Email attachment in Oracle BI Publisher? - oracle

The send button in BI Publisher (Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Release will send the generated report into the body of an email. We have to manually key in email parameters like to, cc, etc.
Is there a way we could attach a document say pdf here (without bursting)? I am sure we can burst attachments with bursting. Kindly tell me if there is any other way, we could attach a document while sending the report as email by clicking on the send button

Don't use Send. You can run the report and have it sent as an attachment in the email. In order to do this click on the Schedule link on the top right hand corner while you are in the report.
This will take you to a page where in the Time section (see below) you can either run immediately or schedule it to run automatically daily/weekly/monthly, and then in the Delivery section specify your To, CC, Subject etc. and then Click on "Submit".
This way your report will be emailed as an attachment based on your template type (i.e. as PDF if your template is rtf, as Excel if your template is Excel)


I want to use Image tracker in my Emails to track recipients who opened the mail or not. I use mail merge on outlook, so how can I put tracking image?

We do multiple email marketing activities to numerous recipients every day. Thus, I was looking forward to track how many recipients have opened my email. My development team has given me an API, through which I can generate unique image links for all the recipients and send them through mail merge field. Currently, when I am sending emails to recipients with unique image links, the image is rendering in the email content but I don't get any insight in my backend API.
Usually, I use Mail Merge on Word to run the campaigns. And I use Microsoft Outlook as email operator.
I tried to add the image in my mail content through the "IncludeImage" command on word and in the file URL I called the merge field from the connected datasheet. But when I am running the campaigns the image is appearing but I am not getting any tracking in my backend database.

Create an HTML file from body of an email using Cloud Flow Power Automate?

We receive order requests from some customers embedded in the email body rather than an attachment. In Outlook, I can manually save the message as HTML. I configured Power Automate to create a file from the email. I'm not sure what format it is but it isn't HTML as if I saved it directly from Outlook. I've already wrote SQL code to parse the HTML message. Redoing it in this different format is problematic because the source code doesn't align like the manually saved file.
It needs to run as a cloud flow so calling an Outlook macro from PA Desktop is not a solution.

Outlook New Message - Text Area Below Toolbar

I am creating an addin for Outlook.
I want to check some text on sending, but im not sure how to reference it
The text is in the image below and says “Attachment will be sent using...”
If the text equals the text displayed, i want to do something.
Thanks for any advice.
The Outlook object model doesn't provide anything for reading mail tips. But you may consider using EWS for getting mail tips. See Using MailTips in EWS to get the OOF (Out of Office) Status of users with C# and Powershell for the sample code.
FYI MailTips are informative messages displayed to users in the infobar in Outlook Web App and Outlook 2010/2013/2016 when a user does any of the following while composing an e-mail message:
Add a recipient
Add an attachment
Reply or Reply all
Open a message from the Drafts folder that's already addressed to recipients
To configure MailTips for mailboxes, external contacts, and distribution groups, in the Exchange Control Panel, select the mailbox, external contact, or distribution group, click Details, and then in the MailTip section, create the MailTip.
To configure MailTips for mail users and dynamic distribution groups, in Windows PowerShell, use the MailTip parameter on the Set-MailUser and Set-DynamicDistributionGroup cmdlets.
Regardless of whether you use the Exchange Control Panel or Windows PowerShell, two things always happen when you add a MailTip to a recipient:
HTML tags are automatically added to the text. For example, if you enter the following text: This mailbox is not monitored. The MailTip automatically becomes the following: <html><body>This mailbox is not monitored.</body></html>
The text is automatically added to the MailTipTranslations property as the default value. If you modify the MailTip text, the default value is automatically updated in the MailTipTranslations property.
Read more about that in the Configure MailTips article.

Setting Activity Category on Email tracked from Outlook to CRM

I'm using Dynamics CRM 2015 ( and Outlook 2016 (16.0.7766.7080) with the CRM for Outlook ( addin.
What I am trying to achieve is to give users the ability to specify an Activity Category against an email which they Track and Set Regarding from Outlook.
Currently, upon tracking and setting regarding on an email in Outlook, an Email Activity is created against the specified Entity record (let's say an Opportunity) in CRM, which is fine. The problem is that I cannot find any way to allow the user to specify an Activity Category for that created Activity either during the Track/Set Regarding process, or even after the Activity is created in CRM.
Is what I'm trying to achieve possible and if not, is there any other way to achieve a similar result, so that users can specify some value from a set of options against an email when they track it from Outlook to CRM, so that value can then be used for reporting purposes?
Basically there is no way of adding some custom functionality to Tracking Emails from Outlook. So you cannot add anything in Outlook plugin that will allow you to perform some operation on CRM side to set the Category right.
You can always make a plugin/workflow on Email creation in CRM and based on some email properties (topic, content, recipients etc.) set this category by youself - but of course users still will be unable to change it.
When email is created in CRM, it's disabled (because it usually already has been sent), but you can still modify it using workflows and dialogs. So you can always create a Dialog ( and there you can prompt for proper category and set it on the email. So I can see a scenario like that - you have a view of Emails that are not categorized (or a Queue, where you put them in a plugin when user is tracking email from outlook). You pick Email, click "Start Dialog" which will be called "Set Category" or whatever, and set the category. Of course after this operation Email will vanish from the view. You can always create a reminder for the users to set the category for their mails, this should be included in new users training etc. Without any hardcore custom coding I think that's the only thing you can do (because if you don't mind writing more complex stuff you can always prepare some custom HTML5 control on Email form that will allow you to set the category field).

sending or storing reports in Dynamics CRM 2015

I need your help: Can we set up a daily "list of report" of all reports created per day which will be sent by email or stored on a server?
Do you have any idea how I can do it?
I want to know if there is a standard feature that can do it, if not, what do you suggest as a solution.
I had a requirement, where i needed to execute a report on SQL
Reporting server and send that report excel to some vendor through
I did it this way through a custom workflow,
for detail blog
Click Here
I did't write the email part of the code, but you can find here how to
send an email through smtp with a file as an attachment.
Click Here
