How to generate random numbers with out repetition in windows phone app - windows-phone-7

here is the code for generating random numbers,but I am getting duplicate numbers,how can I overcome this.
void getnumbers()
Random r = new Random();
int[] trubyte = new int[4];
for (var x = 0; x < 4; ++x)
trubyte[x] = r.Next(1, 5);
b1.Content = trubyte[0];
b2.Content = trubyte[1];
b3.Content = trubyte[2];
b4.Content = trubyte[3];

Just get another random number if the method returns one that you already have.
void getnumbers()
Random r = new Random();
int num;
var trubyte = new List<int>();
for (var x = 0; x < 4; ++x)
num = r.Next(1, 5);
} while(trubyte.Contains(num));
trubyte[x] = num;
b1.Content = trubyte[0];
b2.Content = trubyte[1];
b3.Content = trubyte[2];
b4.Content = trubyte[3];
I'm using List instead of an array just because it offers the Contains method right away, not any other special reason.
This is not efficient if you want to generate a big list of random, unrepeated numbers (it's O(n^2) in the worst case) but for 4 numbers it's more than enough ;)

A random number generator function can return duplicates, because the output is random.
If you are using an RNG to generate numbers which must be unique, you will need to verify that they have not already been generated before using them.
Can't you use something like this [0] on Windows Mobile? It seems more practical than writing your own RNG.

You have to do it by yourself, that means checking if a number was already generated.

You can do it like gjulianm said, but it is a long list of numbers, say 1000 you would be wasting a lot of time. So if you want a randomized list of 1000 you could proceed the following way
Initialize an array trubyte of size 1000 with trubyte[0]=1,trubyte[1]=2 and so on...
Initialize a variable arraysize=1000
run a loop 1000 times in which first extract a random number k btw 0-(arraysize-1). Your random number is a[k] which you can separately in a list. Now swap trubyte[k] with trubyte[arraysize]. And finally decrease the arraysize by one.
Another way, if you don't want the numbers while in the loop is just to use the changed list after the execution of loop
void getnumbers(){
Random r = new Random();
int num;
int[] trubyte = new int[1000];
int finalList[] = new int[1000]
for (int x = 0; x < 1000; ++x)
int arraysize=1000;
for (var x = 0; x < 1000; ++x)
int k=r.Next(0, arraysize);
//use the finalList

we can use dictionary instead of hash-set in windows phone application.
below is the code for generating distinct random numbers.
static int[] GetRandomNumbersNonrepeat(int noOfRandomNumbers, int maxValue)
Dictionary<int, int> randomnumbers = new Dictionary<int, int>();
while (randomnumbers.Count < maxValue)
Random r = new Random();
int rnum = r.Next(1, maxValue+1);
if (!randomnumbers.ContainsValue(rnum))
randomnumbers.Add(randomnumbers.Count + 1, rnum);
int[] rnums = randomnumbers.Values.ToArray<int>();
return rnums;


Separate stream of numbers into groups of closer integers

I have a stream of numbers such as
[2872, 2997, 3121, 13055, 14178, 14302, 23134, 23382, 23507, 32832, 33677, 34017, 43415, 44246, 44374, 52866, 54035, 54158, 62835, 64243, 64936, 73110, 73890, 74014, 82809, 83771, 83899, 93436, 94765, 94891].
I would like to split it as follows:
[[2872, 2997, 3121], [13055, 14178, 14302], [23134, 23382, 23507], [32832, 33677, 34017], [43415, 44246, 44374], [52866, 54035, 54158], [62835, 64243, 64936], [73110, 73890, 74014], [82809, 83771, 83899], [93436, 94765, 94891]].
It is to be noted that the distance between the groups could be closer to each other, also the digits within a group could be farther away.
This is not an answer, but a way to look at your data, which should be insightful.
Original values:
Can't you just create a list of list of integers (or array of array) with size N/3 (N being the total of your numbers), and then just loop on this length and put the minimal number in it?
Something like this (I don't know what language you are using so I use c# as exemple):
int len = numbersStream.count();
List<List<int>> BigList = new List<List<int>>();
List<int> smallList = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
smallList = new List<int>();
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++i)
int value = Math.Min(numbersStream);
BigList will be : (2872, 2997, 3121), (13055, 14178, 14302) etc...
*Assuming you always have exactly %3 numbers, otherwise you just tune the algorithm to avoid exceptions
The solution is in java but basically what this does is find the average delta and groups everything in a subset if the difference between the two elements is smaller then that average. You can fine tune this process by changing how the averageDelta operates
ps. this solution assumes your input is at least 1 large and called temp
int[] diffrence = new int[temp.length-1];
for (int i=1; i < temp.length; i++) {
diffrence[i-1] = temp[i]-temp[i-1];
int averageDelta = (int) Math.round(;
List<List<Integer>> resultList = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> currentList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=1; i < temp.length; i++) {
if (temp[i]-temp[i-1] > averageDelta) {
currentList = new ArrayList<>();

How do I generate big random numbers in Dart?

The normal Dart Random class supports Random values up to (1 << 32) - 1, which is indeed quite big, but how can I generate numbers, which are much larger than this? (With much larger I mean ((1 << 32) - 1) * 10^50 or something like that.
You can do this by combining multiple random numbers; for example if you want a 64bit random number, you could do:
var r = new Random();
var random1 = r.nextInt(pow(2, 32));
var random2 = r.nextInt(pow(2, 32));
var bigRandom = (random1 << 32) | random2;
print(bigRandom); // 64bit random number
Be aware; if you're running outside of the Dart VM (using dart2js), then you'll be bound by JavaScripts number restrictions. If you need rally big numbers in JavaScript, you'll need a library (and the performance will likely suck).
I did is as rossum suggested: I generated numbers (in decimal system) concatenated them and parsed them and looked if they were among the allowed values ( < maxValue). Algorithm is:
int nextInt(int max) {
int digits = max.toString().length;
var out = 0;
do {
var str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
str += this._random.nextInt(10).toString();
out = int.parse(str);
} while (out < max);
return out;
Here is my implementation in case someone needs it in the future:
class BigRandom {
static final rnd = new Random();
static int nextInt(int max) {
if (max > pow(2, 32)) {
var charCount = max.toString().length;
var seperator = (charCount / 2).floor();
var leftHalf = int.parse(max.toString().substring(0, seperator));
var rightHalf = int.parse(max.toString().substring(seperator));
var rndLeft = nextInt(leftHalf);
var rndRight = nextInt(rightHalf);
return int.parse('$rndLeft$rndRight');
} else {
return rnd.nextInt(max);

Random number with no repetition

What I am trying to do is make it so that the game I am creating will randomly change characters every 5 seconds.
I got this working via a timer, the only problem is I don't want them repeating, I'm currently working on dummy code so it's just changing the screen colour, but how can I make it so that it doesn't repeat the number it just called?
if (timer <= 0)
num = rand.Next(2);
timer = 5.0f;
That is the current code and then in the draw I've literally just done "if num equals a certain number then change background colour".
I tried adding a prev_num checker but I can't get it to work properly (here it is)
if (timer <= 0)
prev_number = num;
num = rand.Next(2);
if (prev_number == num)
num = rand.Next(2);
timer = 5.0f;
Consider that if you're picking (for example) a random number from 1-5 then there are five possible outcomes, so you would use rand.Next(5) to select the zero-based "ordinal" or index of the outcome, then convert it into the range you actually want (in this case, by adding one).
If you want a random number from 0-4, excluding the number you just picked, then there are only four possible outcomes, not five - if the previous number was 3, then the possible outcomes are 0, 1, 2 or 4. You can then simplify your algorithm by choosing one of those four outcomes (rand.Next(4)) and mapping that ordinal to your desired range. A simple mapping would be to say if the new random number is below the previous number, return it as-is, otherwise (if equal or greater) add one.
int new_num = rand.Next(4);
if(new_num >= prev_num)
Your new number is now guaranteed to be in the same range as the previous number, but not equal to it.
Maybe just put it into a loop instead of a single check?
Also, I think because your timer was inside the else then it was not always
updated correctly.
if (timer <= 0)
tempNum = rand.Next(2);
tempNum = rand.Next(2);
while (tempNum == num)
num = tempNum;
timer = 5.0f;
Create an array of sequential numbers and then shuffle them (like a deck of cards) when your application begins.
int[] numbers = new int[100];
for(int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
numbers[i] = i;
Using a function to shuffle the list:
public static void Shuffle<T>(IList<T> list)
Random rng = new Random();
int n = list.Count;
while (n > 1) {
int k = rng.Next(n + 1);
T value = list[k];
list[k] = list[n];
list[n] = value;
You can then access them sequentially out of the list. They will be random as the list was shuffled, but you won't have any repetitions since each number only exists once in the list.
if (timer <= 0)
num = numbers[index];
timer = 5.0f;

how to avoid number repeation by using random class in c#?

hi i am using Random class for getting random numbers but my requirement is once it generate one no that should not be repeate again pls help me.
Keep a list of the generated numbers and check this list before returning the next random.
Since you have not specified a language, I'll use C#
List<int> generated = new List<int>;
public int Next()
int r;
do { r = Random.Next() } while generated.Contains(r);
return r;
The following C# code shows how to obtain 7 random cards with no duplicates. It is the most efficient method to use when your random number range is between 1 and 64 and are integers:
ulong Card, SevenCardHand;
int CardLoop;
const int CardsInDeck = 52;
Random RandObj = new Random(Seed);
for (CardLoop = 0; CardLoop < 7; CardLoop++)
Card = (1UL << RandObj.Next(CardsInDeck));
} while ((SevenCardHand & Card) != 0);
SevenCardHand |= Card;
If the random number range is greater than 64, then the next most efficient way to get random numbers without any duplicates is as follows from this C# code:
const int MaxNums = 1000;
int[] OutBuf = new int[MaxNums];
int MaxInt = 250000; // Reps the largest random number that should be returned.
int Loop, Val;
// Init the OutBuf with random numbers between 1 and MaxInt, which is 250,000.
BitArray BA = new BitArray(MaxInt + 1);
for (Loop = 0; Loop < MaxNums; Loop++)
// Avoid duplicate numbers.
for (; ; )
Val = RandObj.Next(MaxInt + 1);
if (BA.Get(Val))
OutBuf[Loop] = Val;
BA.Set(Val, true);
The drawback with this technique is that it tends to use more memory, but it should be significantly faster than other approaches since it does not have to look through a large container each time a random number is obtained.

Running times for sorting methods over multple arrays

I have various sorting methods that are all sorting the same 100,000 random number array.
I'm using the following method to find the runtimes of each
long insertionStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
long insertionFinal = System.currentTimeMillis() - insertionStart;
And the following for the random number arrary
int maxSize = 100000; // array size
Sortarr arr, iniArr; // reference to array
arr = new Sortarr(maxSize); // create the array
iniArr = new Sortarr(maxSize);
// insert random numbers
Random generator = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) iniArr.insert(generator.nextInt());
How can I modify this so that I can have each of them sort 100 arrays rather than just one, and count the time of each array? Eg. Run1 - 23ms; Run2 - 25ms; ... Run100 - 22ms
I have one final thing to do.
So each iteration sorts the array a few ways, let's say insertion, merge, and quick sort.
So say insertion = 300ms, merge = 200ms, and quick = 100ms. I need to, for each iteration, find which method sorted the fastest.
I know this is a simple min/max type thing that you do a thousand times in lower programming classes.
Would it be easier to throw each value into an array and use an array.min call? (Whatever it actually is, new to java syntax..)
Currently, it looks like you are creating the array and then repeatedly sorting using different functions.
You simply need to put all of that in a loop.
int maxRuns = 100;
int maxSize = 100000; // array size
for (int run=0; run<maxRuns; run++) {
Sortarr arr, iniArr; // reference to array
arr = new Sortarr(maxSize); // create the array
iniArr = new Sortarr(maxSize);
// insert random numbers
Random generator = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) iniArr.insert(generator.nextInt());
long insertionStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
long insertionFinal = System.currentTimeMillis() - insertionStart;
/* <more code goes here> */
You can use the index run while printing out your results.
You probably would be doing something like:
for (int try = 0; try < 100; try++) {
iniArr = new Sortarr(maxSize);
// insert random numbers
Random generator = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) iniArr.insert(generator.nextInt());
long insertionStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
long insertionFinal = System.currentTimeMillis() - insertionStart;
// print out the time, and/or add up the total
you'd still need the initialization beforehand. I guess I don't know why the array is cloned before it is sorted. Can you directly sort that array?
