Installing Visual Studio 2012 on x64 machine: use x64 build? - visual-studio

I just got my new MSDN subscription up and running, and was wondering something about when I go to install all my dev tools: Is there any specific reason I should install Visual Studio x64 over x86? I'm on an x64 machine, but I can obviously compile to any platform I want no matter what architecture VS is compiled for. I can't think of any reason VS would be using more than 4GB of RAM. Is there some sort of special case that necessitates an x64 build of VS? All I can think is maybe some game development scenarios where the debugger is dealing with huge amounts of memory at once.

Keep in mind that there is no 64-bit Visual Studio as Rico Mariani explains. That should not be a big deal because you can specify 32-bit, 64-bit or Any CPU when creating your applications in Visual Studio.


Installing both Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable packages (x86 & x64) at the same time

We are looking to start building internally used software in 64 bit, and found this morning that installing the x64 VS 2013 redistributable either uninstalls or makes inaccessible the x86 dlls. We have a lot of software and do not want to rebuild everything in one go for a hard cutover. Is there a reasonable way to install both versions of the redistributable packages so they co-exist, so that a migration may be done instead of a hard cut from one build to the other for everything? Development machines with Visual Studio 2013 installed have no issue, as it provides both sets of dlls and makes them both accessible at the same time.
After installing VC++ 2013 update for an x86-based application, the x64 Visual C++ 2013 runtime libraries are missing.
For example, Installing the “Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 x86 v12.0.30501” removes binaries for non-target architectures i.e “Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 v12.0.21005” x86 and x64!
The 12.0.30501 version of the VCRedist can be downloaded from
Resolution - install
This fix makes sure that both versions of the Visual C++ redistributable are visible when you add or remove programs after installation of the update.
Affiliation - Microsoft Support Engineer
Turns out the issue seems to be the x64 redistributable clobbering the registry entry. The registry entries for the redistributables can be found here:
When x86 version is installed, it adds it's own key to whatever exists. When the x64 version is installed, it deletes the other keys (in this case the already installed x86 key) and then adds it's own. The dlls are there, just not properly referenced so they can be used.
The quick solution here is to install the x64 redist first, THEN the x86 version, and then both will be usable without issue.
Why the x64 clobbers but the x86 doesn't is beyond me.
First install x64 redistributable and then x86, it fixes the problem.

Can i open a 32 bit visual studio project in a 64 bit enviroment?

Can i open a 32 bit visual studio project in a 64 bit environment?
I am running Visual Studio on a 32 bit Windows 7 version. My question is if someone with a 64 bit Windows version can open my project.
I have the Visual Studio 2012 ultimate edition.
I use Visual Studio for web development with C#.
Yes. Visual Studio project files are not tied to CPU architecture.
Executing that project is a different matter. If the project itself is a 64-bit C++ application, you will need a 64-bit machine on which to run it, but the machine will still be able to open the project, see the files and compile it.
Yes. Any project on 32bit can be run on 64bit windows. But you cant run a 64bit project on a 32bit windows. Hope you got the answer.

Build C++/C# created with Visual Studio 2012 without VS 2012 being installed?

If I have a Visual Studio Solution file of VS2012 with few C++ native projects and a few C# projects, can I build this solution without installing Visual Studio 2012 itself?
This would ease (among other things) the maintenance on our Build-Server nodes.
You will need to install VS2012 Express.
Based on Microsoft documentation:
The Windows SDK no longer ships with a complete command-line build environment. You must install a compiler and build environment separately. If you require a complete development environment that includes compilers and a build environment, you can download Visual Studio 2012 Express, which includes the appropriate components of the Windows SDK.
There's also SharpDevelop... That should be able to build whatever you need. You may need to install the SDK, too- not sure. But it's quite a bit more lightweight than VS (express or not). And there's always Mono (and MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio) for the C# and LLVM, MinGW and LCC for the C/C++ compilation, should you feel Microsoft's compilers have cooties. LLVM just released their first version for Windows not long ago, but it seems pretty solid... MinGW has been working on Windows for ages (and cross-compiling to Windows from various POSIX OSes, to boot). LCC can be slightly flaky at times, but it's tiny. I think the licensing is a bit restrictive, too, but you'll want to check yourself if that's the route you intend to go.
Also... just found this: Walkthrough: Using MSBuild to Create a Visual C++ Project.

Visual Studio 2010 choose version to Download? (x86/x64)

Generally wondering if there are multiple versions of Visual Studio 2010 to download i.e. I can only find x86 and unsure if this is the version I want for Win7 x64 [which I am running]
Are there multiple versions available or is the only release version x86 which just install x64 components?
There won't be x64 version of VS2010. For some explanations take a look at Rico Mariani's blog post.
As far as I know there is no 64 bit version of Visual Studio 2010.
According to the article "customers are better off running the development platform in 32-bit emulation mode on top of 64-bit Windows. And while saying nothing about 64-bit support beyond Visual Studio 2010, the lesson for developers is don't hold your breath for x64 VS."
Not that answer you wanted.
There is no x64 version of Visual Studio...
In summary, there's no lift from a 64-bit compiler or IDE.

Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 on 64-bit Machines?

I know many have asked the same question but I am still confused that does Visual studio 2008 or 2010 works with 64-bit computers?
Here in this post the answer is that he can run Visual studio on Windows 64 bit OS? How?
Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 both work perfectly on 64-bit machines using the x86 installation.
Yes. They run on 64-bit machines. The included compiler can create 32-bit or 64-bit output.
Both run on 64bit.
Though if you use the Edit and Continue functionality it won't work for 64bit apps and on a 64bit OS it seems to default to 64bit apps so you have to remember to change the target if you want to use that functionality.
Both can run on 64-bit machines.
Visual Studio is not available in 64 bit version, so internals will be in 32bit and they can run in 64bit (WOW enabled).
Also compiler can generate 32bit and 64bit output.
