How to create a custom messagebox in windows phone 7 that allows for a hyperlink - windows-7

I'm looking for a way to have a hyperlink that's inside my be something the user can click on. Is it possible to build this behavior in if I subclass Messagebox?

EDIT: Tried to keep things simple, here is more detail.
This is not possible through the standard message box offered in wp7. The best way is to create your own message box. This is pretty simple, you can follow the example in my blog post. My blog does not explain adding a hyperlink, but this can be easily done by adding the hyperlink into the control and add another parameter to the Show method.


How to add RichText editor to a page as component in HippoCMS?

I'm creating some project using HippoCMS 10 and I need to add RichText editor as part of the page, so that customer can use it and fill something there. This editor must act exactly the same way as in Document Editor (customer can click Image button in toolbar and select image from ImagePicker dialog box).
Can't find anything about it in HippoCMS official documentation. I learned how to create custom plugins and how to integrate CKEditor into page separately, but for image picking, I need default behaviour as in Hippo.
How can I achieve this? Any help will be appreciated!
I think your question was answered on the community group. The answer there was:
"it should be quite easy to have a CKEditor in the website.
However, it doesn't really make sense to me to have site visitors able to pick CMS documents and images from the site. The picker dialogs are designed to work inside the CMS only. You should be able to create your own picker dialog that can read from a REST service that exposes the images/documents.
I don't think it will be possible to reuse the CMS picker dialog in the site."
"your use case is fine, when I said "it doesn't really make sense", I was really referring to the technical limitations of the pickers. You should be able to achieve what you want with a custom dialog that plugs into a REST service though. Unfortunately there is no quick solution for this that I can think of."
Just adding this for future reference.

MvvmLight and CustomMessageBox

Is there a proper mvvm way to show CustomMessageBox from the view and get callback from it?
This sample is quite nice, but it uses hardcoded MessageBoxButton (only Yes/No/YesNo are avaivable, but i need custom buttons).
This contains lots ofuseful info about Messages in MvvmLight, but DialogMessage is also showing only YesNo sample (also no custom buttons).
Figured out that Cimbalino toolkit (Cimbalino saves the day again!) has quite nice custom messagebox.

Where can I find Windows Live Style comment box for Windows Phone 7?

I am looking for a nice comment box, instead of creating something with textbox and a button. Windows live photos has a nice comment box under each photo, it is one line with a small triangle on left bottom , which makes it look like dialog box from comic books. It also has send button on the right inside the box so no additional buttons. How can I do something like this ?
It is not that easy to find ready-to-go templates for input controls, so why not create your own? You can start by reading this MSDN article. All you need is learn the basics of templating and then you'll be able to reproduce the style you want.

How to create a view for a single control?

What is the best way to create a view for a single control that I need to load into a Shell region in a Prism app. I know I can wrap the control in a UserControl, but I suspect there may be a better way.
I am working on a demo app to learn Prism 4. Each module will load a navigation button into an ItemsControl in a region in the Shell. These navigation buttons will function like the Mail, Calendar, and other buttons in Outlook.
I am creating the view in each module that will hold the module's navigation button. The simplest way to create the view seems to be to wrap it in a UserControl. My question is this: Is there a better way to do it? Thanks for your help.
If you need graphical control, what you are doing is the way to go. If you find yourself making all of the buttons look the same (copy - pasting) you might find that a menu registration service is the way to go.
You'd have a service like IMenuService that you register with your container and modules can come around and register menu items to. You can then create buttons for the module. I've provided a sample for this here:
Your question, though, seems to be about whether or not you need to wrap a control in a UserControl to register them with a region? If that's the question, I believe the answer is no, although you might amend your question to tell us what you are running up against that makes you think this.
I ended up wrapping the control in a UserControl, and it seems to work fine. I am still interested in seeing if there is a better way to load the button, so I will hold this question open for a few days.
Edit 02/22/2011: I tried using a control without a UserControl wrapper, and I got the following error:
Library project file cannot specify ApplicationDefinition element.
I wrapped the control in a UserControl and the error went away.

CTaskDialog hyperlinks in vc++

Hi I am using CTaskDialog class in my MFC application. I am trying to customize it.
In this if i want to add hyperlinks, as of now there is no specific provision for this. But to add the buttons we can use "AddCommandControl" and can handle the button.
If I want to implement similar to this AddHyperlinkControl and want to handle can any suggest how i can achieve it. My goal is I want to handle the click event of that hyperlink. Please share your suggestions if any one tried this.
Hi I am mainly looking for button alternative with hyperlink. Please share your suggestions.
Thanks a lot.
If you would want to have a hyperlinks in a dialog and would want to handle the click event on it, You should be using SysLink common control (CLinkCtrl)... Check this out -> SysLink common control
