What happened to the GUI for experimenting with OpenCV? - user-interface

There used to be a gui toolkit for experimenting with OpenCV image processing pipelines including code generation. I think it started with an "h". What is it called, and what happened to it?

I think I saw in the past a nice tool to test opencv functions, not so sure about the code generation.
Now i found this one, it looks decent:
This one looks nice but experimental:
And these, but look poor and ancient:
This one is dedicated to feature detecting module:

I think you refer to Harpia. It's available in Ubuntu applications if you enter OpenCV in SW repository (Ubuntu Software Center) search box

This is called HighGUI. You can find many docs in the web. Here's one of them: Load and Display an Image.


Run time AR image target creation for Unity

Is there an SDK that supports run time image target creation for Unity?
I have tried User Defined Target from Vuforia but it does not give me the option to save the image for future use.
8th Wall SDK has image target support. You can provide an image at runtime by simply provide the RGB pixels to the engine configure call.
8th Wall calls into your phone available native support. So if you have ARKit, it uses ARKit image detection. If you have ARCore, it will call into ARCore (arcore 1.2 has image detection support but it just got released so it will take the 8th wall team a bit of time to roll out its support). The nice thing is you write your code once and it will just work.
Note: I worked on this product as my day job and was involved with this specific feature. Feel free to add comment to this answer if you would like more info.
Creating your own with tools like OpenCV is an option, and relatively easy. You can do this using either packages like OpenCV for Unity on the Unity Asset Store or EmguCV (paid).
This requires more work and a bit more understanding of computer vision, but there's useful tutorials available and I believe both packages provide examples that would cover what you're after.

Linux on Dragonboard APQ8074

I have a DragonBoard APQ8074 with SnapDragon 800. I am able to successfully build Android and run some OpenCL related apps on this.
I am currently trying to build a linux kernel and load either Ubuntu or Fedora on this board.
It wouldbe really helpful if anyone could point me to suitable posts or guides.
I did look into Freedreno, it is really a good starting point, but i am still unable to understand the part of initrd/ramdisk img file.
Also the bootloader (similar to u-boot i assume), i am not clear which parts of it i need to update, if at all necessary.
Thanks in advance.
This might help http://whiteboard.ping.se/Android/Android. There's a few sections there that might be handy. I also found this other article that helped me understand intrd and intramfs a bit better if that helps. http://www.linux.com/learn/linux-career-center/114923-the-kernel-newbie-corner-qinitrdq-and-qinitramfsq-some-unfinished-business

Easiest image processing on Mac

I am looking for an easy way to process images as an app on Mac – e.g. tracking moving objects, finding objects/faces etc.
This was inspired by a recent SO post: How to detect a Christmas Tree?
What is the best language for me to code this in, and how would I do it? I don't have any money to spend on software. I am also a complete beginner to image processing!
I would suggest to get openCV and connect it to Xcode. Numerous resources can be found on the web or in book stores.
See for example:
OpenCV MacOS installation
OpenCV and iOS
OpenCV and Xcode
OpenCV and Xcode
I think ipython notebook, and one of the the open source python distributions are two tools to look at. Also, there are some talks from PyData on Vimeo on how to do image processing with python based tool.
One of the python modules you can look at is called scikit-image.
The advantage of the ipython notebook is speakers often post their talks, so if they share their notebooks you can download them and follow along. I did that with one of the image processing talks from pydata and most of the code and images worked.

Finding out with GUI toolkit was used?

This may be the wrong place...but since it's actually regarding a GUI toolkit I figured it might be appropriate here.
Anyways theres a Program (For anyones reference it's actually an automated modding thing for a game called Morrowind). Anyways it has a nice clean GUI layout, it's for Windows. And basically im trying to find out just what toolkit was used.
I've tried contacting the author, and I haven't seen anything about what was used mentioned anywhere. Is there any chance I could find out someway which toolkit was used in making this Program?
Or is that technically private information?
If the program runs on MS-Windows, Dependency Walker allows you to find out which libraries the program requires. The required libraries might give you a hint about which GUI toolkit was used.
On other platforms, ldd is often available and gives you similar information.
This only works if the GUI toolkit is dynamically linked.

Cross platform 2D graphics/game library

I'm looking for suggestions for a 2d game engine or library. I'm not picky about the language used but more about the capabilities of the library and the platforms it works on.
I would like to write one code base that would work on iOS, OSX, Android, Win and *nix. I understand there would be some platform specific code but I would like the bulk to be useable on all platforms.
I have looked around and I have some ideas but I'm looking for other opinions. Anyone have any ideas?
SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer) http://www.libsdl.org/
Here's a link to a list of game engines that might suit your needs.
I truly do not know if such a engine/framework exists. I think you are going to have to sacrifice a platform or two.
PyGame will run on everything you mentioned besides iOS.
That would be where I would start.
V-Play (I am part of the developer team) supports all your mentioned platforms from a single code base. A wide range of tutorials, examples, demos and full source code of some games that are already live in the App Stores will help you get started quickly.
