Image/Picture on a messagebox C# - image

Is it possible to add a picture to a messagebox in C# besides the customized buttons?
How do I put the picture I want as a custom Icon?

It is not possible.
Instead you can use a Form to show the image. You message box will be just like any other form in your application.

It is useful to have such type of facility while coding with C#, but reality is it is not as relevant as we think.
a good practice is to use Forms instead of putting things in MessageBox.
Try it I hope it helps !!


Vaadin - Is there a possibility of using overlays for my own forms?

I have an idea to making a form (in Vaadin 14 LTS)which would overlaid main layout for better user experience (like LoginOverlay). The thing is, vaadin-overlay is meant only for internal use and I presume I can't use that for my own form... Is there other way to make overlays?
Thanks in advance :)
You can use the Dialog to make an overlay. See for code examples.

MvvmLight and CustomMessageBox

Is there a proper mvvm way to show CustomMessageBox from the view and get callback from it?
This sample is quite nice, but it uses hardcoded MessageBoxButton (only Yes/No/YesNo are avaivable, but i need custom buttons).
This contains lots ofuseful info about Messages in MvvmLight, but DialogMessage is also showing only YesNo sample (also no custom buttons).
Figured out that Cimbalino toolkit (Cimbalino saves the day again!) has quite nice custom messagebox.

How to create a custom messagebox in windows phone 7 that allows for a hyperlink

I'm looking for a way to have a hyperlink that's inside my be something the user can click on. Is it possible to build this behavior in if I subclass Messagebox?
EDIT: Tried to keep things simple, here is more detail.
This is not possible through the standard message box offered in wp7. The best way is to create your own message box. This is pretty simple, you can follow the example in my blog post. My blog does not explain adding a hyperlink, but this can be easily done by adding the hyperlink into the control and add another parameter to the Show method.

How To Create Messagebox Manually?

With VB6, I want to make a messagebox manually so that I could modify its format and style with my own... Can anyone give me a tutorial[website] for this?
Any tutorial on building a VB6.0 form will do. Google is your friend.
Try this one:
Create a form as you would normally, when you open it, you open it modally, this is the only difference.
You can make your own procedures to open it with given parameters if you wish.
aerohn, I did kind of already answer this question in your previous question:
Modifying Messagebox?
Try some code for the new message box form, and if you run into problems with it then ask a question about those problems. It's pretty simple, though... just make a form, throw on a label, size and color it however you'd like, and create a button or two to close the form. From your recent previous questions it looks like you know how to make a decent looking form; I think you can do this pretty easily.
Good luck!

TextBox in MessageBox in Windows Phone 7

Is it possible to insert a TextBox for the user to input text on top of a MessageBox in Windows Phone 7?
No - it isn't
But the "Input Prompt" in might help you. See the overview at
I've used the "Input Prompt" for a situation similar to this and I had no problems. This should work as suggested by Stuart. Also Stuart is right that this is NOT possible at this time.
You might also want to check out Telerik controls, RadWindow for WP7 to be specific should address the problem nicely. Only thing is that these are commercial so you'll have to purchase a license.
But if you want to create your own from scratch I watched a video, "Creating a Custom Popup", on that can get you started nicely. Basically it gives you the "pop up" and you can add any other controls you need inside of it.
Bear in mind all these solutions can be styled and positioned to "imitate" the look and feel of a messagebox like you wanted. Hope this helps.
This is not possible in native MessageBox. You can try Coding4Fun library as mentioned before.
An alternative solution is the InputPrompt which can be found in Telerik library (you will have to pay for this one though).
