Visual Studio 2010 choose version to Download? (x86/x64) - visual-studio-2010

Generally wondering if there are multiple versions of Visual Studio 2010 to download i.e. I can only find x86 and unsure if this is the version I want for Win7 x64 [which I am running]
Are there multiple versions available or is the only release version x86 which just install x64 components?

There won't be x64 version of VS2010. For some explanations take a look at Rico Mariani's blog post.

As far as I know there is no 64 bit version of Visual Studio 2010.
According to the article "customers are better off running the development platform in 32-bit emulation mode on top of 64-bit Windows. And while saying nothing about 64-bit support beyond Visual Studio 2010, the lesson for developers is don't hold your breath for x64 VS."
Not that answer you wanted.

There is no x64 version of Visual Studio...
In summary, there's no lift from a 64-bit compiler or IDE.


How to edit code when debugging a 64 bit

I'm using Visual Studio 2012, Vb. I try to use edit-and-continue (edit the code while debugging), and get this exception:
"Changes to 64-bit applications are not allowed"
And targeting the x86 platform, doesn't work.
What can I do? Any suggestion?
Edit + Continue in VS2012 is only supported for 32-bit code, as it has been since VS2005.
This will be changing soon, E+C for 64-bit managed code will be supported in VS2013. Currently in preview.
Edit and Continue is now officially available in Visual Studio 2013 for both 32-bit and 64-bit.

which Visual Studio version is the earliest one to support 64bit compilation?

is it Visual Studio 2005?
The reason why I ask is because I've inherited some old code (written with VS 6) that now needs to be compiled to run on a 64bit system. Unfortunately the code won't compile with VS 2010 so I'm trying to use the oldest possible version.
VS2002 (v7.0) was the earliest, tho I'd recommend VS2003 (v7.1). You may have issues installing either one on Win 7 tho.

Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate for x64?

I have an x64 machine and an MSDN subscription. I want to download VS2010 Ultimate. However, I'm not seeing an x64 version on the subscriber downloads page. Why might this be? Am I missing something?
It's because there isn't one. Here is a discussion:
There is no 64-bit version of VS2010. Can't find a good prooflink, only this one:
EDIT: but it does include everything you need to create 64bit apps -- just like 2005 did. Except on 2010, I believe, the cross-compile stuff is installed by default.

/analyze flag in Visual Studio 2010 Professional

Running Visual Studio 2008 Professional it is possible to enable static code analysis using the /analyze flag (even though this is not supported for the Professional version according to the documentation).
In Visual Studio 2010 Professional this no longer works. Instead there is a default /analyze- flag added (one I can't find a GUI setting for). This does not work as well as the VS2008 version (or at all).
Can anyone shed some light into this? What does the new /analyze- flag do and is there any way to enable the old analysis?
The compiler in 2010 is the non-enterprise one. VS 2008 happened to ship with the enterprise compiler. (Compare the output of cl /?)
/analyze- turns off static analysis. What you could do is see if the latest Platform SDK ships with the enterprise compilers (they did in the past), and configure your paths in VS to use them instead.
It can still be done by using the SDK and installing the latest compiler update, see:
Note that if you're using an x64 system, you'll need to manually set your environment to x86 mode (as x64 is the default) to get /analyze to work.
Upgrade to VS 2012 or VS 2013. They support /analyze in the professional SKU and it supports /analyze for both 32-bit and 64-bit. See my /analyze blog post for details:

VS2008 on Windows 7 RTM with x64 compiler broken

I am having trouble getting x64 compilation to work on Windows 7 RTM (64-bit) with Visual Studio 2008 Professional (both with and without SP1). I have not installed the Windows 7 SDK, as Microsoft suggests might be the issue. The problem is that there are no x64/64-bit choices in the Configuration Manager of Visual Studio.
I do not have the "Microsoft Visual C++ Compilers 2008 Standard Edition" suggested in the link above installed on my computer. Any ideas what might fix this?
I have checked that I have the x64 compiler and tools installed with Visual Studio.
Solution found: Uninstall VS completely and reinstall. Issue resolved after SP1 installed (again). Very strange.
Are you using VS 2008 Express Edition?
You can add the x64 targets to the build configuration manually by downloading the Windows SDK (which include all the x64 compilers/linkers/libs/headers/... ) and following the instructions in this link:
Did you make sure to include the 64 bit toolset as part of the Visual Studio install? This toolset is an optional component that can be disabled during the initial install process. I believe you can add it back in by going through a Visual Studio repair process.
Original Answer
Are you using a clean windows 7 RTM install or did you upgrade from a previous version? There is at least one issue being reported by Visual Studio customers who upgraded an earlier build of Windows 7 to RTM.
Other, seemingly unrelated issue
