010 is a WPF project , i moved some core project VS2008 to VS2010 WPF project. Successfully convert and added into VS2010 project but i am not able to reference converted project.
You should be able to just open the project in Visual studio 2010. It will prompt you before it upgrades. I recommend making a backup (there is a checkbox in the upgrade wizard). Just follow the instructions in the wizard. It is fairly straightforward.
The upgrade only changes the solution/project file. You can still have the app be a .net 2.0 or 3.5 application by choosing the target framework in the project properties. When you upgrade to 4.0, however, is when you will need to do lots of regression testing. We upgraded an MVC 1.0 app to .net 4.0 and had problems with the renderpartialtostring approach. We had to rewrite portions of the app just to upgrade into 4.0.
Also, don't forget that if you upgrade a project, certain behavior of the newer version will be suppressed by means of property sheets. You can get back the proper (new) behavior by removing the InheritedPropertySheets element of each Configuration in the .vcproj files.
