We cannot install extension in admin panel in Magento 2.3.2 - magento

We have installed magento 2.3 community edition in windows. We use Xampp 7.2.20. Magento installation is done successfully and admin panel is running fine. But when we try to install any extension from extension manager section it shows different errors. The errors is like as followings:
Step 1: Readiness Check
Error! You need to resolve these issues to continue.
Check Updater Application Availability
Updater application is available.
Check Cron Scripts
Cron script readiness check passed.
Check Component Dependency
Component dependency is correct.
PHP Settings Check *
Need Help? PHP Extension Help
PHP Extensions Check
missing PHP extensions. Hide detail
The best way to resolve this is to install the correct missing extensions. The exact fix depends on our server, your host, and other system variables.
Our PHP extension help can get you started.
For additional assistance, contact your hosting provider.
In some cases, you might have two PHP configuration files: one for the PHP command line and for the web server. If so, make the change in both php.ini files. For details, see the php.ini reference.
We cannot understand what is the problem in php extension and php settings. We cannot understand which extension, library, module is missing to install extension.
If any one has solution please give us.

Check the following modules are installed and enabled on your server. This are the required PHP extension for Magento 2
gd, ImageMagick 6.3.7 (or later) or both


Update joomla 3.4.5 to 3.7.5 and get error 500

I have tried to update from 3.4.5 to 3.7.5 but only get error 500 when I press the button. I have tried to import the update as a zip file, but then I got errormessage 403 access denied. When I tried to update whit the tar.bz2 file I got errormessage:
I using PHP version 5.4.45 and MySQL version 5.1.73.
How do I update my Joomlapage?
These are possible causes:
Check your options on Admin Tools or any other security/firewall extensions you have. Since this is a one time install, you might just try disabling the entire component/plugin for a minute to run upgrade.
Check your .htaccess file. Again, you can just temporarily remove and try to run upgrade.
Your PHP version might contribute as well since Joomla 3.7 recommends PHP 5.6+: https://downloads.joomla.org/us/technical-requirements-us

Installing YAML for PHP in IIS

I am trying to install the YAML 1.2 extension to PHP 5.6 under IIS 10 (Windows 10). I am using http://pecl.php.net/package/yaml/1.2.0/windows to download the files.
I have downloaded the PHP 5.6 non-thread-safe DLL (x86 to match my version of PHP), copied php_yaml.dll to my extension directory, copied yaml.dll to C:\Windows\System32 (which is reported as one of the paths in phpinfo()) and added extension=php_yaml.dll to my php.ini. I've verified with phpinfo() that the correct php.ini file is being loaded, and commenting out other extensions removes them from the output of phpinfo().
However, YAML doesn't appear in the output of phpinfo() and the functions are not loaded. Running php-cgi.exe -v from the command line gives a warning:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\PHP\php_5_06_14\ext\php_yaml.dll' - The specified module could not be found.
in Unknown on line 0
The file exists at the location specified and the permissions appear to be correct. What else can I do to get it working?
As far as I can tell, the use of PECL as package manager is being in dropping.
Having to install extensions in a server makes things more complicated and it depends on the environment, permissions, etc.
I'm sure someone could help you solve that (I haven't work on windows in years, so I can't)
But, instead I suggest you another solution. Maybe you can opt for it, maybe you have to stick with the extension, but, in case you can actually look for other option, I suggest you to use another library.
And, you could use Composer to install your libraries, I suggest you take a look at it.
Again, it may be for you or not, but I think this would be a lot easier.
I hope that helps.
I put the path to my extension directory in the path environment variable. That fixed the issue for me.

Can't install php Composer, complaining about openssl

I'm trying to install Composer. However, it's giving me an error about "...openssl extension is missing..." (please see screenshot)
In my wampserver configuration I've enabled openssl extension (please see screenshot)
Please advice.
The composer download, as far as I remember, uses the PHP CLI (Command Line Interface) so in fact you have to include the php_openssl module into the PHP.INI used by the PHP CLI.
So edit the php.ini in the \wamp\bin\php\phpx.y.z folder. You have to do this manually you cannot use the menu liks on wampmanager.
Just remove the comment # from column 1 of this line

PHP extension “mcrypt” must be loaded.

I am installing magento CMS, and am trying to install the files. I am getting this error when I am in configuration mode.
PHP extension “mcrypt” must be loaded.
I am used to activating this extension by removing ; from extension=php_mcrypt.dll in php.in, but the problem is still present.
Why would this be happening and how do I fix this problem?
I recommend to restart the web server.
Run php file with
and check whether there is a mcrypt extension, if no check path for right php.ini file.

cannot install or use ZeroMQ library

I am working on Debian Linux / Apache (a VPS at Dreamhost). I have tried to install ZeroMQ (version 3.2.3) as per these instructions. At the first glance, it looks like everything went well.
The sudo make install command proudly reports back that (among others)
Libraries have been installed in: /usr/local/lib
Indeed, here is the ls of /usr/local/lib:
libzmq.a libzmq.so libzmq.so.3.0.0 php python2.5 site_ruby
libzmq.la libzmq.so.3 ocaml pkgconfig python2.6
In order to use ZeroMQ I have added to my php.ini:
extension = /usr/local/lib/libzmq.so
But when I run PHP, I get:
PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) '/usr/local/lib/libzmq.so
What am I doing wrong?
As per djf's answer, I worked my way through the instructions for PHP bindings (building from Github). Those seem to work. But then, when I run PHP I get:
PHP Warning: PHP Startup:
zmq: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP compiled with module API=20100525
These options need to match in Unknown on line 0`
Now what?
update 2
Oh, wait a minute. I may know what that is. Dreamhost has PHP 5.2 on the command line. I need PHP 5.4, so I have been calling PHP like so /usr/local/php54/bin/php (this is apparently where the PHP 5.4 executable resides).
However, commands like configure and make use the ordinary, standard PHP. So I needed to upgrade CLI PHP to 5.4.
After that, everything worked. Thanks for the help, everyone!
Seems like you've only installed the C library, hence the error:
PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) '/usr/local/lib/libzmq.so
You also have to build the PHP bindings. Check these instructions on howto build them.
I do this for windows but i thinks linux is same.
Just go to http://pecl.php.net/package/zmq/1.1.2/windows and download package that fit with your php version.
Then extract it and coppy 'libzmq.dll' to 'xampp/php' folder, 'php_zmq.dll' to 'xampp/php/etc'.
At the end of 'php.ini' add following line:extension=php_zmq.dll
Don't forget restart your xampp!Good luck
