Magento module extension Model Resource Setup not found - magento

I'm trying to install the Magento Clever CMS module on a Magento install.
On my development environment I can install it without any problems, but on production I get an internal server error.
PHP Fatal error:
Class 'JR_CleverCms_Model_Resource_Setup' not found in /web/includes/src/Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup.php on line 234
So the Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup is not extended with the JR_CleverCms resource setup.
I've installed the module with modgit and double checked if all files are there and permissions of the files. Anyone got an idea what the problem could be?

This is due to compilation being enabled on your production environment, but that file has not been 'compiled' (copied to includes/src).
See this answer for a solution.


Can't install any theme Prestashop

I have install fresh versions of Prestashop and on my Linux computer and I can't install themes on any them. I have tried with these free themes Apparel and ST002 and I always get some error with a module of the type:
"Cannot install module XXXX. The module is invalid and cannot be loaded."
I think it has to do with something in my Prestashop installation, not with the themes themselves. But I don't have any idea where to start looking, could you please help me? This is getting me mad.
Thank you!
I had a similar problem. I was trying to install the theme by putting the theme's directory into the "themes" directory of my prestashop.
But the proper way to install a theme is by providing a zip file to the administration interface.
If you put the directory manually in "theme" you will also have to manually copy the modules inside the dependency directory of your theme to the "modules" directory of your prestashop.
Manually copying modules might not be enough since it won't call the "install" method on the modules.
Did you check the specs/requirements of the theme? Maybe the theme you want to install is not compatible with the current Prestashop version you using. Especially the version 1.7.6, there's alot of changes/update made.
After much try and error I have found a solution. I have taken each module folder under the dependencies directory of the theme and make a zip file with it. Then I have installed each module with the zip from the administration module dashboard. After installing all the modules, I'm able to install the theme without errors and everything works fine.
Check if those modules(which give errors) exist in a theme dependencies directory and remove them one by one from the directory and all dependencies from theme.yml file in a config directory. It just may be that themes are outdated and contain outdated modules

We cannot install extension in admin panel in Magento 2.3.2

We have installed magento 2.3 community edition in windows. We use Xampp 7.2.20. Magento installation is done successfully and admin panel is running fine. But when we try to install any extension from extension manager section it shows different errors. The errors is like as followings:
Step 1: Readiness Check
Error! You need to resolve these issues to continue.
Check Updater Application Availability
Updater application is available.
Check Cron Scripts
Cron script readiness check passed.
Check Component Dependency
Component dependency is correct.
PHP Settings Check *
Need Help? PHP Extension Help
PHP Extensions Check
missing PHP extensions. Hide detail
The best way to resolve this is to install the correct missing extensions. The exact fix depends on our server, your host, and other system variables.
Our PHP extension help can get you started.
For additional assistance, contact your hosting provider.
In some cases, you might have two PHP configuration files: one for the PHP command line and for the web server. If so, make the change in both php.ini files. For details, see the php.ini reference.
We cannot understand what is the problem in php extension and php settings. We cannot understand which extension, library, module is missing to install extension.
If any one has solution please give us.
Check the following modules are installed and enabled on your server. This are the required PHP extension for Magento 2
gd, ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later) or both

Magento Downloader hangs up while trying to install Mage_all_Latest

i have installed a magento Version since a few months, everything works fine.
Since a few weeks i'm trying to update Magento via the package Mage_All_Latest via the Magento Downloader, but nothing happens. I tried it in the last weeks with Version - and since today with the brand new - doesn't matter which - it doesn't work.
In the green status window it tells me "Checking dependencies of packages" - and that's it. No Error, no message - just nothing.
I tried this multiple times, nothing is going on - for hours!
The package is not in the /downloader/.cache-Directory.
When trying to upgrade single packages manually via downloader it always tells me things like
CONNECT ERROR: Package community/Cm_RedisSession conflicts with: community/Mage_All_Latest" - but i cannot update this package...!
There is enough space available on the server.
The downloader itself has no problems - i tried to install all available packages in different relations and some worked:
Checking dependencies of packages
Starting to download Lib_Varien- ...
...done: 157,974 bytes
Installing package community/Lib_Varien
Package community/Lib_Varien installed successfully
I cannot access the server via SSH.
Is there any other option to upgrade this package? do i have to download the full new Magento installation package and override all files manually? or can i download this "Mage_all_latest"-Package on the magentocommerce-Website and replace all files manually? Is there any other option?
Does anybody have an idea what to do?
There is no error message :-(
Thank you.
Can you access the server via FTP?
The magento downloader is garbage. You're better off downloading the extension from connect with this:
and then uploading the files

‘Mage_Magenotification_Helper_Data’ not found

I install extension Instant Search by Magestore.after that i see this error.(
Fatal error: Class ‘Mage_Magenotification_Helper_Data’ not found in /home/****/public_html/app/Mage.php on line 546
I am facing this problem. I have installed Product Instant Search .
Please help me.
If you still get this error-message, you have to install the Magenotification Extension from Magestore.
To install the extension, checkout the extension from google code:
svn checkout my-wholesale-read-only
then copy the directory my-wholesale-read-only/app/code/local/Magestore/Magenotification to your /app/code/local/Magestore/ directory and create a Magestore_Magenotification.xml under app/etc/modules/.
Double check all the module files have been uploaded properly, refresh all the caches and ensure the compiler is off (or recompile). It is most likely the XML cache needs refreshed or the compiler needs recompiled.

Error whilst installing magento extension- package file is invalid

We are trying to install a custom extension into Magento that I have packed up.
I can install it locally without issue but my client is getting the below error in Magento connect:
CONNECT ERROR: Package file is invalid
"./app/code/local/" already exists
This extension is for the community channel.
Any idea what is going on?
It looks like your packaged version thinks it needs to create the local folder, except this (standard-ish) folder already exists in your client system. I'd check your packaging settings and make sure there's no instruction that app/code/local be added as a stand alone item.
