Maintaining translations for a Chrome extension - internationalization

I'm thinking about using the internationalization support for Chrome extensions as described here.
The suggested way to make translations is to first create the English messages.json file, then copy it over and translate it into the given language.
My problem is that this works all right for the initial translation, but when there are already some translations and some changes happen in the extension I don't see an easy way to update the translations.
I guess I would need tools for these tasks:
detect new untranslated strings
detect strings changed in English that might need revision in other languages too
detect strings not used anymore
I guess by keeping around the original English messages.json file and using diff tools I could do this by hand, but I was wondering if there are any tools that can help with this.

You can try
We are using it.


Ace Editor Custom Syntax

This is my last attempt before I completely give up. I am trying to use the Ace Editor; so far it has worked really well for existing languages but I do not find the documentation good enough to guide me on how to create a custom syntax highlighter.
I know this is a very broad question, but can anybody point me in the right direction of a decent tutorial or some pointers on how the hell to get this custom highlighter working!?
The Ace Editor tutorial just mentions two files, doesn't really explain the content very well, where to put the files (as the lib/ace/mode folder doesn't exist in the pre-packaged version), or how to change the formatting etc.
Appreciate any help.
If you want to write your mode in packed mode, then you need to copy one of existing mode files, rename it to mode-mymode.js and use define("ace/mode/mymode", define("ace/mode/mymode_highlight_rules" instead of using several files

QT Application UTF8-strings in translation get displayed erroneous

We are using QT 5.5 successfully throughout our VC++ projects in VS2015.
Now, i am adding i18n thereto, using QTs Linguist tools to create my strings 2b translated and the resulting .qm files. I load the files through QTranslator object, the translation itself seems to work, but they get displayed wrongly.
As german is my mother tongue, I have to type several umlauts, beside any other special unicode-characters I definitely want to support.
As en example, I use linguist to translate over to über, and the resulting text in my application reads über. What I can surely recognize as an encoding mismatch.
I already had a look on the i18n example, which displays correctly for all of the provided languages, so I right now do not know what's wrong after I checked all file encodings.
Anyone any ideas? Or even has the same problems? Or had them but solved? Any suggestions were greatly appreciated!
This seems to be a Windows-specific problem.
Instead of using QString.toStdString() (what breaks the correct string), better use QString.toLatin1() at least for the languages to support yet.

Joomla: alternative content for an article

I've just started work on an existing Joomla! site, and have a requirement to add an alternative language version of an article. Note that this isn't a full-internationalization effort - we don't need every part of the interface translated - just the need to have another 'version' of an article. Ideally, though, this would include more than just the core content - for example, title. I don't really want to create a second article because, in essence, this really is just a single article, and I don't want things like comments to be split between two separate articles.
Does anyone know if this can be done using joomla core?
If not, can anyone recommend an existing component that will do this?
A good component for manage translations in Joomla 1.5 is Joom!fish. It allows you to do a whole internationalization that, as you said, isn't exactly what you want to do. However I like to think in the long run so, if there's more change, I have not to restructure again and again just because of I haven't thought it before. Hence, if I were you, I would like to use Joom!fish anyway.
Well, as a short fix - Google Translator works and can be installed into your template you're using.
Then you can set it to be hidden unless the users browser is set to use a different language as default - then a small pop-up box drops down and it asks to translate it using google translate.
If that's not the option you're looking for - joom!fish is a good component others rave about but I don't have much experience with personally. Outside of that I'm not really sure.
Hanny had a good idea that would be really easy to implement in an article with the right extension. You can use this extension -
This would allow you to easily create tabs with the translations available anywhere you have them. The page above uses the extension to display the tabs, it would be trivial to implement.

best HTML code sharing app

I've been searching google for a while to determine the most coder-friendly example boxes.
I'm wanting to share varying forms of ECMA script (JS for example) etc that provides the user with color coding and a simple way of copying the code. I know there are several out there, but I wanted to get some opinions from SOF since you guys probably have good experience with code.
so- What's the code-sharing tool you [would] use?
the solution
I ended up using Gist for complete snippets and am using Syntax Highlighter for *incomplete * code samples. There's a Drupal plugin for the Syntax Highlighter, but I dare say it's more of a pain to figure out the plugin than it is to just do things the old fashioned way (old fashioned being like 5 years ago..)
I use
Color coding — check
HTML, CSS, JS — check
Live demo — check
gist has syntax highlighting and users can download the files separately, as a zip archive or using git. You can embed the files easily on other sites.
Additionally, the site tracks changes and other users can add comments or fork a gist to change it themselves.

additional settings for wkhtmltopdf?

I am converting some docs to pdf using wkhtmltopdf (currently using perl and the command line versions). Is it possible to change the "PDF Producer", "PDF Version" and "Fast Web View" fields? The current defaults are "wkhtmltopdf", "1.4 (Acrobat 5.x)", and "No", respectively. I didn't see anything in the wiki page
Pass the following with the command line to see supported features: " --extended-help"
Not sure if those specific params are supported or not.
I patched wkhtmltopdf to support an additional flag recently, and it would be quite easy to add parameters to change those. I don't believe they are supported currently, though.
PDF Producer: Nope. Most apps want folks to know that particular app generated the PDF.
PDF Version: Nope, but trivial. The version number at the beginning of the file is just a courtesy really. What exactly are you after with this? Chances are you don't really need it. The PDF generated isn't going to acquire any features automagically just because the PDF claims to be this version or that. It's only really used so a viewer opening a newer PDF can say something like "I don't support this version, some stuff might not work". Because everything will work regardless (unless someone happens to have a VERY old version of Acrobat/Reader), I don't see the issue.
Fast Web View: Nope, and decidedly non-trivial. "Fast Web View" means everything needed to display the first page of the PDF is sorted to the front of the file, and there are various "hints" on where an app downloading the PDF can find this or that. It's not just a flag, not by a long stretch.
Zero for three. Sorry.
